1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >pdf 奇數頁插入頁碼_如何在Word 2013中的奇數頁碼上啟動新部分

pdf 奇數頁插入頁碼_如何在Word 2013中的奇數頁碼上啟動新部分

pdf 奇數頁插入頁碼

pdf 奇數頁插入頁碼


When working on a long document or a book in Word, it’s common to divide the document into sections or chapters. A common practice is to start each new section or chapter on an odd page. This is easily accomplished using sections in Word.

在Word中處理長文件或書時,通常將文件分為幾節或幾章。 通常的做法是在奇數頁上開始每個新的章節。 使用Word中的部分可以輕鬆完成此操作。

We’ll show you how to add a new section break for a new odd page at the start of a section. If you already have sections in your document, don’t worry. We’ll also show you how to convert current section breaks into odd page section breaks.

我們將向您展示如何在部分開頭為新的奇數頁新增新的分節符。 如果您的文件中已有部分,請不要擔心。 我們還將向您展示如何將當前的分節符轉換為奇數頁分節符。

To insert a new odd page section break into your document, put the cursor at the start of the first line of your new section or chapter and click the Page Layout tab on the ribbon.



In the Page Setup section, click Breaks and select Odd Page from the drop-down menu.



A Odd Page Section Break is inserted into your document. If you don’t see the break, it may be at the end of the previous paragraph. Put the cursor at the end of the paragraph and press Enter to move the section break to the next line.

奇數頁分節符將插入到您的文件中。 如果看不到中斷,則可能在上一段的末尾。 將游標放在段落的末尾,然後按Enter鍵以將分節符移至下一行。


As we mentioned earlier, you may have already inserted section breaks into your document. You can preserve your current section breaks by converting them to Odd Page breaks.

如前所述,您可能已經在文件中插入了分節符。 您可以通過將當前的分節符轉換為奇數頁分節符來保留它們。


To convert a section break to an Odd Page section break, put the cursor in the section you want to change. Click the Page Layout tab (if it’s not already active) and click the Page Setup button in the lower-right corner of the Page Setup section to open the Page Setup dialog box.

要將分節符轉換為奇數頁分節符,請將游標放在要更改的節中。 單擊“頁面佈局”選項卡(如果尚未啟用),然後單擊“頁面設定”部分右下角的“頁面設定”按鈕以開啟“頁面設定”對話方塊。


On the Page Setup dialog box, click the Layout tab. Select Odd page from the Section start drop-down list and click OK.

在頁面設定對話方塊,單擊版式選項卡。 從“節開始”下拉列表中選擇“奇數頁”,然後單擊“確定”。


Notice that the section break changes to an Odd Page section break.



Word will automatically add a blank page at the end of a section or chapter to make sure the next section or chapter starts on an odd page.


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/192576/how-to-start-a-new-section-on-an-odd-page-number-in-word-2013/

pdf 奇數頁插入頁碼