1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >如何將Android通知同步到PC或Mac


If you’re working at your computer and your phone goes off, you can grab it, unlock it, and check the notification, likely throwing off your workflow. Or, you could just sync your notifications to your computer, so they show up right there—which really makes a lot more sense.

如果您在計算機上工作並且手機關機,則可以將其抓住,解鎖並檢查通知,這可能會中斷您的工作流程。 或者,您可以只將通知同步到計算機,以便它們在那裡顯示,這確實有意義。

Update: On Windows 10, you can now sync Android notifications to your PC without any additional software. Just use the built-in Your Phone app.

更新:在Windows 10上,您現在可以將Android通知同步到您的PC,而無需任何其他軟體。 只需使用內建的Your Phone應用即可

Fortunately, this is a pretty simple task thanks to a tool calledPushbullet. Now, I’ll tell you right now: Pushbullet doesa lot

more than just sync notifications to from your phone to your computer—thankfully we havea piece that covers Pushbullet in detail. But for now, let’s dig into notification syncing in a bit more detail.

幸運的是,這要歸功於一個名為Pushbullet的工具,非常簡單。 現在,我會告訴你現在:Pushbullet做了很多的不只是同步通知更多地從手機到電腦,值得慶幸的是,我們有一塊覆蓋Pushbullet詳細

。 但是現在,讓我們更詳細地研究通知同步。

第一步:安裝Pushbullet應用和擴充套件程式 (Step One: Install the Pushbullet App and Extension)

The first thing you’ll need to do is get Pushbullet going on both your phone and your computer. It’s a free installfrom the Google Play Storeon your phone, so go ahead and grab that now.

您需要做的第一件事就是讓Pushbullet同時在手機和計算機上執行。 它是您手機上Google Play商店的免費安裝程式,請立即進行操作。

On the computer side of things, however, you havea couple of options. Regardless of what platform you’re using (Windows, Linux, Mac, Chrome OS, etc.) you can use the Chrome, Firefox, or Opera extensionsfor your browser. This should cover everything for most people.

但是,在計算機方面,您有兩種選擇。 無論您使用哪種平臺(Windows,Linux,Mac,Chrome OS等),都可以為您的瀏覽器使用Chrome,Firefox或Opera擴充套件。 對於大多數人來說,這應該涵蓋了所有內容。

If you’re a Windows user, you can also use theWindows app, which is a standalone application instead of a browser extension. Really, it just incorporates itself into the operating system a bit more.

如果您是Windows使用者,則還可以使用Windows應用程式,它是一個獨立的應用程式,而不是瀏覽器擴充套件程式。 實際上,它只是將自身更多地整合到了作業系統中。

Either way, it’s your decision on what you do. For this tutorial, however, I’ll be usingthe Chrome extensionsince it’s the most universal solution.

無論哪種方式,這都是您決定做什麼的決定。 但是,對於本教程,我將使用Chrome擴充套件程式,因為它是最通用的解決方案。

第二步:在電話上設定Pushbullet (Step Two: Set up Pushbullet on the Phone)

Once you have it installed, you’ll need to get everything set up. Go ahead and fire it up on your phone.

安裝完畢後,您需要進行所有設定。 繼續並在手機上啟動它。

When you launch it, the first thing you’ll need to do is sign in, which you can do with either your Google or Facebook account. Regardless of which one you choose here, you’ll need to use the same login on your computer (when we get to that part).

啟動它時,您需要做的第一件事就是登入,您可以使用您的Google或Facebook帳戶進行登入。 無論您在此處選擇哪一個,都需要在計算機上使用相同的登入名(當我們進入該部分時)。

Once you’ve signed in, you’ll need to give Pushbullet access to your notifications. Click “Enable” on this first screen, which will redirect you to the Notification Access settings page.

登入後,您需要授予Pushbullet訪問通知的許可權。 在第一個螢幕上單擊“啟用”,這會將您重定向到“通知訪問”設定頁面。

Here, go ahead and slide the toggle (it might be a checkbox instead) to allow Pushbullet access to all notifications. A warning will pop up, letting you know that this will give Pushbullet the ability read all of your notifications. That’s part of the deal here, so if you want to show notifications on your PC, click “Allow.”

在這裡,繼續並滑動切換開關(它可能是一個複選框)以允許Pushbullet訪問所有通知。 將會彈出警告,告知您這將使Pushbullet能夠讀取所有通知。 這是此交易的一部分,因此,如果您想在PC上顯示通知,請單擊“允許”。

This should toss you back into the Pushbullet setup, where you’ll allow it to mirror incoming phone call details—just tap “OK” then approve the following permissions (Phone and Contacts). Done.

這應該使您重新進入Pushbullet設定,在那裡您將允許它映象傳入的電話詳細資訊-只需點按“確定”,然後批准以下許可權(“電話”和“聯絡人”)。 做完了

The next step will not only allow you to see your text messages, but also reply to them. If you’re into that, tap “Enable,” then allow the SMS permission.

下一步不僅可以檢視簡訊,還可以回覆簡訊。 如果您對此感興趣,請點按“啟用”,然後允許SMS許可權。

Once you’re finished with the initial set up, you’ll need to actually enable full notification mirroring. To do that, open the menu by sliding in from the left or tapping the three lines in the upper left corner. From there, choose “Notification Mirroring.”

完成初始設定後,您將需要實際啟用完整的通知映象。 為此,請通過向左滑動或點選左上角的三行來開啟選單。 從那裡選擇“通知映象”。

To enable mirroring, slide the first toggle to the on position. If you only want notifications to mirror when you’re on Wi-Fi, go ahead and toggle the second one too. Lastly, if you don’t want to see silent notifications on your computer, you can turn that option off.

要啟用映象,請將第一個開關滑動到開啟位置。 如果您只想在使用Wi-Fi時映象通知,請繼續並切換第二個通知。 最後,如果您不想在計算機上看到靜默通知,則可以關閉該選項。

Fore more granular control, you can tap the “Choose which apps to enable” option and pick which apps you’ll actually see synced notifications from. That’s cool.

要進行更精細的控制,您可以點選“選擇要啟用的應用程式”選項,然後選擇您實際將看到同步通知的應用程式。 這很酷。

第二步:在計算機上設定Pushbullet (Step Two: Set Up Pushbullet on the Computer)

At this point, you should already have the Pushbullet Chrome extension installed, which is what I find to be the easiest way to use the application. Again, if you’re using something different—like the Firefox extension or Windows app, for example—things may look a little bit different. But for the most part, the setup processshouldbe the same.

此時,您應該已經安裝了Pushbullet Chrome擴充套件程式,這是我發現使用該應用程式的最簡單方法。 同樣,如果您使用的是其他功能(例如Firefox擴充套件程式或Windows應用程式),則可能看起來有些不同。 但在大多數情況下,設定過程應該相同。

The extension should show up as a little icon in Chrome’s toolbar. It’s a green circle with a whimsical little bullet in it. Click that. It will prompt you to sign in on Pushbullet.com (which you can also use to interact with Pushbullet’s various options on your phone). Just remember to log in with the same account you used on your phone!

該擴充套件程式應在Chrome的工具欄中顯示為一個小圖示。 這是一個綠色的圓圈,裡面有一個古怪的小子彈。 點選那個。 它將提示您登入Pushbullet.com(您也可以使用它與手機上的Pushbullet的各種選項進行互動)。 只需記住使用您在手機上使用的相同帳戶登入即可!

Once that’s done, you’re in. There shouldn’t be any additional setup on the computer. Your notifications should show up as a tooltip-style notification on your computer moving forward.

完成後,您就可以進入。計算機上不應有任何其他設定。 您的通知應以工具提示樣式的通知形式出現在您的計算機上。

第三步:傳送測試通知並訪問過去的通知 (Step Three: Send a Test Notification and Access Past Notifications)

Just to make sure everything is working properly, go ahead and jump back into the Notification Mirroringsettings on the phone. The bottom option should read “Send a test notification.” Go ahead and tap that.

為了確保一切正常,請繼續並跳回電話上的“通知映象”設定。 底部選項應顯示為“傳送測試通知”。 繼續點選。

A notification should show up on your computer. Boom, you’re done there.

通知應顯示在您的計算機上。 繁榮,到此為止。

With everything up and running, you can access your non-dismissednotifications in the Pushbullet extension by clicking the “Notifications” tab.


And that’s pretty much all there is to it.


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/190702/how-to-get-all-your-android-notifications-on-your-pc-or-mac/