1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >android同屏到pc_Windows 10現在可以將Android通知同步到您的PC

android同屏到pc_Windows 10現在可以將Android通知同步到您的PC



Person using Android notification sync on a Windows 10 laptop

If you have an Android smartphone and a Windows 10 PC, you can now sync your Android phone’s notifications to your PC and see them on your desktop. This feature was previously in testing, but is now available to everyone.

如果您擁有Android智慧手機和Windows 10 PC,則現在可以將Android手機的通知同步到PC並在桌面上檢視它們。 此功能以前曾在測試中,但現在每個人都可以使用。

To use this feature, you’ll just need to set it up in the Your Phone app. The Your Phone app also lets you sync photos to your PC and text from your PC. A future version—already in testing—will let you mirror your Android phone’s entire screen to your desktop and interact with it from your PC. If you use Android, we highly recommend setting this app up—especially now that notification-mirroring is finally available.

要使用此功能,只需在“電話”應用中進行設定。 您的手機應用程式還允許您將照片同步到PC上,並從PC上同步文字。 將來的版本(已經在測試中)將使您可以將Android手機的整個螢幕映象到桌面,並可以通過PC與之互動。 如果您使用的是Android,我們強烈建議您設定此應用,尤其是現在終於可以使用通知映象了。

Notifications have arrived! With the Your Phone app, you can now receive and manage your Android phone’s notifications on your PC. Get Your Phone app from the Microsoft Store here:

https://t.co/E56Z8eVdIR pic.twitter.com/ovlKi1QOJy

通知已到! 藉助您的手機應用程式,您現在可以在PC上接收和管理Android手機的通知。 從此處的Microsoft Store獲取您的Phone應用: https: //t.co/E56Z8eVdIR pic.twitter.com/ovlKi1QOJy

— Windows Insider (@windowsinsider) July 2, 2019

— Windows Insider(@windowsinsider) ,2019年7月2日

Don’t worry, it’s not all-or-nothing—you can choose exactly which app notifications you want to sync to your Windows 10 PC. Dismissing a notification on your PC will also dismiss it on your phone, so you won’t have to dismiss the same notification twice.

不用擔心,這不是全部或全部—您可以精確選擇要同步到Windows 10 PC的應用程式通知。 在PC上取消通知也將在手機上將其關閉,因此您不必兩次取消相同的通知。

The Your Phone app is compatible with Windows 10’s April 2018 Update (version 1803), October 2018 Update (version 1809), and May 2019 Update (version 1903). If you install the app and don’t see the feature yet, wait a day or two—these things roll out gradually and not everyone will get the new features all at once.

Your Phone應用程式與Windows 10的2018年4月更新(版本1803),2018年10月更新(版本1809)和2019年5月更新(版本1903)相容。 如果您安裝了該應用程式,但仍未看到該功能,則請等待一兩天,這些事情會逐步推出,並且並不是每個人都會一次獲得所有新功能。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/427431/windows-10-can-now-sync-android-notifications-to-your-pc/
