1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >outlook ios日曆_如何從Outlook 2013中的日曆中刪除假期

outlook ios日曆_如何從Outlook 2013中的日曆中刪除假期

outlook ios日曆

outlook ios日曆


Have you added holidays to your calendar in Outlook and now you want to remove them? Maybe you added holidays from a country or religion you didn’t mean to add, or you just don’t need to see the holidays on your calendar.

您是否已將假期新增到Outlook中的日曆中,現在要刪除它們? 也許您添加了原本不想新增的國家或宗教節日,或者只是不需要在日曆上檢視節日。

We have previously showed you how to add holidays to your calendar. Now, we’ll show you how to remove them.

前面我們已經向您展示瞭如何在日曆中新增假期。 現在,我們將向您展示如何刪除它們。

If your calendar is not currently active, click the Calendar button on the Navigation bar.



Click the View tab.



In the Current View section, click Change View and select List from the drop-down menu.



If you want to delete one holiday (or just a few holidays), right-click on the holiday to delete and select Delete from the popup menu.


NOTE: No prompt is displayed to confirm your choice to delete one or more holidays, so be sure you want to do this.



If you want to delete all the holidays in your calendar, click Categories in the Arrangement section of the View tab.



All your calendar items are grouped into categories, Holiday being one. Right-click on the Categories: Holiday header and select Delete from the popup menu to delete all holidays from your calendar.

您所有的日曆專案都分為幾類,“假日”是其中一類。 右鍵單擊“類別:假日”標題,然後從彈出選單中選擇“刪除”以從日曆中刪除所有假日。

NOTE: No prompt is displayed to confirm your choice to delete all the holidays, so be sure you want to do this.



You can also select all the holidays in the Holiday category just like you would select multiple files in Windows Explorer, using the Shift key. Then, right-click on the selection and select Delete from the popup menu.

您也可以使用“ Shift”鍵在“假日”類別中選擇所有假日,就像在Windows資源管理器中選擇多個檔案一樣。 然後,右鍵單擊所選內容,然後從彈出選單中選擇“刪除”。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/177004/how-to-remove-holidays-from-your-calendar-in-outlook-2013/

outlook ios日曆