1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >nest 架構_當有人打來您的Nest Hello時,如何讓Google Home通知您

nest 架構_當有人打來您的Nest Hello時,如何讓Google Home通知您

nest 架構

nest 架構

The Nest Hello can alert you on your phone whenever someone rings your doorbell, but if you have a Google Home, you can also have Google Assistant audibly announce that someone is at the door.

無論何時有人按下門鈴, Nest Hello都會在電話上提醒您,但是如果您有Google Home ,也可以讓Google Assistant聽到有人在門口的聲音。

How is this any different than just a doorbell chime, you ask? Well, it’s definitely a bit similar, but the Google Home can also tell you who exactly the person is if the Nest Hello recognizes him or her based on its Familiar Faces feature (which is only available with a

Nest Aware subscription).

你問,這與門鈴只有什麼不同? 好吧,這肯定有點相似,但是Google Home還可以告訴您,如果Nest Hello根據其熟悉的面Kong功能(僅適用於Nest Aware訂閱)可以識別出他或她,那麼該人就是誰。

To get started, you’ll first need to download the Google Assistant app to your phone if you’re an iPhone user. For Android users, you’re already good to go.


Google Assistant應用下載到手機上。 對於Android使用者,您已經可以使用了。

Next, open the Nest app and tap your Nest Hello.

接下來,開啟Nest應用,然後點選Nest Hello。

Tap the settings gear icon in the top right corner of the screen.


Select “Visitor Announcements” in the list.


On the Visitor Announcements page, tap “Set Up in Google Assistant App” at the bottom.

在“訪問者公告”頁面上,點選底部的“在Google Assistant應用中設定”。

You’ll be taken to the Google Assistant settings if you’re on Android. iPhone users who just installed the app will be prompted through screens to set up the app.

如果您使用的是Android,則將轉到Google助手設定。 剛安裝該應用程式的iPhone使用者將通過螢幕提示安裝該應用程式。

Once you set up the Google Assistant app, you’ll get to a screen where you’ll log in with your Nest username and password. Hit “Sign In” to continue.

設定完Google助手應用後,您會進入一個螢幕,在其中使用Nest使用者名稱和密碼登入。 點選“登入”繼續。

On the next screen, scroll down, and then tap “Allow” to link Google Assistant with your Nest Hello (and other Nest products if you have them).

在下一個螢幕上,向下滾動,然後點按“允許”以將Google Assistant與您的Nest Hello(以及其他Nest產品(如果有)連結)。

Give it a few moments and you’ll be prompted to go back to the Nest app.


Back in the Nest app, tap the toggle switch to enable Visitor Announcements for your Nest Hello.

返回Nest應用程式,點選切換開關以啟用Nest Hello的訪客公告。

You’re all set to go! Your Google Home will automatically announce that someone came to your door. And if you have Familiar Faces enabled, it will even tell you exactly who is at your door if your Nest Hello recognizes the person.

你們都準備好了! 您的Google主頁會自動宣佈有人來您家。 如果您啟用了“熟悉的面Kong”功能,則即使您的Nest Hello可以識別出該人,它甚至會告訴您確切的人。

Of course, if you don’t have Familiar Faces enabled, it’s really nothing more than just a glorified doorbell chime, but if you usually hang out in an area of your house where you normally can’t hear the regular chime, even that’s pretty useful.

當然,如果您沒有啟用“ Familiar Faces”,那實際上只是一個讚美的門鈴,但是如果您通常在房子的某個地方閒逛,通常您聽不到常規的鈴聲,即使那樣也很漂亮。有用。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/356731/how-to-get-your-google-home-to-notify-you-when-someone-rings-your-nest-hello/

nest 架構