1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >nest 模擬器_如何將Nest Thermostat用作運動探測器

nest 模擬器_如何將Nest Thermostat用作運動探測器

nest 模擬器

nest 模擬器


While your Nest Thermostat is obviously meant for adjusting the temperature in your home, it can pull double duty and also act as a motion detector of sorts. Here’s how to set it up.

Nest Thermostat顯然是用於調節房屋溫度的,但它可以起到雙重作用,還可以用作各種運動檢測器。 設定方法如下。

The Nest Thermostat has a built-in motion sensor that it usesfor determining whether or not there’s someone home, allowing it to turn down the heat or the air conditioner accordingly if it detects that no one is home. It’s also used for activating the screen whenever someone walks by, displaying the current temperature that it’s set to and letting you quickly take a glance.

Nest Thermostat具有內建的運動感測器,可用於確定是否有人在家,如果它檢測到沒有人在家,則可以相應地降低暖氣或空調的溫度。 它也可用於在有人走過時啟用螢幕,顯示當前設定的溫度並讓您快速瀏覽。

However, you can use this motion sensor for more than just that, thanks to a service called IFTTT (which stands for “If This Then That”).IFTTT uses “recipes” to allow users to connect all sorts of products and services together that you normally wouldn’t be able to connect, like having every new Facebook photo that you’re tagged in be automatically uploaded to your Dropbox. We’llbe using IFTTT with your Nest to send you a notification when your Nest Thermostat detects motion.

但是,藉助一項稱為IFTTT的服務(它代表“ If This Then That”),您不僅可以使用該運動感測器。 IFTTT使用“配方”允許使用者將您通常無法連線的各種產品和服務連線在一起,例如將標記有您的每張新Facebook照片自動上傳到您的Dropbox。 當Nest Thermostat偵測到運動時,我們會將IFTTT與Nest配合使用,向您傳送通知。

我為什麼要這樣做? (Why Would I Want to Do This?)

When you go on vacation or just off to work for the day, your Nest Thermostat can go into Away mode automatically by using the Home/Away Assist feature, and whenever it detects motion, it will automatically switch to Home mode (because it thinks you’re home now). However, you can use this feature as a motion detector and receive a notification whenever this happens, alerting you to a possible intruder inside your house whenyou’re not home.

當您休假或全天工作時,Nest Thermostat可以使用“居家/居家輔助”功能自動進入“居家”模式,並且每當它檢測到運動時,它將自動切換到“居家”模式(因為它認為您現在回家)。 但是,您可以將此功能用作運動檢測器,並在發生這種情況時接收通知,從而在您不在家時提醒您房子內可能有入侵者。

Of course, you won’t want to receive a notification every time this happens, especially if you’re already home, soyou can easily turn off the IFTTT recipe whenever you want, which we’ll show you how to do toward the end.


Before we start, there are a couple of settings that will need to be enabled on your Nest Thermostat. First off, the thermostat will need to be in Away mode in order for the IFTTT recipe to work, and you’ll need Home/Away Assist enabled.

在我們開始之前,需要在Nest Thermostat上啟用幾個設定。 首先,恆溫器必須處於“離開”模式才能使IFTTT配方生效,並且您需要啟用“進入/離開”輔助功能。

To enable Home/Away Assist, open up the Nest app on your phone and tap on the gear icon in the top-right corner.



Select “Home/Away Assist”.



Tap on “What decides if you’re home”.



Select your Nest Thermostat.

選擇您的Nest Thermostat。


Tap on the toggle button. It will switch from gray to blue (if it isn’t already).

點選切換按鈕。 它將從灰色切換為藍色(如果尚未轉換)。


This feature will automatically put your Nest Thermostat in either Home or Away mode, depending on the motion it senses or doesn’t sense. You can also manually switch between the modes right on the home screen of the Nest app by tapping on the “Home” button.

此功能將根據您感覺到或不感覺到的動作自動將Nest Thermostat置於“家庭”或“離開”模式。 您還可以通過點選“主頁”按鈕,在Nest應用主螢幕上的模式之間手動切換。


Now that we have that set up, let’s get started making the IFTTT recipe. If you haven’t used IFTTT before, check out our guide to getting started for info on how to create an account and connect apps. Then, come back here to create your Nest recipe.

現在我們已經完成了設定,讓我們開始製作IFTTT配方。 如果您以前從未使用過IFTTT,請檢視我們的入門指南,以獲取有關如何建立帳戶和連線應用程式的資訊。 然後,回到這裡建立您的Nest食譜。

For your convenience, we’ve alsocreated the recipe in its entirety and embedded it here–so if you’re already well versed in IFTTT, just click the“Add” button below. You’ll need to connect the Nest and SMS channels if they aren’t already, as well as enter in your own phone number for the text message alerts to be sent to. You’ll also need to select your home in the drop-down list under “Which Home?”.

為了方便起見,我們還完整建立了該食譜並將其嵌入到此處-因此,如果您已經對IFTTT有所瞭解,只需單擊下面的“新增”按鈕。 您需要連線Nest和SMS通道(如果尚未建立),並輸入您自己的電話號碼以將簡訊警報傳送到。 您還需要在“哪個房屋?”下的下拉列表中選擇您的房屋。

IFTTT Recipe: When your Nest Thermostat detects motion, send a text message connects nest-thermostat to sms

If you want to customize the recipe, though, here’s how we created it. Headto IFTTT’s home pageandclick “My Recipes” toward the upper-right corner of the screen.

但是,如果您要自定義配方,則這是我們建立配方的方式。 轉到IFTTT的主頁,然後在螢幕的右上角單擊“我的食譜”。


Next, click on “Create a Recipe”.



Click on “this” highlighted in blue.



Type “Nest Thermostat” in the search box or find it in the grid of products and services below that. Click on it when you find it.

在搜尋框中輸入“巢式恆溫器”,或在其下方的產品和服務網格中找到它。 找到它後單擊它。


If you haven’t connected yourNest Thermostat to IFTTT yet, click “Connect” and log in with your account. Follow the prompts until you’re finished connecting your accounts.

如果尚未將Nest Thermostat連線到IFTTT,請單擊“連線”並使用您的帳戶登入。 按照提示進行操作,直到完成帳戶連線。


Next, you’ll choose a trigger–in our case, whenever the Nest senses motion. Select “Nest set to Home”.

接下來,無論何時Nest感測到運動,您都將選擇一個觸發器。 選擇“將巢狀設定為主頁”。


On the next page, select your home from the drop-down list. There will likely be only one option, unless you have multiple homes that each have a Nest Thermostat. After that, click “Create Trigger”.

在下一頁上,從下拉列表中選擇您的家。 除非您有多個房屋,每個房屋都有一個Nest Thermostat,否則可能只有一個選擇。 之後,單擊“建立觸發器”。

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Next, click on “that” highlighted in blue to set up the action that happens whenever the trigger fires.

接下來,單擊以藍色突出顯示的“ that”以設定觸發觸發器時發生的操作。

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The channel you select here depends on the type of notification you want to receive. For example, you can choose the “Email” channel if you want to receive an email whenever the Nest detects motion, or select the “IF Notifications” channel if you want to receive a push notification on your iPhone. You can even receive a text message with the “SMS” channel. For our example, we’ll be using the SMS channel and receiving a text message as our notification.

您在此處選擇的頻道取決於您要接收的通知型別。 例如,如果您希望在Nest檢測到運動時接收電子郵件,則可以選擇“電子郵件”通道,如果要在iPhone上接收推送通知,則可以選擇“ IF通知”通道。 您甚至可以通過“ SMS”頻道接收簡訊。 對於我們的示例,我們將使用SMS頻道並接收一條簡訊作為通知。


After you select the SMS channel, click on “Connect”. The SMS channel will send a PIN to your phone, which you’ll type into IFTTT to connect the two. Follow the prompts until this is finished.

選擇簡訊通道後,單擊“連線”。 SMS通道將向您的手機發送一個PIN,您將在IFTTT中輸入該PIN以將兩者連線。 按照提示進行操作,直到完成。


Now, you’ll choose the action, so click on “Send me an SMS”.



Next, you’ll enter in the message that appears when you receive the notification. You can put in something basic like, “Motion detected from your Nest Thermostat!”. Click on “Create Action” when you’re done.

接下來,您將輸入收到通知時顯示的訊息。 您可以輸入一些基本資訊,例如“從Nest Thermostat中檢測到運動!”。 完成後,點選“建立操作”。

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On the next page, give your recipe a title at the bottom. This can be whatever you want. Then click on “Create Recipe”.

在下一頁的底部,為您的食譜命名。 這可以是您想要的任何東西。 然後點選“建立配方”。

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Your recipe is now live! Whenever your Nest Thermostat detects motion and automatically switches itself to “Home”, you’ll receive a notification about it, making it a great way to find out about a possible burglar in your house when you’re away. Again, your Nest Thermostat will need to be set to Away mode in order for this to work, but that will happen automatically if you have Home/Away Assist enabled.

您的食譜現已上線! 每當您的Nest Thermostat偵測到動作並自動將其切換到“家庭”時,您都會收到通知,這是您離開家時查詢房屋中可能發生盜竊的好方法。 同樣,您的Nest Thermostat需要設定為“離開”模式才能正常工作,但是如果啟用了“進入/離開”輔助功能,這將自動發生。

Whenever your Nest Thermostat detects motion and automatically switches itself to “Home”, you’ll receive a text about about it, making it a great way to find out about a possible burglar in your house when you’re away.

每當您的Nest Thermostat偵測到運動並自動將其切換到“家庭”時,您都會收到有關該文字的資訊,這是一種在您離開家時查詢房子中可能存在的盜賊的好方法。

If you’re home and don’t want to receive these notifications, you’ll need to turn off the IFTTT recipe, which can be done by clicking on “My Recipes” at the top of the page and then clicking the power button next to the recipe to turn it off.



This won’t delete it, and you can click the power button again to turn it back on whenever you want.


Again, your Nest Thermostat will need to be set to Away mode in order for this to work, but that will happen automatically if you have Home/Away Assist enabled.

同樣,您的Nest Thermostat需要設定為“離開”模式才能正常工作,但是如果啟用了“進入/離開”輔助功能,這將自動發生。

Of course, this isn’t the prettiest setup, and the Nest Thermostat isn’t quite meant to be a motion detector used in this way (the Nest Cam is probably a better solution for this), but it’s a way to use the product you already have and get even more use out of it.

當然,這不是最漂亮的設定,並且Nest Thermostat並不是要以這種方式使用運動檢測器( Nest Cam可能是對此更好的解決方案),但這是使用產品的一種方式您已經擁有並獲得更多利用。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/249093/how-to-use-your-nest-thermostat-as-a-motion-detector/

nest 模擬器