1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >nest 架構_如何與其他人分享您的Nest Cam Feed

nest 架構_如何與其他人分享您的Nest Cam Feed

nest 架構

nest 架構

Your Nest Cam can help you keep an eye on your home from anywhere you are, butmore eyes you trust to watch your stuff is more comforting. If you want someone else to check in once in a while, youcan share your Nest Cam feed with a simple, password-protected link.

您的Nest Cam可以幫助您隨時隨地監視您的房屋,但您信任的更多眼睛可以看到自己的東西,這更令人舒心。 如果您希望其他人不時簽到,則可以通過一個簡單的受密碼保護的連結共享Nest Cam feed。

Togenerate the link you use to share your Nest Cam, head toNest’s website or open the app on your phone (the steps are the same for both). Click onyour camera’s feed.

要生成用於共享Nest Cam的連結,請訪問Nest的網站或在手機上開啟應用(兩者的步驟相同)。 單擊相機的提要。

Click the Settings gear icon in the top-right corner.


Click “Camera sharing” button in the Settings menu.


Here, you can choose whether to protect your Nest Cam feed with a password. If you choose “Share publicly”, your feed won’t be posted anywhere, butanyone with the link will be able to watch.For most people, you’ll probably want to to choose “Share with password.” Then, click “Agree & Sharewith password.”

在這裡,您可以選擇是否使用密碼保護Nest Cam feed。 如果您選擇“公開共享”,則您的供稿不會在任何地方釋出,但是知道連結的任何人都可以觀看。 對於大多數人來說,您可能需要選擇“使用密碼共享”。 然後,單擊“同意並使用密碼共享”。

Next, enter a password with at least eightcharacters. Make sure it’s a strong one you can remember.

接下來,輸入至少八個字元的密碼。 確保它是您可以記住的強者

On the last screen, you can copy and share the link to your Nest Cam. If you need to change the password to your camera, or stop sharing your camera, you can do that on this screen now orin the future.

在最後一個螢幕上,您可以將連結複製並共享到Nest Cam。 如果您需要更改相機密碼或停止共享相機,則可以現在或將來在此螢幕上進行操作。

This will allow others to see yourlive camera feed, but they won’t be able to see your video history or any clips you have saved.


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/307552/how-to-share-your-nest-cam-feed-with-someone-else/

nest 架構