1. 程式人生 > 程式設計 >python 實現ping測試延遲的兩種方法

python 實現ping測試延遲的兩種方法


# !coding:utf-8
__author__ = 'hsz'
__date__ = 'Thu Feb 27 22:41:15 EST 2020'

import time
import struct
import socket
import select
import sys

def chesksum(data):
  n = len(data)
  m = n % 2
  sum = 0
  for i in range(0,n - m,2):
    sum += (data[i]) + ((data[i + 1]) << 8) # 傳入data以每兩個位元組(十六進位制)通過ord轉十進位制,第一位元組在低位,第二個位元組在高位
  if m:
    sum += (data[-1])
  # 將高於16位與低16位相加
  sum = (sum >> 16) + (sum & 0xffff)
  sum += (sum >> 16) # 如果還有高於16位,將繼續與低16位相加
  answer = ~sum & 0xffff
  # 主機位元組序轉網路位元組序列(參考小端序轉大端序)
  answer = answer >> 8 | (answer << 8 & 0xff00)
  return answer


def raw_socket(dst_addr,imcp_packet):
  rawsocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_RAW,socket.getprotobyname("icmp"))
  send_request_ping_time = time.time()
  # send data to the socket
  return send_request_ping_time,rawsocket,dst_addr

  request ping

def request_ping(data_type,data_code,data_checksum,data_ID,data_Sequence,payload_body):
  # 把位元組打包成二進位制資料
  imcp_packet = struct.pack('>BBHHH32s',data_type,payload_body)
  icmp_chesksum = chesksum(imcp_packet) # 獲取校驗和
  imcp_packet = struct.pack('>BBHHH32s',icmp_chesksum,payload_body)
  return imcp_packet
  reply ping

def reply_ping(send_request_ping_time,timeout=2):
  while True:
    started_select = time.time()
    what_ready = select.select([rawsocket],[],timeout)
    wait_for_time = (time.time() - started_select)
    if what_ready[0] == []: # Timeout
      return -1
    time_received = time.time()
    received_packet,addr = rawsocket.recvfrom(1024)
    icmpHeader = received_packet[20:28]
    type,code,checksum,packet_id,sequence = struct.unpack(
    if type == 0 and sequence == data_Sequence:
      return time_received - send_request_ping_time
    timeout = timeout - wait_for_time
    if timeout <= 0:
      return -1

  實現 ping 主機/ip

def ping(host):
  data_type = 8 # ICMP Echo Request
  data_code = 0 # must be zero
  data_checksum = 0 # "...with value 0 substituted for this field..."
  data_ID = 0 # Identifier
  data_Sequence = 1 # Sequence number
  payload_body = b'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwabcdefghi' # data
  dst_addr = socket.gethostbyname(host) # 將主機名轉ipv4地址格式,返回以ipv4地址格式的字串,如果主機名稱是ipv4地址,則它將保持不變
  print("正在 Ping {0} [{1}] 具有 32 位元組的資料:".format(host,dst_addr))
  for i in range(0,4):
    icmp_packet = request_ping(data_type,data_Sequence + i,payload_body)
    send_request_ping_time,addr = raw_socket(dst_addr,icmp_packet)
    times = reply_ping(send_request_ping_time,data_Sequence + i)
    if times > 0:
      print("來自 {0} 的回覆: 位元組=32 時間={1}ms".format(addr,int(times * 1000)))

if __name__ == "__main__":
  # if len(sys.argv) < 2:
  #   sys.exit('Usage: ping.py <host>')
  ping('www.baidu.com') # sys.argv[1]

二 .python實現ping返回延遲簡單版本

from ping3 import ping

def ping_host(ip):
  :param node:
  ip_address = ip
  response = ping(ip_address)
  if response is not None:
    delay = int(response * 1000)
    # 下面兩行新增的


以上就是python 實現ping測試延遲的兩種方法的詳細內容,更多關於python ping測試延遲的資料請關注我們其它相關文章!