1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >「題解」 P4689 【[Ynoi2016]這是我自己的發明】

「題解」 P4689 【[Ynoi2016]這是我自己的發明】


給一個樹,\(n\) 個點,有點權,初始根是 1。

\(m\) 個操作,種類如下:

1 x 將樹根換為 \(x\)

2 x y 給出兩個點 \(x,y\),從 \(x\) 的子樹中選每一個點,\(y\) 的子樹中選每一個點,求點權相等的情況數。


我首先認為這是 SNOI2017 一個簡單的詢問 搬到樹上。

我們傳統地把此題分為兩個 \(\texttt{pass}\),一個詢問,一個修改。

  • \(\texttt{pass 1}\):詢問

我直接按 一個簡單的詢問 的方法講。其實是把以前的題解 copy 過來了

由於是出現次數,滿足區間加減性,所以我們可以這樣表達 \(\mathrm{get}(l,r,x)\)

(省略 \(x\)):

\[\mathrm{get}(l,r)=\mathrm{get}(1,r)-\mathrm{get}(1,l-1) \]


\[\sum_{i=1}^{\infty}\mathrm{get}(l_{1},r_{1},x)\times\mathrm{get}(l_{2},r_{2},x) \]

\[\sum_{i=1}^{\infty}(\mathrm{get}(1,r_{1})-\mathrm{get}(1,l_{1}-1))\times(\mathrm{get}(1,r_{2})-\mathrm{get}(1,l_{2}-1)) \]

\[\sum_{i=1}^{\infty}\mathrm{get}(r_{1})\times\mathrm{get}(r_{2})-\mathrm{get}(r_{1})\times\mathrm{get}(l_{2}-1)-\mathrm{get}(l_{1}-1)\times\mathrm{get}(r_{2})+\mathrm{get}(l_{1}-1))\times\mathrm{get}(l_{2}-1) \]

\[\mathrm{let}\ F(x,y)=\sum_{d}\mathrm{get}(1,l,d)\times\mathrm{get}(1,r,d) \]


\[F(r_{1},r_{2})-F(r_{1},l_{2}-1)-F(l_{1}-1,r_{2})+F(l_{1}-1,l_{2}-1) \]

考慮怎麼更新,比如從 \(l\) 更新到 \(l+1\),則:

\[\mathrm{get(1,l)}\times\mathrm{get}(1,r) \]

\[\mathrm{get(1,l+1)}\times\mathrm{get}(1,r) \]

\[\mathrm{get(1,l)}\times\mathrm{get}(1,r)+\mathrm{cont}(a_{l}) \]

其中 \(\mathrm{cont}(a_{l})\) 表示 \(a_{l}\) 的出現次數。


維護兩個陣列 cntl[x]cntr[y] 表示答案式子

\[F(r_{1},r_{2})-F(r_{1},l_{2}-1)-F(l_{1}-1,r_{2})+F(l_{1}-1,l_{2}-1) \]

子樹的話直接 DFS 序拍到序列上。

  • \(\texttt{pass 2}\):修改


分類討論,設我們當前要換的根為 \(rt\),現在來處理詢問,設查詢的節點為 \(u\)\(\text{LCA}(u,v)\) 為節點 \(u\) 和節點 \(v\) 的最近公共祖先。

    • 如果 \(rt=u\),則我們直接對整棵樹進行查詢。
    • 如果 \(\text{LCA}(u,rt)\neq u\),此時修改不影響查詢。
    • 如果 \(\text{LCA}(u,rt)=u\),此時 \(rt\)\(u\) 的子樹裡,那麼需要查詢的地方就很明確了,後面的步驟顯然。


(整體感覺是個 原題+假上樹+樹剖模板 的縫合題)

/* Clearink */

#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;

const int MAXN = 5e5 + 5, MAXM = 1e6 + 5;

int rint () {
	int x = 0, f = 1; char c = getchar ();
	for ( ; c < '0' || c > '9'; c = getchar () )	f = c == '-' ? -1 : f;
	for ( ; c >= '0' && c <= '9'; c = getchar () )	x = ( x << 3 ) + ( x << 1 ) + ( c & 15 );
	return x * f;

template<class _T>
void wint ( _T x ) {
	if ( x < 0 )	putchar ( '-' ), x = ~ x + 1;
	if ( x > 9 )	wint ( x / 10 );
	putchar ( x % 10 ^ '0' );

template<class _T> void swapp ( _T& x, _T& y ) { _T w = x; x = y; y = w; }

struct GraphSet {
	int to, nx;
	GraphSet () : to ( 0 ), nx ( 0 ) {}
	GraphSet ( const int a, const int b ) : to ( a ), nx ( b ) {}
} asg[MAXN * 2];

struct Quest {
	int l, r, ID, x;
	Quest () : l ( 0 ), r ( 0 ), ID ( 0 ), x ( 0 ) {}
	Quest ( const int a, const int b, const int c, const int d ) : l ( a ), r ( b ), ID ( c ), x ( d ) {}
} asq[MAXM * 8], itls[MAXN];

LL cur = 0, ans[MAXM], buc1[MAXN], buc2[MAXN];
int rt, pos[MAXN], blo = 320, col[MAXN], freq;
int n, m, bgn[MAXN], cnt, sjc, segl[MAXN], segr[MAXN], kfa[MAXN][21], a[MAXN], dept[MAXN], pri[MAXN], len;

void addE ( const int u, const int v ) { asg[++ cnt] = GraphSet ( v, bgn[u] ), bgn[u] = cnt; }
bool existcmp ( const Quest& one, const Quest& ano ) { return pos[one.l] == pos[ano.l] ? one.r < ano.r : one.l < ano.l; }

void dfs ( const int u, const int lst ) {
	kfa[u][0] = lst, dept[u] = dept[lst] + 1;
	segl[u] = ++ sjc, col[sjc] = a[u];
	for ( int i = 1; i <= 20; ++ i )	kfa[u][i] = kfa[kfa[u][i - 1]][i - 1];
	for ( int i = bgn[u]; i; i = asg[i].nx ) {
		int v = asg[i].to;
		if ( v == lst )	continue;
		dfs ( v, u );
	segr[u] = sjc;

int calcKAC ( int u, int k ) {
	for ( int i = 20; ~ i; -- i ) {
		if ( k >= ( 1 << i ) )	k -= ( 1 << i ), u = kfa[u][i];
	return u;

int calcLCA ( int u, int v ) {
	if ( dept[u] < dept[v] )	swapp ( u, v );
	for ( int i = 20; ~ i; -- i ) {
		if ( dept[kfa[u][i]] >= dept[v] )	u = kfa[u][i];
	if ( u == v )	return u;
	for ( int i = 20; ~ i; -- i ) {
		if ( kfa[u][i] != kfa[v][i] )	u = kfa[u][i], v = kfa[v][i];
	return kfa[u][0];

void initial () {
	for ( int i = 1; i <= n; ++ i )	pos[i] = ( i - 1 ) / blo + 1;
	sort ( pri + 1, pri + 1 + n );
	len = unique ( pri + 1, pri + 1 + n ) - pri - 1;
	for ( int i = 1; i <= n; ++ i )	a[i] = lower_bound ( pri + 1, pri + 1 + len, a[i] ) - pri;
	dfs ( 1, 0 );

void splitASdrug ( const int u, int& ils ) {
	if ( u == rt )	itls[++ ils] = Quest ( 1, n, 0, 0 );
	else {
		int lca = calcLCA ( u, rt );
		if ( lca != u )	itls[++ ils] = Quest ( segl[u], segr[u], 0, 0 );
		else {
			int ar = calcKAC ( rt, dept[rt] - dept[u] - 1 );
			if ( 1 <= segl[ar] - 1 )	itls[++ ils] = Quest ( 1, segl[ar] - 1, 0, 0 );
			if ( segr[ar] + 1 <= n )	itls[++ ils] = Quest ( segr[ar] + 1, n, 0, 0 );

void transASsub ( const int l1, const int r1, const int l2, const int r2, const int ID ) {
	asq[++ m] = Quest ( r1, r2, ID, 1 ), asq[++ m] = Quest ( r1, l2 - 1, ID, -1 );
	asq[++ m] = Quest ( l1 - 1, r2, ID, -1 ), asq[++ m] = Quest ( l1 - 1, l2 - 1, ID, 1 );

void transASmany ( const int l, const int r ) {
	++ freq;
	int ils = 0; splitASdrug ( l, ils );
	int aim = ils; splitASdrug ( r, ils );
	for ( int i = 1; i <= aim; ++ i ) {
		for ( int j = aim + 1; j <= ils; ++ j )	transASsub ( itls[i].l, itls[i].r, itls[j].l, itls[j].r, freq );

void add1 ( const int x ) { cur += buc2[col[x]], buc1[col[x]] ++; }
void add2 ( const int x ) { cur += buc1[col[x]], buc2[col[x]] ++; }
void sub1 ( const int x ) { cur -= buc2[col[x]], buc1[col[x]] --; }
void sub2 ( const int x ) { cur -= buc1[col[x]], buc2[col[x]] --; }
void captainMO () {
	int nowl = 0, nowr = 0;
	for ( int i = 1; i <= m; ++ i ) {
		for ( ; nowl < asq[i].l; add1 ( ++ nowl ) ) ;
		for ( ; nowr < asq[i].r; add2 ( ++ nowr ) ) ;
		for ( ; nowl > asq[i].l; sub1 ( nowl -- ) ) ;
		for ( ; nowr > asq[i].r; sub2 ( nowr -- ) ) ;
		ans[asq[i].ID] += cur * asq[i].x;

int main () {
	n = rint (); int _waste_ = rint ();
	for ( int i = 1; i <= n; ++ i )	a[i] = pri[i] = rint ();
	for ( int i = 1; i < n; ++ i ) {
		int u = rint (), v = rint ();
		addE ( u, v ), addE ( v, u );
	initial (), rt = 1;
	for ( int i = 1; i <= _waste_; ++ i ) {
		int c = rint (), x, y;
		if ( c == 1 )	rt = rint ();
		else	x = rint (), y = rint (), transASmany ( x, y );
	sort ( asq + 1, asq + 1 + m, existcmp ), captainMO ();
	for ( int i = 1; i <= freq; ++ i )	wint ( ans[i] ), putchar ( '\n' );
	return 0;