1. 程式人生 > 其它 >2022-2023年英語週報九年級第5期答案彙總



Nowadays, online learning turns out to be more and more practiced. It represents an easy and comfortable method for achieving knowledge in almost every field. It is therefore especially beneficial to those who can't go to school for certain reasons. But what are the advantages and disadvantages of online learning?

Although many people still consider traditional classes as the best way to attain knowledge, online learning proves to be a useful option. Students have the chance to study in their own time. It is a great way to study many fields and to improve the level of self-motivation. Then there is more time left for hobbies or other activities.

What else? Easy access to all resources of a traditional course helps students learn wherever they are. Among other advantages of online learning there are the responsibility and self-discipline(自律) of students.

At schoolstudents learn how to make friends, be patientget rid of disappointmentand especially to compete. Online leaning cannot offer human interaction. Another disadvantage refers to the fact that online courses cannot deal with thousands of students that try to join discussions.