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進入檢視: 2022-2023年英語週報九年級第29期答案彙總


Events are planned in a number of countries to mark World No Tobacco Day. Many of the events are aimed at persuading people, especially the young, not to start smoking. Others aim to educate people about the many health benefits of giving up smoking.

The World Health Organization says tobacco kills nearly five and a half million people a year and has become a top cause of death worldwide. It is estimated that so far in the world one billion people smoke. More than eighty percent of tobacco users live in low and middle income countries. The WHO estimates that tobacco use caused one hundred million deaths in the twentieth century. If current rates continue, that number could reach one billion in this century.

According to WHO, tobacco industry is to blame because.

 it has managed to increase sales of tobacco among women and girls

 it has hired more women and girls to help with the advertisement

 it sells its tobacco at a lower price to women and girls

 it only collects data from more than 151 countries