1. 程式人生 > 其它 >2022-2023年英語週報九年級第23期答案彙總




Water has to reach the inside of rocks, either now or in the past. This means that the amount of rainfall has to be more than the amount of water evaporating(蒸發) from the land surface, and more than the amount of water used by all the plants. When this occurs, fresh water can recharge the groundwater from either water "leaking" from the beds of rivers or from rainwater that passes through the soil.

In many parts of the world we know that groundwater recharge varies due to natural climate variability such as El Nino. Groundwater recharge will also change with global warming. 

There are many ways to clean a house, but the best methods are those that save time and effort, while avoiding poisonous cleaning chemicals. Armed with these, you'll soon be looking for reasons to clean.

Keep stuff dry Wetness is the enemy when it comes to keeping bathrooms and kitchens clean because it attracts bacteria. Leave the shower door or curtain open when not in use to allow for airflow. If you have dirty rags or dish cloths, hang them to dry between laundry loads.

You know how you move your face around in a mirror, using different angles to get a clear look? The same logic applies to cleaning. Use a flashlight to shine on surfaces, floors, and comers in order to spot dust and dirt you might have missed.

Put tools everywhere A subtle yet effective trick: If there are cleaning brushes, rags, and solutions in every room or at least on every floor of the house, you'll tend to jump into a job when it needs to be done