1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >c++實現Chrome小恐龍遊戲(網上找到的)




#define N 80 
#define up 72 
#define left 75 
#define right 77 
#define down 80 
void run();
void yn();
void print(int [][N]); void menu(); int scr[22][N]={0},pl=9,shit,width=70,score=0,death=0,jump_time=0,game_time=0,day=0,jump_height=0,shift_time=0; int main(){ menu(); run(); } void drawplayer(int a[][N],int xlu,int ylu){ for(int i=1;i<=3;i++) a[xlu][ylu+i]=1; for(int i=0;i<=4
;i++) a[xlu+1][ylu+i]=1; a[xlu+2][ylu+1]=1; a[xlu+2][ylu+3]=1; } bool search_player(int a[][N],int xlu,int ylu){ for(int i=1;i<=3;i++) if(a[xlu][ylu+i]==2 || a[xlu][ylu+i]==3) return false; for(int i=0;i<=4;i++) if(a[xlu+1][ylu+i]==2 || a[xlu+1
][ylu+i]==3) return false; if(a[xlu+2][ylu+1]==2 || a[xlu+2][ylu+1]==3) return false; if(a[xlu+2][ylu+3]==2 || a[xlu+2][ylu+3]==3) return false; return true; } void days(int q,int a[][N]){ for(int i=3;i<=7;i++){ for(int j=51;j<=55;j++){ a[i][j]=0; } } if(q==1){ a[4][52]=4; a[7][52]=4; for(int i=53;i<=54;i++){ a[4][i]=4; a[5][i]=4; a[6][i]=4; a[7][i]=4; } a[4][54]=0; a[7][54]=0; a[5][55]=4; a[6][55]=4; } else{ for(int i=3;i<=7;i++){ for(int j=51;j<=56;j++){ a[i][j]=4; } } a[4][51]=0; a[4][56]=0; a[7][51]=0; a[7][56]=0; } } void print(int a[][N]){ COORD c={0,0}; SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),c); int i,j; for(i=4;i<22;i++){ a[i][width-1]=4; for(j=0;j<width;j++){ if(a[i][j]==0){ printf(" "); } if(a[i][j]==1) printf("@"); if(a[i][j]==2) printf("#"); if(a[i][j]==3) printf("<"); if(a[i][j]==4){ printf("*"); } if(i==4&&j==width-1) printf("score:%d",score/20); if(i==5&&j==width-1) printf("Press Esc to exit"); } printf("\n"); } for(j=0;j<width;j++) printf("~"); } void yn(){ system("cls"); system("color 07"); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("\t\t\t\t *****GAME OVER*****\n\a"); printf("\t\t\t\t *****YOU DIED!***** \n"); printf("\t\t\t\t*****YOUR SCORE:%4d*****\n\n",score/20); printf("\t\t\t press y to continue,n to close(y/n)?\n"); printf("\t\t\t"); end:; switch(getch()){ case 'y': case 'Y':death=0,score=0,memset(scr,0,sizeof(scr)),run();break; case 'n': case 'N':break; default :goto end;break; } } void generate_block(int a[][N],int lala=rand()%6+1){ if(lala==5){ for(int i=0;i<=19;i++){ a[i][69]=2; } } else if(lala==6){ int hehe=rand()%5+1; if(hehe<=1){ a[19][69]=3; } else if(hehe<=4){ a[14][69]=3; } else if(hehe==5){ a[21][69]=3; } } else{ for(int i=0;i<=lala;i++) a[21-i][69]=2; } } void run() { shit=0; day=0; system("cls"); srand(time(0)); while(1){ score++; game_time++; if(game_time%60==0) generate_block(scr); if(game_time%80==0) generate_block(scr,6); days(day,scr); if(kbhit()) switch(getch()){ case down: case 's': case 'S':if(jump_time<=15)shift_time=20,jump_time=0;break; case up: case 'W': case 'w':if(jump_time<=0)jump_time=25,jump_height=-1,shift_time=0;break; case 13 :system("pause");break; } if(jump_time<=0 && shift_time<=0){ if(search_player(scr,19,pl)) drawplayer(scr,19,pl); else goto end; } else if(jump_time>0){ jump_time--; if(jump_time<10){ jump_height--; } else if(jump_time>15){ jump_height++; } if(search_player(scr,19-jump_height,pl)){ drawplayer(scr,19-jump_height,pl); } else goto end; } else if(shift_time>0){ shift_time--; if(search_player(scr,20,pl)) drawplayer(scr,20,pl); else goto end; } for(int i=4;i<22;i++) for(int j=0;j<=80;j++){ if(scr[i][j]==2){ scr[i][j]=0; if(j-1>=0) scr[i][j-1]=2; } } for(int i=4;i<22;i++) for(int j=0;j<=80;j++){ if(scr[i][j]==3){ scr[i][j]=0; if(scr[i][j-1]==1) goto end; else if(scr[i][j-2]==1) goto end; else if(j-2>=0) scr[i][j-2]=3; } } print(scr); for(int i=4;i<22;i++) for(int j=0;j<=80;j++){ if(scr[i][j]==1) scr[i][j]=0; } } end:; yn(); } void menu(){ system("color 07"); ShowCursor(false); HANDLE hOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cci; GetConsoleCursorInfo(hOut,&cci); cci.bVisible=false; SetConsoleCursorInfo(hOut,&cci); }
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