1. 程式人生 > 遊戲資訊 >Stellaris開發日誌#242 | 2/17 3.3版本號“天秤座”補丁附記

Stellaris開發日誌#242 | 2/17 3.3版本號“天秤座”補丁附記

牧遊社 牧有漢化翻譯

Stellaris Dev Diary #242 - 3.3 'Libra' Patch Notes and Release Date Announcement

Obidobi, Producer – Stellaris

Hello everyone!


First of all I'd like to thank all of you that participated in the Beta and provided feedback on the unity rework that we've been working on for quite some time now! Your feedback has been invaluable in making sure that we release this update to Stellaris in the best state it can be.


Second of all, we are now ready to reveal the release date for the free 3.3 "Libra" patch. The Libra patch will be released on Wednesday, February 23rd at 10:00 am CET!


And with that announcement out of the way, here are the full patch notes for the 3.3 update:





##### VERSION 3.3.1 #####

##### 3.3.1 版本號 #####



# Features

# 特性



# Unity Rework

# 凝聚力重做


* Suppressing or Promoting factions no longer costs Influence.

* 鎮壓或鼓勵派系不再需要凝聚力

** Known Issue: Unity costs for Faction Manipulation are not yet functioning.

** 已知問題:管理派系所需的凝聚力尚未正常運作

* All other technologies that increased unity production now instead increase Edict Fund by 20.

* 所有其他增加凝聚力產出的科技現在將改為增加20法令基金

* Autochthon Monument, Corporate Monument, and Simulation Site building lines now generate a small amount of Unity and increase Unity generation from jobs on their planet.

* 先驅者紀念碑、企業文化館和模擬中心建築線現在會產出少量凝聚力並提升行星上其他崗位的凝聚力產出。

* Autochthon Monuments and other similar buildings now produce Unity based on the number of Ascension Perks the Empire has taken.

* 先驅者紀念碑和其他勒色的建築現在會基於帝國已解鎖的飛昇天賦數量產出凝聚力

* Cutthroat Politics now also reduces Edict Upkeep by 20%.

* 殘酷政治(國民理念)現在會減少20%法令維護費

* Executive Vigor Ascension Perk now grants 100 Edict Fund instead of 2 Edict Capacity.

* “高效行政”飛昇現在提供100法令基金以替換2法令上限

* Grand Council and Harmonious Directives Traditions now grant 50 Edict Fund instead of 1 Edict Capacity.

* 樞密院和和諧法令傳統現在提供50法令基金以替換1法令上限

* Imperial Cult Civic now grants 100 Edict Fund instead of 2 Edict Capacity.

* 帝國信仰國民理念現在提供100法令基金以替換2法令上限

* Inwards Perfection now grants 50 Edict Fund instead of 1 Edict Capacity.

* 內聖之道國民理念現在提供50法令基金以替換1法令上限

* Planetary Unification now grants +5% Unity production and a one time Unity award instead of +2 Unity.

* 行星統一修正現在提供+5%凝聚力產出以及一次性的凝聚力獎勵以替換+2凝聚力

* Brand Loyalty civic now grants 25 Edict Fund instead of 1 Encryption. Subsumed Will and OTA Updates now also grant 25 Edict Fund.

* 品牌忠誠國民理念現在提供25法令基金以替換1加密。意志整合和空中下載升級現在同樣提供25法令基金

* Capital designations now provide production bonuses.

* 首都行星規劃型別現在提供額外產出加成

* Feudal Society now also reduces leader hiring costs by 50%, waives Unity upkeep costs for employed leaders, causes employed Governors to instead generate Unity equal to their skill level, but removes the ability to dismiss leaders.

* 封建社會(國民理念)現在還減少50%的領袖僱傭成本,免除已僱傭的領袖的凝聚力維護費,並使已僱傭的總督產出與他們等級相等的凝聚力,但將不再能解僱領袖。

* Finishing tradition trees now unlocks the ability to select previously locked Federation types.

* 現在解鎖傳統樹之後會允許選擇之前不能選擇的聯邦型別。

* The Imperial Authority now gains increased Influence from Power Projection.

* 帝制政權現在可以從力量投射中獲得更多的影響力

* Added Planetary Ascension Tiers to enhance Planet Designations through Unity

* 添加了可以強化行星規劃型別的通過凝聚力提升的行星昇華等級

* Reforming government now costs Unity. The cost is based on Empire Size.

* 改革政府現在需要凝聚力。消耗量基於帝國規模。

* Renamed Administrator jobs to Politicians. Assigned Bureaucrats, Priests and other related jobs to the new Administrator economic category.

* 將管理者崗位重新命名為政治家。把官員、牧師以及其他相關的崗位歸到新的管理者經濟類別裡。

* Resettling pops that previously cost Influence now costs Unity. Abandoning colonies still costs Influence.

* 強制遷移人口之前消耗影響力,現在消耗凝聚力。遺棄殖民地仍然消耗影響力。

* Unity Ambitions and Campaigns now function like Toggled Edicts and last until canceled with upkeep rather than costs.

* 凝聚力野望和運動現在與可開啟法令一樣將持續到手動取消為止,需要維護費而不是(一次性)消耗

* From Beta: Increased Spiritualist discounts on edict cost and upkeep to -10%/-20% from -5%/-10%. Cutthroat Politics now grants -20% edict upkeep.

* 從測試版引入的:將唯心主義對於法令消耗和維護費的折扣從-5%/-10%提升至-10%/-20%, 殘酷政治現在提供-20%法令維護費

* Hive empires can now build a variant of the Autochthon Monument line called Sensoriums.

* 蜂巢帝國現在可以建造被稱為感受器的先驅者紀念碑的變種建築線

* leaders have a base cost of 100 unity and cost 50 additional unity for every leader owned leader, not counting the ones you start with. The cost goes down whenever a leader dies or is fired.

* (僱傭)領袖的基礎消耗為100凝聚力,每僱傭一個領袖會增加50凝聚力消耗,不包括你一開始就擁有的領袖。消耗會隨領袖死亡或被解僱而降低。

* Memorialists and Death Cults can now choose whether to build their specialized Unity buildings or regular ones. Memorialist buildings now replace the Autochthon Monument line.

* 紀念主義者和死亡教團現在可以選擇建造普通或他們特有的凝聚力建築。紀念主義者建築現在替代了先驅者紀念碑建築線。

* Merchant Guilds no longer produce bonus unity.

* 商人工會現在不再產出額外凝聚力

* rulers now provide +5 Edict fund per level instead of their previous Edict Duration and Unity Boost.

* 統治者現在每級提供+5法令基金以替代之前的法令持續時間和凝聚力產出加成

* Technocracy no longer generates unity. Instead the Civic now doubles the chance that your scientists will discover a technology from within their expertise. The civic only requires you to be partially materialist.

* 技術治國不再產出凝聚力。用以替代的是,這一國民理念現在使你的科學家從專業知識中發現科技的機率增加了一倍。這個國民理念只需要你一定程度上偏向唯物主義。


# Necroids Species Pack Features

# 死靈物種包特性


* New Civic: Permanent Employment added.

* 新增新的國民理念:永久僱傭


# New Content

# 新內容


* Added 2 new bespoke star systems and 3 new anomalies to be discovered: “Temporal Prism”, “Lost Soul” and “Ancient Vending Machine”. Also added a colony event chain, “Insidious Ophidians”.

* 添加了2個新的定製恆星系統和3個待發現的新異常:“時間稜鏡”,“失落的靈魂”和“古代自動售貨機”。

* 2 new archeology sites were added to the base game: “The Mask of Transformation” and “Rage Sage”.

* 基礎遊戲中添加了2個新的考古遺址:“變形的面具”和“憤怒的聖人”。

* Added Plantoid, Lithoid, Necroid, and Aquatic pre-sapient pops to discover for owners of the respective Species Packs.

* 為擁有對應物種包的玩家添加了可發現的植物族、似石族、死靈族和水生族未開化人口。


# Balance

# 平衡


* Activating an edict now requires one months upkeep cost worth of stockpiled resources.

* 啟用一個法令現在需要消耗相當於儲備資源一個月的維護成本

* The Hydrocentric Ascension Perk now allows empires to flood habitats, making them suitable for Aquatic species.

* 水之心飛昇天賦現在允許帝國在居住地上製造洪水,以使他們適於水生生物生存

* Edicts can now have a cooldown before they can be disabled.

* 法令現在在允許被禁用之前有冷卻期

* AI Megacorps should spawn half as often as before now.

* AI的巨型企業現在的生成頻率應該是之前的一半

* Increased the likelihood of getting endgame crises that are not the Unbidden.

* 提升了除破界者以外的終局天災出現的概率

* Beta: Empire Sprawl has no effects under 100 rather than 50.

* 測試版:帝國規模在100以下將不會造成懲罰,而不是50以下

* Beta: Increased Unity production of Bio-Trophies from 1 to 3.

* 測試版:將活體陳設產出的凝聚力由1提升至3

* Beta: Reduced the costs of higher tier edicts and campaigns.

* 測試版:減少了高階法令和運動的消耗

* Scientists currently researching a technology can now gain new traits as they level up

* 正在研究科技的科學家現在可以在提升等級的時候獲得新的特性

* Distinguished Admiralty now gain +2 starting level to their Admirals and Generals.

* 卓越海軍現在為艦隊司令和陸軍將領提供+2初始等級

* Fixed unmodifiable traits so that you can now correctly remove special habitability traits, along with various other traits that you were not meant to be able to add but it was fine to remove. Also allowed you to apply existing species templates containing such traits to the rest of the species. (This mainly covers flavour-based traits - there are still some such as Mechanical or Psionic or Necrophage which you will not be able to add or remove via species modification)

* 修復了不可修改的特質,現在你可以正確的移除特殊的宜居性特質,以及您不打算新增但可以移除的各種其他特質。同時也允許你將包含此類特質的現有物種模版應用到該物種的其餘個體上。(這主要涵蓋了偏好特質——仍有一些,例如機械或靈能或死靈特質你無法通過物種改造來新增或移除)

* From Beta: Empire Size effects on edicts, campaigns, and ambitions now directly affect the base costs of these, so bonuses like Spiritualist ethic's cost reductions now reduce costs and upkeep by the expected percentages.

* 由測試版引入:帝國規模對法令,運動和野望的影響現在直接作用在它們的基礎消耗上,因而像唯心主義思潮之類的消耗降低獎勵現在可以按預期減少消耗和維護費的百分比

* Increased political power of ruler and specialist strata under Decadent Lifestyle.

* 提升統治者和專家階層在享樂生活時的政治權利

* Increased the consumer goods upkeep of Decadent Lifestyle.

* 提升享樂生活的消費品維護費。

* Integrated Preservation no longer increases admin cap, instead it gives your empire a flat 30% increase to Automatic Resettlement Chance.

* 被合併的附庸不再提升行政管理能力上限,而是替換為為你的帝國提升30%的重新安置機會。

* It now costs 25/50 influence to upgrade a habitat in addition to the alloy cost.

* 現在升級居住站時除了合金費用之外還需要25/50的影響力。

* leaders now only stay in the active pool for 1 year, hire them quickly before they leave!

* 領袖現在只在招募池裡保留1年,在他們離開之前趕快僱傭他們!

* Beta: Megastructures no longer have a unity upkeep

* 測試版:巨構建築現在不再有凝聚力維護費了。

* Pearl Divers now produce one more trade value (3 by default) and will not steal Angler jobs when food is short anymore.

* 珍珠潛水員現在提供額外的1點貿易價值(預設為3點)而且不再會在食物短缺是偷取漁夫的崗位。

* Reduced campaign costs and ambitions costs significantly, re-added Edict Cost Reduction to spiritualists for Unity Ambitions and Sacrifices.

* 大幅降低運動成本和野望成本,重新為唯心主義者增加凝聚力野望和犧牲的法令成本降低。

* Regenerative Hull Tissue, Nanite Repair System and Nanobot Cloud have had their values sliced in half however they now heal on a percentage basis rather than a static one leading to a net buff in most situations..

* 再生艦體組織,奈米修復系統和奈米機器雲的數值減半,但它們現在是按百分比回覆而不是固定數值,使得在大多數情況下這個算是加強。

* Beta: Removed the penalty to trade value from low habitability due to it not working properly with pops that were of a species other than the empire founding species

* 測試版:刪除了由於不能正常地與非帝國創始物種的人口一起工作導致的低宜居性對貿易價值的懲罰。

* Servile pops should no longer retain the trait if they become zombies.

* 奴隸人口在變成殭屍時將移除“被奴役”特質。

* Spiritualist empires can now acquire the technologies associated with the Autochthon Memorial and similar buildings, as well as their faith based line.

* 唯心帝國現在可以和他們的信仰路線一樣獲得和先驅者紀念碑及類似建築相關的科技。

* Spiritualists are no longer allowed to take ‘Byzantine Bureaucracy’ since they don't have Bureaucrats.

* 唯心帝國現在不再可以使用“拜占庭式官僚”理念,因為他們沒有官僚。

* Telepaths now give +5% planetary output and get bonuses from planet administrator modifiers

* 靈能使現在提供+5%行星產出,並且從行星主管的修正中獲得加成。

* The "Sell to Private Collector" minor artifact decision now grants a flat 500 energy and has a 6 month cooldown.

* 將稀有文物出售給私人收藏家的選項現在提供500固定能量,並且有6個月的冷卻時間。

* The Here Be Dragons endgame trigger now lets Machine Intelligences with the Synthetic Age Ascension perk reach it after 4 Ascension perks rather than 6.

* 智械文明在擁有合成時代4個飛昇天賦時將觸發與龍共舞終局事件,而不是之前的6個。

* The Living Metal technology can now be discovered as long as you have some within your borders.

* 活體金屬的相關科技在你的境記憶體在活體金屬的時候就可能被發現。

* The Void Dweller finisher from the Expansion tradition tree now also discounts upgrading habitats.

* 虛空住民起源現在也將從“擴張”傳統樹中獲得居住站升級折扣。

* Trade value is now affected by difficulty bonus. This will make non hive mind empires more competitive on higher difficulty settings compared to hive mind AI empires.

* 貿易價值現在會被難度係數影響。這將使非蜂巢帝國與蜂巢帝國相比,在更高的難度設定下更具競爭力。


# AI


* AI can now create more specialized planets by switching place of buildings on two different planets with each other.

* AI現在可以通過將兩個不同星球上的建築位置相互交換來更專業地規劃星球。

* AI will no longer instantly buy ever single slave pop on the slave market

* AI現在不會在奴隸市場上看到人就買。

* AI will now prioritize its alloy expenditure in a more sensible way, focusing on ships then starbases modules/upgrades and only building defense platforms as a last resort.

* 現在AI會更加合理地規劃合金消費,首先著手於艦船然後是空間站模組或升級,且只會把修建防禦平臺當作最後手段。

* AI bonus willingness to choose rare tech has been reduced from 400% to 50%, AI would often spend a very long time researching expensive rare tech in the early game if they had the chance.

* AI選擇稀有科技的意願加成從400%下降至50%,AI之前總是在前期一有機會就會花費大量時間研究昂貴的稀有科技。

* AI is now much more likely to pick cheaper research options when all else equals.

* AI現在在其他條件等同時會大幅度傾向於選擇更便宜的研究方向。

* AI will now take into account free jobs and items in the construction queue when setting its economic targets.

* AI在設定經濟目標時會考慮到空閒崗位以及建築佇列。

* AI empires are now more likely to pick the mind over matter Ascension perk when available.

* AI帝國現在會更傾向於選擇心勝於物飛昇天賦。

* AI empires are now much more likely to finish their Ascension path.

* AI帝國現在會明顯地更傾向於完成它們的飛昇天賦樹。

* AI empires that require food will no longer build bioreactors.

* 需要食物的AI帝國將不再會建造生物反應堆。

* AI empires who are not using food will now delete agricultural districts if they happen to have one, for example when they conquer.

* 不需要食物的AI帝國將會清除他們的農業區,比如在征服的時候獲得了農業區之類情況的話。

* AI ethics such as militarist, spiritualist and materialist will now have an effect on the AI overall economical strategy where they will have additional focus on alloys, unity or science respectively.

* AI的軍國主義、唯心主義、唯物主義等理念現在會影響AI的總體經濟策略,使得AI分別專注於合金、凝聚力和科技。

* AI fleets who are following a player fleet with "take point" will now merge with each other when they reach the player fleet.

* 跟隨玩家艦隊的AI攻擊艦隊將會在追上玩家艦隊時和彼此合併。

* AI fleets will now follow the player more closely with a follow command when they are in the same system.

* AI艦隊和玩家艦隊在同一星系時會使用跟隨命令來更緊地跟住玩家艦隊。

* AI is now much more likely to prioritize surveying a system if they know there is a colonizable planet there resulting in faster expansion.

* AI現在會更傾向於偵察已知有宜居星球的星系來加速擴張。

* AI rogue servitor empires will now build an organic sanctuary on each planet that has upgraded their capital building, and build additional ones on planets with high science or industrial output.

* 失控機僕AI現在會在每個有已升級首府的星球建造有機庇護所,並且會在有高科研和工業輸出的星球建造額外的有機庇護所。

* Overhauled AI weightings for picking techs so that it favors technologies that increase research speed instead of almost always researching weapons (faster research means Better weapons in the long run). Also fixed various bugs with this, for example extremely low weightings on researching robotics.

* 重做的AI科技選擇權重會使得AI傾向於選擇增加研究速度的科技,而不是總是選擇武器科技(更快的研究意味著長遠而言更好的武器)。同時修復了許多相關的bug,比如機器人學的極低選擇權重。

* AI can now balance how many pops it needs that produce amenities Better (mostly relevant for Hiveminds, so they don’t put ALL their pops on amenity creating jobs).

* AI現在會更好地平衡需要產出足夠舒適度的人口(主要影響蜂巢意識,這樣一來它們就不會把全部人口都放在產出舒適度的崗位上了)。

* AI will no longer destroy superfluous buildings and districts during a temporary occupation of a planet.

* AI現在不再會在臨時佔領行星時清除冗餘的建築和區域。

* AI will now demolish superfluous districts, commonly obtained during conquest and purging the previous owners.

* AI現在會在征服的過程中拆毀冗餘的區域,並淨化前任擁有者。

* AI will now favor the trade policy which generates consumer goods over the default wealth creation policy.

* AI現在會更喜歡產出消費品的貿易政策,而不是預設的產生財富的貿易政策。

* AI will now favor researching techs unlocking the weapon type they favor (according to their personality).

* AI現在會傾向於選擇複合它們“人設”(思潮之類)的武器型別科技。

* AI will now make sure planets contain at least one free building slot if it has unemployed pops and it is unable to find any possible construction which contributes to the AI's economic plan.

* AI現在會保證每個星球至少有一個空的建築槽位,以免出現失業人口時沒有辦法找到滿足當前AI經濟計劃的建築。

* AI will now only build defense platforms if they have maxed out their fleet cap.

* AI現在只有在艦隊容量達到上限之後才會開始建造防禦平臺。

* AI will now only upgrade fleets if there would a substantial benefit (+30% fleet power determined by define SHIP_FLEET_POWER_UPGRADE_THRESHOLD )

* AI現在只在有可觀收益(意味著+30%艦隊戰鬥力,具體數字由SHIP_FLEET_POWER_UPGRADE_THRESHOLD值定義)的前提下才會升級艦隊。

* AI will now remember if they have fought against a crisis together with the player and continue following their fleets as long as the threat of the crisis remains.

* AI現在會記得曾經和玩家一起面對過危機,並且會在危機持續的情況下持續跟隨玩家的艦隊。

* AI will now spend more of its alloys on upgrading starbases when they have reached their fleet cap.

* AI現在會在艦隊容量達到上限後花費更多的合金升級空間站。

* AI will now more reliably build habitats again.

* AI現在會更傾向於建造居住站。

* Ai budget for alloys will now heavily favor building colony ships if we have claimed planets we want to colonize.

* 如果有了宣稱的可殖民星球,AI會傾向於優先用合金建造殖民船。

* AI now understands how to evaluate energy grids and other buildings that apply modifiers to the planet (so now it can create specialized planets Better).

* AI現在懂得評估諸如能源網路之類的可以提供行星修正的建築(現在ai可以更好地建立專門的行星)。

* Allied AI will now help its allies defend against the mid and late game crisis.

* 同盟AI現在會幫助盟友抵抗遊戲中期和後期的危機。

* AI is now much more likely to prioritize surveying a system if they know there is a colonizable planet there resulting in faster expansion.

* 如果AI發現了有可殖民的星球的星系,它現在傾向於優先調查該星系,從而加快擴張速度。

* AI will now look at the individual unemployed pop when considering what job to create for it, solving various issues where jobs were created for pops who could not work them.

* AI現在會依據失業人口來創造新崗位,從而為無法工作的人口創造就業機會,解決各種問題。

* Fixed AI often aborting jump drive orders during windup.

* 修正了AI在結束時經常發出停止躍遷引擎命令的問題。

* Fixed Lithoid Tree of Life food building and destruction loop

* 修復了似石族生命之樹起源中的食物建造和破壞迴圈的問題

* Fixed a bug where the AI would sometimes try to replace one lost science ship with an excessively high number thereof.

* 修復了AI有時會嘗試用一堆科學船來替換丟失的科學船的錯誤。

* Fixed an issue where AI can not build any buildings when negative on food and consumer goods at the same time.

* 修復了當食物和消費品同時出現赤字時,AI無法建造任何建築物的問題。

* Fixed an issue where AI would continuously upgrade buildings and create an excessive amount of jobs.

* 修復了AI會不斷升級建築並創造過多工作崗位的問題。

* Fixed an issue where AI would incorrectly multiply the trade value generated by a building by the number of jobs provided by the building twice.

* 修復了AI錯誤地將建築物產生的貿易價值乘以建築物提供的工作數量兩次的問題。

* Fixed an issue where AI would only consider solving amenities issues with buildings if there was no unemployment.

* 修復了AI僅在沒有失業的情況下才考慮解決建築物設施的舒適度的問題。

* Fixed an issue where AI would put too many pops working amenities jobs.

* 修復了AI會讓過多的人口在舒適度設施工作的問題。

* Fixed an issue where hive minds were unable to build the spawning pool.

* 修復了蜂巢思維無法建造公共產卵池的問題。

* Fixed an issue where repeatable tech were getting an extra chance to be research as if they were rare techs.

* 修復了可重複技術會和稀有技術一樣獲得額外研究機會的問題。

* Fixed an issue where the AI did not colonize low habitability planets when there are no other options causing doomsday origin empires in particular to often experience a very swift end to their species.

* 修復了在末日將至起源下,當沒有其他選項時,AI 不會殖民低宜居性行星的問題。之前這點經常導致末日將至起源的帝國經常經歷迅速的種族滅絕。

* Fixed an issue where the AI would not budget to use ship boost edicts.

* 修復了AI不會用預算去使用船舶加速法令的問題。

* Fixed an issue with AI budgeting preventing it from using terraforming gasses when it wanted to.

* 修復了AI的預算阻止在需要時使用環境改造氣體的問題。

* Fixed several issues where AI would get stuck and not build any modules or upgrade any starbases when there were open module slots which were unable to be filled according to the AI's starbase template.

* 修復了當存在可用模組但由於AI的恆星基地模板的原因而無法建造時,AI會卡住並不會建造模組和升級恆星基地的問題。

* Improved "Take Point" Follow behavior for fleets.

* 改進了艦隊的“跟隨艦隊”指令的跟隨行為。

* Improved AI construction ship behavior, construction ships will now prioritize tasks that are close to them and avoid going to another system that already has a construction ship in it. Heavily increased priority of building starbases in systems with planets.

* 改進了AI的工程船行為,工程船現在會優先處理附近的任務,並避免進入另一個已經有工程船的星系。這大大提高了在有行星的星系中建造恆星基地的優先順序。

* Increased allowed budget for alloys on planet construction which prevented AI from building energy grids.

* 增加了恆星建設中的合金預算,之前這會阻止AI建造能量電網。

* Life Seeded AIs now always want the World Shaper Ascension perk.

* 生命之籽起源的AI現在總會選擇世界塑形師飛昇。

* Lithoid empires are now more liberal in spending minerals on their colony ships.

* 石質生物帝國現在在殖民船上花費礦物更加自由。

* Reduces AI willingness to take a lot of planets with very low habitability.

* 降低了AI佔領很多低宜居性行星的意願。

* Removed weighted random from AI construction as it now more correctly prioritizes which buildings to build.

* 從AI建造中移除隨機加權的設定,這樣可以讓AI更正確地優先考慮建造哪些建築物。

* The AI will now use minor artifact decisions with extra focus put on Arcane Deciphering.

* AI現在將使用研究文物決策,並特別關注奧術解密。

* Total overhaul for scripted AI tech selection. The important techs are now: extra research speed, extra resource production, resource producing buildings, ship types and starbase types.

* 對AI的技術選擇指令碼進行全面檢查。現在重要的技術是:額外的研究速度、額外的資源生產、資源生產建築、艦船型別和恆星基地型別。

* Updated AI construction ship logic so that they will keep working around the system they have been sent to instead of going back and forth Between the empire borders (which was a very inefficient way of building stations)

* 更新了AI 工程船的邏輯,以便他們持續圍繞他們被指派的星系工作,而不是在帝國境內來回走動(這是一種非常低效的建車站的方法)

* Updated AI tradition selection to align Better with the current state of the game.

* 更新了AI傳統選擇,使其更好與當前遊戲狀態保持一致。

* Adjusted AI tradition tree and Ascension perk selection.

* 調整了AI傳統樹和飛昇的選擇。

* Nanite repair system will no longer be used by the auto designer when the empire does not have access to nanite income.

* 當帝國無法獲得奈米機器人時,自動規劃將不再使用奈米人維修系統。

* Fixed an issue where AI necroid empires didn't build chamber of elevation on their planets.

* 修復了 AI 死靈帝國沒有在他們的星球上建造升格之室的問題。

* Fixed an issue where clone army origin species would not always build ancient clone vats on their new colonies when possible.

* 修復了克隆大軍起源的物種不總是在他們的新殖民地上建造遠古克隆艙的問題。

* Fixed an issue where the AI were not allowed to build Gaia Seeders.

* 修復了不允許AI建造蓋亞播種者的問題。

* Fixed an issue where the AI would incorrectly evaluate the potential resources gained by constructing a building.

* 修復了AI會錯誤評估建築物的潛在資源收益的問題。

* Fixed an issue where the AI would sometimes revert to obsolete fallback behavior when deciding what to build.

* 修復了AI在進行建築決策時會錯誤的恢復為過時行為的問題。


# UI

# 介面


* Added a textbox for Cost in Edicts UI. Also rearranged neighboring elements to align Better.

* 在法令UI中添加了法令花費文字框。還重新排列了相鄰的元素,讓文字更好對齊。

* Added column for upkeep in Edicts interface (entry as well as sort button)

* 在法令介面中新增維護的欄目(條目以及排序按鈕)。

* Hid Empire Sprawl impact from top of Edicts UI. Put Edict Fund in its place to keep neat alignment.

* 從法令UI頂部隱藏帝國規模的影響。將法令花費放在它的位置以保持整齊排列。

* Added upkeep into the leaders entry in leaders View.

* 在領導人檢視中的領導人條目裡添加了維護費。

* You can now see Unbidden anchor systems on the galactic map.

* 現在可以在銀河地圖上看到破界者的次元錨 。

* Clicking the fleet size icon in the top bar now opens the fleet manager.

* 單擊頂部欄中的艦隊規模圖示現在可以開啟艦隊管理器。

* Improved legibility of approximate job output indicators on districts and buildings, and made those on buildings also show country modifiers (those on districts already did).

* 改進了區劃和建築的預期產出的易讀性,並使建築物上也顯示國家修正(那些在地區上已經使用了)。

* Optimized elements for leader upkeep and age to fit localization Better and avoid UI overlaps.

* 優化領導者維護和年齡的顯示以更好地適應本地化並避免UI重疊。

* Technologies which let you clear blockers now give a tooltip which says how many such blockers are on your colonies.

* 讓你清除障礙的技術現在會提供一個提示框,顯示你的殖民地上有多少這樣的障礙。

* Tooltips should no longer show any percentage values with decimals.

* 提示框不應再顯示任何帶小數的百分比值。


# Stability

# 穩定性


* Fixed a bug where the closest_system effect could cause an OOS (it would OOS when hovering over the tooltip of certain events).

* 修復了最臨近的星系效果可能導致失去同步的錯誤(將滑鼠懸停在某些事件的提示框上時會失去同步)。

* Fixed a crash if script tried to change the species rights of a country (e.g. pirates) without species rights.

* 修正瞭如果指令碼試圖改變一個沒有物種權利的國家(例如海盜)的物種權利產生的崩潰。

* Fixed a crash that would occur if a timed modifier element in the expansion planner was hovered after the modifier expired.

* 修復了擴張計劃器中的計時的修正在修正過期後懸停時會發生的崩潰。

* Fixed an OOS if you ever use every_system_in_cluster in a tooltip (luckily, we never did that)

* 如果您曾經在提示框中使用every_system_in_cluster,我們修復了這個失去同步BUG(幸運的是,我們從未這樣做過)

* Fixed crash when using pass_targeted_resolution in events

* 修復了在事件中使用pass_targeted_resolution時產生的崩潰。


# Performance

# 效能


* Reduced frame rate impact of opening planet view.

* 減少了開啟行星檢視時對遊戲幀率的影響

* Optimized (slowed down) recalculations of species view and colonization menu so that they don’t tank framerate.

* 優化(放慢)了重新計算後的種族檢視和殖民選單,使其不會影響幀率。

* Refactored bonus resources that civics grant to jobs.

* 重構了國民理念對於工作崗位的獎勵。

* Refactored unemployment benefits from living standards.

* 根據生活標準重設了失業人口的補助金。

* Refactored Living Standards to use pop modifiers on the living standards script, instead of being checked for each pop category.

* 重構了生活標準,現在可以通過人口修正來設定生活標準指令碼,而不是檢查每個人口的類別。

* Updated ship shader to support empire color in emissive, decreasing the amount of draw calls for Aquatic ships.

* 更新了艦船的著色器使其支援帝國的主體顏色,並減少了水生類物種艦船的繪製次數。

* Greatly improved performance of upgrading fleets. This mainly affects the tooltip of the UI (which was very expensive when hovered over), but also saves some time each time the AI attempts to upgrade its fleets.

* 顯著提高了升級艦隊的效能表現。這主要體現在優化了UI的懸浮窗上(滑鼠懸停在這上面的時候,它特別吃效能),而且AI每次嘗試升級它的艦隊時也會節省一些時間。


# Bugfix

# 捉蟲



# Modding

# 模組


##### Patchnotes End #####


Some of the entries are marked as "Beta:", to show what has been changed compared to the updated Beta version that some of you may have been playing on. And also as a way to show the impact that community feedback has had on the game.


Be sure to catch our 3.3 "Libra" Release Stream, on Wednesday, February 23rd, at 9:30 AM CET on Twitch!

請務必在2月23日星期三上午9:30(歐洲中部時間)在Twitch上觀看我們的3.3 版本號“天秤座Libra”釋出直播。

翻譯:qqqqyyy frost 萊恩希德公爵 Aquaaaaaaaaa 瘋狂的新兵

校對:一水戰阿部熊 三等文官猹中堂





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