維多利亞3開發日誌#36 | 3/3 建造
牧遊社 牧有漢化翻譯
Dev Diary #36 – Construction
Wizzington, Game Director Victoria 3
Hello and welcome to another Victoria 3 development diary! Today we'll be returning to more mechanics-oriented dev diaries, starting out with a very important mechanic for the economic development of your 19th century nation - the construction of new Buildings.
Construction in Strategy games tends to follow a pretty typical formula: you save up money, order a construction and pay a lump-sum cost, wait some time, and the new building pops into existence. As mentioned in Dev Diary 12, however, the vast majority of expenses in Victoria 3 are not lump-sum costs but applied over time as part of your national budget. So how does it work instead? To answer that, there's a few concepts we need to cover, namely Construction Capacity, the Construction Sector and the Construction Queue.
戰略遊戲中的建造一般遵循一個非常典型的定式:先攢錢,然後下一個建造訂單,一次性付清款項,接著等一會兒,最後建築pia一下就造好了。然而,就像在開發日誌#12裡提到的一樣,維多利亞3中大部分的花費都不是一次性支出,而是作為國家預算的一部分隨著時間慢慢支出的。那麼,在建造方面它是如何這樣運作的呢?要回答這個問題,我們需要先引出幾個概念:建造能力 Construction Capacity、建造部門Construction Sector和建造佇列Construction Queue。
Let's start then with Construction Capacity - which is actually just named Construction in-game, but we're calling it Construction Capacity here to differentiate it from the overall concept of building things. This is a country-wide value of your nation's overall ability to make progress on new buildings in a single week. For example, if your country produces a total of 100 Construction and a new Textile Mill costs 300 Construction, you'd expect to be able to build that Textile Mill in a total of 3 weeks. However, it's a little more complicated than that, as we'll see below when we explain the Construction Queue.
我們先從建造能力Construction Capacity開始——在遊戲裡它實際上就被命名為建造值Construction,但是我們在這裡稱其為建造容量,從而區分於“建造新東西”這個概念。建造容量是指你整個國家在一週內可以完成新建築進度的總體能力。舉個例子來說,如果你的國家總共生產100單位的建造值(建造容量),而建造一個新的紡織廠需要300單位的建造值,那麼你花費三週就可以完成這個紡織廠的建造工作。然而,情況要比這複雜一些,我們將在下面解釋建造佇列時瞭解到。
With Construction Sectors present in Lower Egypt, Matruh, Sinah and Palestine, the Egypt in this screenshot generates a respectable amount of Construction for the early game, though their finances may struggle a bit to fund it all.由於在下埃及、馬特魯、西奈和巴勒斯坦地區都有建造部門,這張截圖中的埃及在遊戲初期產生了數量可觀的建造值,儘管它的財政可能不足以資助所有。
So, how do you produce Construction? This is where the Construction Sector comes in. All countries get a tiny amount of 'free' Construction Capacity to ensure that you never get stuck in a situation where you need Construction Capacity to expand your Construction Sector but need a Construction Sector to get Construction Capacity. This amount is woefully small though, and wholly insufficient even for a small nation, so if you're not planning to run a subsistence economy long-term you will definitely need to invest in a proper Construction Sector by building more Construction Sector buildings in your states.
那麼,你怎樣產出建造值呢?這裡就要說到建造部門Construction Sector了。所有國家都有少量“免費”的建造能力,以確保你永遠不會陷入“你需要建造能力來擴建建造部門,但是你需要建造部門來提供建造能力”這種情況。但這個數量少得可憐,即使對於一個小國來說也是不足的。所以如果你不打算長期把經濟維持在僅供生存的程度,你就一定要通過在各地區建造更多建造部門的建築,來創立數量合適的建造部門。
Mechanically speaking, the Construction Sector is a type of government building which employs people and uses goods to output Construction Capacity with a variety of different Production Methods, ranging from simple Wooden Buildings to modern arc-welded Steel and Glass structures. It does work a little bit differently though, in that the amount of Goods used by the Construction Sector each week depends on the actual need for Construction Capacity - if your Country is producing a total of 500 Construction Capacity, but will only need 250 for ongoing projects that week, the total usage of Goods in the Construction Sector is cut by half - though you still have to pay the wages of all the Pops employed there.
從遊戲機制來說,建造部門是一種政府建築。它僱傭人民並消費貨物,以不同的生產方式生產建造能力,有著各種不同的生產方式,從簡單的木製建築到現代弧焊鋼結構再到玻璃結構。但它的工作機制的確有些不同,每週建造部門使用的商品數量取決於建造能力的實際需求 ——如果你的國家每週產出500單位的建造能力,但是這周正在進行的專案只需要250單位,那麼建造部門的商品總用量就會減少一半——儘管你還是要給那裡工作的人開滿額的工資。
More advanced methods of construction are expensive and require complex goods - but you will find it difficult to build up a true industrialized economy without them.更先進的建造方法是昂貴的,而且需要複雜的貨物——但是你會發現,如果沒有它們,你就很難建立起真正的工業化經濟。
Ultimately, what this means is that how fast you can build things depends entirely on how much money, goods and research you're willing to throw into your Construction Sector - having only a handful of Construction Sector buildings using only Wood and Fabric will certainly be cheaper and easier than building up a sprawling Construction Sector using Steel-Frame Buildings, but will naturally limit your ability to industrialize your nation.
So then, how does Construction Capacity actually turn into finished buildings? This is where the Construction Queue comes in. Each country has a nation-wide Construction Queue, with each project in the Queue corresponding to building a single level of a Building in a specific State. For example, a Construction Queue in Sweden might look like this (all numbers are examples):
那麼,建造能力究竟是如何變成建築的呢?這裡就要說到建造佇列Construction Queue了。每個國家都有一個全國建造佇列,佇列中的每個專案對應著將某個地區的某個建築建造一級。舉個例子,瑞典的建造佇列可能會是這個樣子(其中數字僅為舉例,不代表真實遊戲資料):
1. Expand Government Administration in Svealand (250/300 Construction Capacity remaining)
2. Expand Fishing Wharves in Norrland (155/180 Construction Capacity remaining)
3. Expand Fishing Wharves in Norrland (180/180 Construction Capacity remaining)
4. Expand Rye Farms in Svealand (180/180 Construction Capacity remaining)
5. Expand Port in Götaland (240/240 Construction Capacity remaining)
Each week, your produced Construction Capacity is allocated to projects in the Queue in order of priority, with a maximum speed at which projects can proceed (so it's never possible to, say, build the Panama Canal in a single week). Using the above construction queue as an example, let's say the maximum progress that can be made each week is 50, and Sweden is producing 112 Construction Capacity.
This would mean that projects 1 and 2 would both be allocated 50 Construction Capacity, while project 3 would get the left-over 12 and projects 4 and 5 would not progress at all in that week. It would take 5 weeks for entry 1 to finish at that pace, but after only 3 weeks, project 2 will be down to only 5 progress needed, and so most of the Construction Capacity allocated to it will be freed up for other projects. This also means that project 2 will actually finish before project 1, which is perfectly normal, as different buildings require different amounts of Construction Capacity to complete - it’s easier to build a Rye Farm than a Shipyard.
With just above 40 construction output and the help of some local Construction Efficiency bonuses, this country is able to make rapid progress on the Wheat Farms and Iron Mines at the top of the queue and even get a bit of weekly extra progress on the Logging Camps.該國產出的建造能力剛剛過40,再加上一些當地的建造效率加成,這使得該國能高效完成建造佇列靠前的小麥農場和鐵礦,甚至每週還能給伐木場增添一點額外的進度。
If all this seems confusing, don't worry! All you really need to understand is that the more Construction Capacity you have, the faster things go - but a large Construction Sector will need to be kept busy with multiple projects at once if you want to use its entire output.
There is one more important factor to Construction, which is a modifier called State Construction Efficiency that governs how effective each point of Construction Capacity you put into building Buildings in a State is. For example, a state with a +50% bonus to State Construction Efficiency means that every Construction Capacity allocated to projects in that State actually results in 1.5 progress on said projects, while a malus of -50% would reduce it to 0.5 actual progress.
建造還有一個很重要的點,就是一個叫作地區建造效率State Construction Efficiency的修正,它能決定你投入該地區建造建築物的每一點建造能力被利用的有效程度。比如說,某地區擁有+50%的地區建造效率加成,這意味著每一點分配到該地區專案中的建造能力都會帶來專案1.5點的建造進度,反過來-50%也會只有0.5的實際進度。
A few factors that will increase or decrease State Construction Efficiency are:
Terrain-based State Traits, such as mountains or jungle, tends to reduce State Construction Efficiency
Building a Construction Sector in a State increases the local State Construction Efficiency
Low Market Access reduces State Construction Efficiency
Industrializing the Amazon Rainforest is neither easy nor cheap.工業化亞馬遜雨林既不容易也不便宜。
That's it for today! Join us again next week as we continue talking mechanics, on the topic of Market Expansion!
今天就是這些內容了!下週我們繼續來講機制,是關於市場擴張Market Expansion的話題!
翻譯:沒有V3玩我要死了(AKA.澤連斯基) 摸魚怪
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