1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >967. Numbers With Same Consecutive Differences

967. Numbers With Same Consecutive Differences

Return allnon-negativeintegers of lengthNsuch that the absolute difference between every two consecutive digits isK.

Note thateverynumber in the answermust nothave leading zerosexceptfor the number0itself. For example,01has one leading zero and is invalid, but0is valid.

You may return the answer in any order.

Example 1:

Input: N = 3, K = 7
Output: [181,292,707,818,929]
Explanation: Note that 070 is not a valid number, because it has leading zeroes.

Example 2:

Input: N = 2, K = 1
Output: [10,12,21,23,32,34,43,45,54,56,65,67,76,78,87,89,98]


  1. 1 <= N <= 9
  2. 0 <= K <= 9
class Solution {
public int[] numsSameConsecDiff(int N, int K) { List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); for(int i = 2; i <= N; i++) { List<Integer> tmp = new ArrayList(); for(int j : list) { int x = j % 10;
if(j > 0 && x + K < 10) tmp.add(j * 10 + K + x); if(j > 0 && K > 0 && x - K >= 0) tmp.add(j * 10 + x - K); } list = tmp; } int[] res = new int[list.size()]; int i = 0; for(int j : list) res[i] =list.get(i++); return res; } }


