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and ade with its operator bus gen 也不會 too

In central Lusaka, Misozi Mkandawire presides over an empire of kiosks.I

1. In central Peking, Mr.Zhang presides over a mini-supermarket.

She started with Zoona while at college(直接+時間狀語).Her profits can now reach 50,000 kwacha ($5,200) a month. That is exceptional.Last year the average agent made $548 in monthly commission, before costs.

1. supermarket‘s profits reach 3thousand a day.

Globally, nearly half of mobile-money agents have not processed a transaction for a month; 97% of Zoona agents do so every day.

The right location helps.Zoona puts its lime-green booths in canny places, like markets, bus stations and even a hospital.
They are often flanked by booths for Airtel and MTN, two phone companies offering similar services. Zoona is not the cheapest—the sender pays about 10% on small transactions—but competes on coverage and reliability for example, ensuring its agents have enough float to cash large amounts. Last year Zoona raised(籌集到) $15m from investors.
Its outlets now dot streets in Malawi and Mozambique, and it has plans for the Democratic Republic of Congo. Such “third-party” operators are also thriving elsewhere: Wari, in Senegal, is not just competing with phone companies, but buying one. In most places mobile giants and a few banks still dominate, but maybe not for ever. 在盧薩卡中心,Misozi Mkandawire 管理一家大型售貨亭。她在大學時就在Zoona開始做了。她的收益現在可達每月5萬克瓦查(5200美元)。這是一個特例。去年平均每個代理在去除成本之前,每月的傭金只有548美元。從全球範圍來看,幾乎有一半的移動貨幣代理商一個月內都達不成一個交易;但在Zoona每天都有97%的代理商達成交易。 地利相助。Zoona 機智地把它石灰綠的貨攤放在像市場,公交站,甚至醫院這樣的地方。他們貨攤兩側還經常有Airtel a和 MTN這兩家提供相似業務的電話公司的貨攤。 Zoona 並不是最便宜的—寄件人在一項小筆交易中要付10% 費用— 但是以其覆蓋率和可信度取勝:比如,保證他的代理有充足的備用零錢來兌換大量現金。 去年,Zoona 從投資者哪裏籌到了1500萬美元。它的經銷店現在遍布馬拉維和莫桑比克的街道,它還計劃在剛果民主共和國開店。這種“第三方”經營公司也在各處大量發展:在塞內加爾的瓦裏並不僅僅用電話公司競爭,還買了一家。大多數地方,電話巨頭和銀行仍然占主導,但是可能再也不會了。

1.bus stations 公交站

例句:Airports, railway stations and long-distance bus stations are crowded with home returnees.

2.not for ever 不會永久

例句:I do not believe that it is not for ever, just once, so why should we believe?

3.small transactions 小額交易

例句:As a tool and channel of payment, Mobile phones can realize small payment transactions.

4.competing with 與...競爭

例句:Mike‘s company is competing with mine for the market share.
