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文章:SQL Attack(Constraint-based)    中文:基於約束條件的SQL攻擊

    Contraint-based:基於約束;    Contraint:約束;

    Herein:於此;    Vulnerability:漏洞;               eg:Herein, i would like to disscuss another kind of vulnerability related to SQL databases which i as dangerous as SQL Injection;

    Demonstrate:演示;    Strategies(Strategy):策略;

    Filter:過濾;    Parameter(s):引數;

    eg:Use single quotes(') for additional security    使用單引號來提高安全性。

    Crucial:關鍵;    eg:It is crucial to understand a few points before talking about the attack.

    Performing:執行;    eg:While performing string handling in SQL.    在sql執行字串查詢時。

    Clause:子句;    eg:such as strings in WHERE clause.    如where子句中的字串。

    Trimming:修剪;    Trailing:尾隨;    eg:Note that this trinmming of trailing whitespaces is done monstly during 'string comparison'.    請注意,尾隨空格的修剪大部分是在“字串比較”期間完成的。

    Internally:在內部;    Pad:填充;    eg:This is because, internally, SQL pads one of the strings with whitespaces so that their length matches before comparing them.    這是因為在內部SQL用空格填充其中一個進行比較的字串,一邊在比較他們之前匹配他們的長度。

    Enforce:強制,執行;    In case:如果;    eg:In any INSERT query, SQL enforces maximum length constraints on varchar(n) by just using the first 'n' characters of the string (in case the length of the string is more than 'n' characters).    在任何INSERT查詢中,SQL通過僅使用字串的前n個字元(如果字串的長度超過'n'個字元)來強制varchar(n)上的最大長度約束。

    Entry:條目;    Manually:手動;


    文章:SQL injection that gets around mysql_real_escape_string()

    Constructe:構造;    Numerous:眾多;

    Execute:執行;    Multiple:多



    文章:What is this SQL injection doing?

    Long story short:長話短說;    Unfilter:沒過濾;

    Charset:字符集;    Weird:奇怪的;

    Probing:探測;    Portion:一部分;

    Retrieve:取回;    Crack:破解;



文章:Difference between<?php?> and <script language="php"></script>

    在刷bugku的檔案包含2時遇到的題目,可以說是第一次做這種型別的題目 也是第一次遇到這種姿勢特地搜尋了下該姿勢。

    Tutorial:教程;    Tag:標籤;  eg:I was simply goging through the turorial of PHP there i found that we can write our PHP code using <script languaga="php"></script> tag also.

    Depracted:棄用;    Depracte:藐視;

    Trip over:絆倒;    

    Eg:突然查詢到這些區別 然後請移步:檔案包含裡的檔案包含2




and ade with its operator bus gen 也不會 too In central Lusaka, Misozi Mkandawire presides over an empire of kiosks.I 1. In central Peking,


pos 所有 class body time blog have 每日英語 英語 2018/01/01     1、單詞:resolution n.決心;堅決;   2、每日一句:All we have to decide is what to do with the ti


1.nuts [nʌts] adj.<俚>發瘋的; 傻的; <美俚>熱愛的; 迷戀的;n. 堅果; 螺母( nut的名詞複數 ); 對…著迷的人; 瘋子; 2.shell [ʃel] n.外殼; 炮彈; (貝、卵、堅果等的) 殼; (人的) 表面性格; vt.去


1.praise [preɪz] n.讚揚,稱讚; 崇拜; 讚詞;v.歌頌; 讚揚,讚美; 崇拜; 2.aside from 除…之外; 既…又…; 暫置不論; 3.scholarly [ˈskɒləli] adj.學術性的; 學者的; 有學者風度的; 4.


1.borne是bear的過去式和過去分詞 2.dazzling eyes.用來描述小男主的眼睛魅力無窮 3.Had I not seen the sun,I could have borne the shade. 如果我不曾見過太陽,我本可以忍受黑暗! 斯人若彩虹,遇上方知有。-艾


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2018.6.21文章:SQL Attack(Constraint-based)    中文:基於約束條件的SQL攻擊    Contraint-based:基於約束;    Contraint:約束;    Herein:於此;    Vulnerability:漏洞; 


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invocation 呼叫 invoke 呼叫 recursion 遞迴 importer 進口商,提供商 proxy 代理 JUC 執行緒池包 RPC:Remote Promote Controll 遠端過程控制 trim 修剪 increment 自增,decre


1、that make sense.  ------那是可以理解的。2、don't miss a boat.  ------不要坐失良機。3、what makes you say so?  ------你怎麼這麼說呢?4、you satisfaction is guarant


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179. The ability to distinguish between fact and opinion, and to constantly question what we call knowledge, is vital to human pro