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[Web Analytics] Into to Web Analytics

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Just to get started for myself.

Any developer who doesn‘t care about the business is not a good software engineer. --Zhentian

The cycle of doing analytics

There are five steps:

  1. Define & Measure KPIs: Identify and capture KPI (key performance indicator) that show if you are reaching your business goals (KBRs)
  2. Report: Generate reports on collected data
  3. Analyze: Evaluate site perofrmance
  4. Optimize: Implement site and marketing changes and test their effectiveness
  5. Innovate: Experiemnt with new ideas to drive value

KPI Examples

Business Vertical: Travel

Key Business Requirement: Increase visitor interaction with site, incrase online bookings

Conversion Events: Purchase travel services, Sign up for programs


Revenue per booking

Look to Book Ratio

Scales Cycle

Origin & Destination Reporting

Campaign affinity variance

Business Verical: Media / Advertising

Key Business Requirement: Attract repeat visitor who explore the site in-depth and view ads on each page

Conversion Events: Content consumption by content group


Page views

Monthly Unique Visitors

page views per visit

visits per visitors

# of Subscriptions

Business Vertical: Retail

Key Business Requirement: Drive site visitors to purchase products or services onlin

Conversion Events: Product view, Cart Addition, Purchas



Averatge Revenue per visit


Average order Value

Order coversion Rate


[Web Analytics] Into to Web Analytics