[深度學習] Python實現卷積神經網路- Convolution
阿新 • • 發佈:2018-12-05
[深度學習] Python實現卷積神經網路- Convolution
作者 sunsided
github 地址: https://github.com/sunsided/python-conv2d
import cv2
import numpy as np
# load the image and scale to 0..1
image = cv2.imread('clock.jpg', cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE).astype(float) / 255.0
# do-it-yourself convolution:
# For each pixel in the input image, we'll inspect its neighborhood. A 3x3 kernel thus peeks
# at every neighbor of a specific pixel (there are 8 pixel neighbors) whereas a 5x5 kernel
# peeks at two pixels in every direction (i.e. 24 pixel neighbors).
# A kernel of all ones is called a box blur and is simply averaging all neighbors (sum all, optionally divide by count).
kernel = (np.array([[1 , 1, 1],
[1, 1, 1],
[1, 1, 1]]))
# the weighed pixels have to be in range 0..1, so we divide by the sum of all kernel
# values afterwards
kernel_sum = kernel.sum()
# fetch the dimensions for iteration over the pixels and weights
i_width, i_height = image.shape[0 ], image.shape[1]
k_width, k_height = kernel.shape[0], kernel.shape[1]
# prepare the output array
filtered = np.zeros_like(image)
# Iterate over each (x, y) pixel in the image ...
for y in range(i_height):
for x in range(i_width):
weighted_pixel_sum = 0
# Iterate over each weight at (kx, ky) in the kernel defined above ...
# We interpret the kernel weights in a way that the 'central' weight is at (0, 0);
# so the coordinates in the kernel are:
# [ (-1,-1), (0,-1), (1,-1)
# (-1, 0), (0, 0), (1, 0)
# (-1, 1), (0, 1), (1, 1)
# This way, the pixel at image[y,x] is multiplied with the kernel[0,0]; analogous,
# image[y-1,x] is multiplied with kernel[-1,0] etc.
# The filtered pixel is then the sum of these, so that
# weighted_pixel_sum = image[y-1,x-1] * kernel[-1,-1] +
# image[y-1,x ] * kernel[-1, 0] +
# image[y-1,x+1] * kernel[-1, 1] +
# image[y, x-1] * kernel[ 0, 1] +
# image[y, x ] * kernel[ 0, 0] +
# etc.
for ky in range(-(k_height / 2), k_height - 1):
for kx in range(-(k_width / 2), k_width - 1):
pixel = 0
pixel_y = y - ky
pixel_x = x - kx
# boundary check: all values outside the image are treated as zero.
# This is a definition and implementation dependent, it's not a property of the convolution itself.
if (pixel_y >= 0) and (pixel_y < i_height) and (pixel_x >= 0) and (pixel_x < i_width):
pixel = image[pixel_y, pixel_x]
# get the weight at the current kernel position
# (also un-shift the kernel coordinates into the valid range for the array.)
weight = kernel[ky + (k_height / 2), kx + (k_width / 2)]
# weigh the pixel value and sum
weighted_pixel_sum += pixel * weight
# finally, the pixel at location (x,y) is the sum of the weighed neighborhood
filtered[y, x] = weighted_pixel_sum / kernel_sum
cv2.imshow('DIY convolution', filtered)
# wait and quit