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英語流利說 第30天




Q1: “抹香鯨”用英語怎麼說?sperm whale

Q2: 塑料是文中抹香鯨的致命原因嗎?

Q3: 如何用英語形容“容易受到傷害或影響”?

1,000 pieces of plastic found inside dead whale in Indonesia

More than 1, 000 assorted pieces of plastic, including 115 cups, 25 bags, four bottles and two flip-flops, have been found inside a dead sperm whale in Indonesia, according to local officials.

The whale, found washed ashore Monday in Wakatobi National Park, was already decomposing when rescuers arrived, so investigators were unable to determine if the plastic caused its death, said Lukas Adhyakso, the conservation director of the World Wildlife Fund in Indonesia. The plastic weighed about 6 kilograms, or 13 pounds, he said.

But images of the dead whale resonated(with sb) in Indonesia, a country that has started to reckon with its outsize use of plastics. Indonesia, a nation of about 260 million people spread over thousands of islands in Southeast Asia, was the world’s second-biggest producer of plastic waste in 2015, behind only China, according to a study in the journal Science.

Ingesting plastic can give whales a false sense of satiation, leading them to eat less food that provides the nutrients they need, said Nicholas Mallos, director of the Trash Free Seas program at Ocean Conservancy, an environmental nonprofit. Consumption of plastics can lead to reduced weight, energy and swimming speed, making whales more vulnerable to predators.

More than 800 species of marine animals are susceptible to the estimated 8.8 million tons of plastics deposited each year in the ocean, Mallos said, and often in ways that do not lead to graphic imagery like the whale in Indonesia. Plastics can entangle and trap animals, sometimes causing them to drown, or pierce elements of their digestive systems after being swallowed.




印度尼西亞鯨魚屍體內發現 1000 塊塑料垃圾

印度尼西亞地方官員表示,他們在當地一頭死去的抹香鯨體內發現了 1000 多塊各種各樣的塑料製品,其中包括 115 個塑料杯,25 個塑料袋,四個塑料瓶和兩個塑料人字拖。

Lukas Adhyakso 是印尼世界野生動物基金會的自然保護主任。他表示,週一,該鯨魚在瓦卡託比海上國家公園被人發現,鯨魚被海水衝到了岸邊,屍體在救援人員趕到之前已經開始腐爛,所以調查人員無法確定它的死亡原因是不是塑料。他說,鯨魚體內的塑料重達 6 千克,約合 13 磅。

然而鯨魚屍體的照片在印度尼西亞產生了巨大的反響。印度尼西亞已經開始意識到,過量的塑料使用是個問題。該國擁有約 2.6 億人口,他們分佈在數千個東南亞的島嶼上。根據一項發表在《科學》期刊上的研究,印度尼西亞是 2015 年世界第二大塑料廢品生產國,僅次於中國。

Nicholas Mallos 是非盈利環境保護機構海洋保育協會的無垃圾海洋專案主任。他說,攝入塑料會給鯨魚造成一種虛假的飽腹感,導致它們減少食物的攝入,而食物能為它們提供所需營養。攝取塑料會導致體重降低,能量減少,游泳速度減慢,從而使鯨魚更容易受到掠食者的傷害。

Mallos 補充道,每年有超過 800 種海洋動物受到大約 880 萬噸被隨意丟棄在海洋中的塑料影響,通常這些影響不會像印度尼西亞鯨魚屍體的生動影象那樣以如此直接的方式呈現。塑料會纏住、卡住動物,有時會導致它們被淹死。塑料被動物吞下後,也可能刺穿它們的消化器官。