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英語流利說 第31天




Q1: 哪個國家是世界上最大的榴蓮生產國?

Q2: 新聞用了哪些詞來形容榴蓮?

Q3: 馬來西亞對華榴蓮貿易的現狀是怎樣的?

Malaysia bets on durian as China goes bananas(crazy) for world's smelliest fruit

The stinky, spiky durian is set to become Malaysia's next major export as the Southeast Asian nation rushes to develop thousands of acres to cash in

on unprecedented demand for the fruit from China.

Once planted in family orchards and small-scale farms, the durian, described by some as smelling like an open sewer or turpentine when ripe, is attracting investments like never before. Even property tycoons and companies in palm oil, Malaysia's biggest agricultural export, are making forays into the durian business.

The Malaysian government is encouraging large-scale farming of durian, counting on a 50 percent jump in exports by 2030.

Chinese pay top dollar for Malaysia's 'Musang King' variety of durian because of its creamy texture and bitter-sweet taste. Prices of the variety, now planted all over the country, have nearly quadrupled

in the last five years.

China's durian imports rose 15 percent last year to nearly 350, 000 tonnes worth $510 million, according to the United Nations' trade database. Nearly 40 percent was from Thailand, the world's top producer and exporter.

Malaysia accounted for less than 1 percent, but expects sales to China to jump to 22, 061 tonnes by 2030 from this year's likely 14, 600 tonnes, as trade is widened to include whole fruit from the current restriction to durian pulp and paste.

M7 Plantation Bhd, a private company established last year, is developing a 10, 000-acre durian estate in Gua Musang, home to the Musang King in the eastern state of Kelantan, and is selling durian trees for 5, 000 ringgit ($1, 200) each.

"We founded the company because we see potential in the industry, the primary target being China, " Chief Executive Ng Lee Chin said, adding that most of her buyers were from China.





馬來西亞政府正鼓勵大規模種植榴蓮,預計到 2030 年,榴蓮出口量將增長 50%。


根據聯合國貿易資料庫的資訊,去年中國的榴蓮進口量增長了 15%,達到近 35 萬公噸,價值 5.1 億美元。其中近 40% 的進口量來自泰國,泰國是世界上最大的榴蓮生產國和出口國。

來自馬來西亞的榴蓮佔比不到 1%,但預計到 2030 年,馬來西亞對華出口的榴蓮銷售量將從今年的大約 14,600 公噸猛增至 22,061 公噸,因為貿易範圍將擴大到整隻榴蓮,而不僅限於目前的榴蓮果肉和榴蓮醬。

馬來西亞 M7 種植公司是一家去年成立的私人企業,它正在話望生開發一座佔地 1 萬英畝的榴蓮莊園,地點設在凱蘭丹州東部的“貓山王”原產地,除此之外,它還以每棵 5,000 林吉特(1,200 美元)的價格出售榴蓮樹。

“我們之所以創立這個公司,是因為我們看到了榴蓮行業的潛力,我們的主要目標是中國。” 執行長 Ng Lee Chin 這樣說道,她還補充稱,她的大部分買家都來自中國。