unity deferred lighting
先說deferred rendering
G0 albedo ---rgb occlusion ---a
G1 reflection 相關資訊
G2 normalize(normalx2-1)
reflection pass-reflection emissive pass-shadowpass-lightingpass
light pass用normal 和reflection的資訊計算光照
只算螢幕上最後一層 這裡比forward省了前面那些層的光照計算 所以叫deferred
2. light資訊在world space做 proj到screen 能得到每個tile 涉及的light 放連結串列裡
取的時候用 screen uv作為索引 取當前tile受那些光影響 把這些光計算疊加
這裡省的是 light數量
unity deferred lighting
不同於硬體的tbdr 軟體層把光照放後面計算也有一個tbdr 先說deferred rendering 再說tiled 1.gbuffer出 G0 albedo ---rgb occlusion ---a G1 reflection 相關資訊 G2 normalize(normalx2-1)
Environment Skybox Material:天空盒材質 Sun Source:太陽光來源由哪個Light產生 Environment Lighting Source:環境光的來源 Skybo
unity Lighting總結
perf def false ant ast owin rmi strength void 上一篇博客已經詳細的介紹GI了,接下來我們講點實際的,怎麽烘焙場景及註意事項。 一、Light Property:Function: Type 當前燈光的類型。有四種類
Unity Lighting - Lighting overview 照明概述
default pen can 發生 bsp 並且 更改 forms roc Lighting overview照明概述 In order to calculate the shading of a 3D object, Unity needs to know the in
Unity Lighting - High Dynamic Range (HDR) 高動態範圍(五)
High Dynamic Range (HDR) 高動態範圍 As well as Color Space, the ‘dynamic range’ of your camera needs to be configured. Essentially, t
Unity Lighting - Reflections 反射(六)
Reflections 反射 Reflection Source 反射源 By default, objects in a scene are rendered using Unity’s ‘Standard Shader’. Th
Unity Lighting - Light Types 燈光型別(八)
Light Types 燈光型別 We have now covered some of the project settings which need to be considered before beginning work on lighting your scenes i
Unity Lighting - Light Probes 光照探針(十)
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【Unity Shaders】Lighting Models —— 衣服著色器
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unity reflection probe --- forward deferred transparent opaque
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【Unity-Graphics】Introduction to Lighting and Rendering
燈光(Lighting)和渲染(Rendering)簡介 現代遊戲照明廣泛使用“全域性光照(global illumination)”。 全域性光照,或稱“GI”是用於描述一系列技術和數學模型的術語,它們試圖模擬光線與世界反彈(bounce)和互動(inte
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