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經濟學人The Economist學習(筆記詞彙)Day4

材料均來自於微信公眾號“每日雙語經濟學人" 重難點詞彙: gloomy 英 ['gluːmɪ] 美 ['ɡlumi] adj. 黑暗的;沮喪的;陰鬱的 spectre 英 ['spektə] 美

n. 幽靈;妖怪;鬼性(等於specter) haunt 英 [hɔːnt] 美 [hɔnt]

vt. 常出沒於…;縈繞於…;經常去… vi. 出沒;作祟 n. 棲息地;常去的地方 condemn 英 [kən’dem] 美 [kən’dɛm]

vt. 譴責;判刑,定罪;聲討 drudgery 英 ['drʌdʒərɪ] 美 ['drʌdʒəri]

n. 苦工,苦差事 [ 複數 drudgeries ] idleness 英 ['aɪdlnəs] 美 ['aɪdlnɪs]

n. 懶惰;閒散;失業 outlook 英 ['aʊtlʊk] 美 ['aʊtlʊk]

n. 展望;觀點;景色 vt. 比……好看;用目光壓倒 vi. 朝外看 mundane 英 ['mʌndeɪn; mʌn’deɪn] 美 [mʌn’den]

adj. 枯燥的,世俗的,平凡的;世界的,宇宙的 back up

v. 支援,援助;(資料)備份;倒退;裱 cruise 英 [kruːz] 美 [krʊz]

vi. 巡航,巡遊;漫遊 vt. 巡航,巡遊;漫遊 n. 巡航,巡遊;乘船遊覽 n. (Cruise)人名;(德)克魯伊澤;(英)克魯斯 [ 過去式 cruised 過去分詞 cruised 現在分詞 curising ] stand to profit 獲利(固定搭配)


經濟學人 | 人工智慧 或許是工人們的福音(上) 每日雙語經濟學人 1周前

人工智慧(上)來自每日雙語經濟學人 (全文共385個詞)

AI may not be bad news for workers 人工智慧對於工人來說可能並不是壞訊息 A new report argues that it can help them with their jobs 一份新的報告認為,人工智慧可以幫助他們完成工作 A spectre is haunting workers—the rise of artificial intelligence (AI). 一隻幽靈正在困擾著工人們——人工智慧(AI)的興起。 The fear is that smart computer programs will eliminate millions of jobs, condemning a generation to minimum-wage drudgery or enforced idleness. 令人擔心的是,智慧計算機程式將會導致數百萬個工作崗位的減少,迫使一代人從事工資最低的苦差事或被迫失業。 Never mind the robots, fear the software. 不要介意機器人或是害怕軟體。 There is no need to be so gloomy, say Ken Goldberg of the University of California, Berkeley, and Vinod Kumar, the chief executive of Tata Communications, a unit of India’s biggest business house (which stands to profit from the spread of AI). 加州大學伯克利分校的肯·戈德伯格和印度最大的商業公司塔塔通訊(它將從人工智慧的傳播中獲利)的執行長維諾德·庫馬爾表示,沒必要如此悲觀。 They have produced a report that is much more optimistic about the outlook for ordinary employees. 他們發表的一份報告顯示,人工智慧對普通員工的前景更為樂觀。 In many cases, it says, job satisfaction will be enhanced by the elimination of mundanetasks, giving people time to be more creative. 報告稱,在很多情況下,工作滿意度會隨著枯燥的工作任務的減少而提高,這樣人們就有時間變得更有創造力。 Their views are backed up by a survey of 120 senior executives, conducted for the report, which found that more of them (77%) thought that AI would create new roles than believed it would replace existing positions (57%; respondents could choose both options). 他們的觀點得到了一項針對120名高管的調查的支援,調查發現,認為人工智慧會創造新角色的人(77%)多於認為人工智慧會取代現有職位的人(57%;受訪者可以同時選擇這兩項)。 Extra skills may be needed to cope with the new technology and more than half of the bosses are already taking steps to train their workforces. 應對新技術可能需要額外的技能,超過一半的老闆已經開始採取措施來培訓他們的員工了。 Previous technology shifts have not had as negative effects on employment as was first feared. 以前的技術轉變對就業的負面影響並沒有人們最初擔心的那麼嚴重。 The authors note some well-known examples. 作者指出了一些眾所周知的例子。 Bar-code scanners did not eliminate the role of cashiers in America; jobs in the retail industry grew at an annual rate of more than 2% between 1980 and 2013. 條形碼掃描器並沒有在美國消除收銀員這一角色;從1980年到2013年,零售業的工作崗位以每年超過2%的速度增長。 The arrival of automated teller machines (ATMs) spared bank employees the job of doling out cash and freed them to offer financial advice to customers. 自動櫃員機(ATM)的出現使銀行員工免去了發放現金的工作,並使他們得以向客戶提供財務建議。 Some jobs could be made a lot easier by AI. 人工智慧可以讓一些工作變得容易得多。 One example is lorry-driving. 卡車駕駛就是一個例子。 Some fear that truck drivers will be replaced by autonomous vehicles. 有人擔心卡車司機會被自動駕駛汽車所取代。 But manoeuvring a lorry around busy streets is far harder than driving down the motorway. 但是,在繁忙的街道上駕駛一輛卡車比在高速公路上行駛要困難得多。 So the driver could switch into automatic mode (and get some rest) when outside the big cities, and take over the wheel once again when nearing the destination. 因此,當在大城市之外時,駕駛員可以切換到自動模式(並且休息一會);而在接近目的地時,可以再次接管方向盤。 The obvious analogy is with jetliners, where the pilots handle take-off and landing but turn on the computer to cruise at 35,000 feet. 一個顯而易見的類比是噴氣式客機,飛行員操控飛機的起飛和降落,但在35000英尺的高空中就可以開啟計算機自動巡航。 Using AI may prevent tired drivers from causing accidents. 使用人工智慧可以防止駕駛員因疲勞駕駛而造成事故。