1. 程式人生 > >條件概率與條件期望


A coin, having probability p of landing heads, is continually flipped until at least one head and one tail have been flipped.
(a) Find the expected number of flips needed.
(b) Find the expected number of flips that land on heads.
(c) Find the expected number of flips that land on tails.
(d) Repeat part (a) in the case where flipping is continued until a total of at least
two heads and one tail have been flipped.

(a) p2p+1p(1p)\frac{p^2-p+1}{p(1-p)}
(b) p2p+11p\frac{p^2-p+1}{1-p}
(c) p2p+1p\frac{p^2-p+1}{p}
(d) 11p+(p+2)(1p)p\frac{1}{1-p}+\frac{(p+2)(1-p)}{p}


import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

def sim(p):
    count =
0 round = 100 #重複次數 for i in range(round): head = 0 tail = 0 while True: #print('p = {}, head = {}, tail = {}'.format(p,head,tail)) count = count+1 if random.random()<p: head = head+1 else: tail =
tail+1 if head>=2 and tail>=1: break return count/round def fun(p): num = 1/(1-p) + (p+2)*(1-p)/p #answer return num x = np.linspace(0.01,0.99,20) y_simulation = [sim(i) for i in x] y_target = [fun(i) for i in x] plt.plot(x,y_simulation,'b') #藍線代表模擬結果 plt.plot(x,y_target,'or') #紅點代表理論結果 plt.show()
