1. 程式人生 > >Delaunay 三角剖分2D(原理 + 原始碼)

Delaunay 三角剖分2D(原理 + 原始碼)

Delaunay 三角剖分

程式碼實現< C++版本 >


  • 定義點類 vector2.h
  • 定義邊類 edge.h
  • 定義三角形類 triangle.h
  • 定義三角剖分類 delaunay.h
  • 定義比較類(用於三角退化) numeric.h
  • 定義main函式 main.cpp




#ifndef H_VECTOR2
#define H_VECTOR2

#include "numeric.h"

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
template <typename T> class Vector2 { public: // Constructors 建構函式 Vector2():x(0), y(0){} Vector2(T _x, T _y): x(_x), y(_y){} Vector2(const Vector2 &v): x(v.x), y(v.y){} // Operations // 計算距離 T dist2(const Vector2 &v) const { T dx = x - v.x; T dy = y - v.y; return
dx * dx + dy * dy; } T dist(const Vector2 &v) const { return sqrt(dist2(v)); } //計算平方和,此函式在 delaunay.h 中判斷一點是否在三角形內部 T norm2() const { return x * x + y * y; } T x; T y; }; //全特化 template <> float Vector2<float>::dist(const Vector2<float> &v) const
{ return hypotf(x - v.x, y - v.y);} template <> double Vector2<double>::dist(const Vector2<double> &v) const { return hypotf(x - v.x, y - v.y);} template<typename T> std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &str, Vector2<T> const &point) { return str << "Point x: " << point.x << " y: " << point.y; } template<typename T> bool operator == (const Vector2<T>& v1, const Vector2<T>& v2) { return (v1.x == v2.x) && (v1.y == v2.y); } template<class T> typename std::enable_if<!std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer, bool>::type almost_equal(const Vector2<T>& v1, const Vector2<T>& v2, int ulp=2) { return almost_equal(v1.x, v2.x, ulp) && almost_equal(v1.y, v2.y, ulp); } #endif


#ifndef H_EDGE
#define H_EDGE

#include "vector2.h"

template <class T>
class Edge

    using VertexType = Vector2<T>;  //相當於 typedef
    Edge(const VertexType &p1, const VertexType &p2) : p1(p1), p2(p2), isBad(false) {}
    Edge(const Edge &e) : p1(e.p1), p2(e.p2), isBad(false) {}

    VertexType p1;
    VertexType p2;

    bool isBad;

template <class T>
inline std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &str, Edge<T> const &e)
    return str << "Edge " << e.p1 << ", " << e.p2;

template <class T>
inline bool operator == (const Edge<T> & e1, const Edge<T> & e2)
    return 	(e1.p1 == e2.p1 && e1.p2 == e2.p2) ||
            (e1.p1 == e2.p2 && e1.p2 == e2.p1);

template <class T>
inline bool almost_equal (const Edge<T> & e1, const Edge<T> & e2)
    return	(almost_equal(e1.p1, e2.p1) && almost_equal(e1.p2, e2.p2)) ||
            (almost_equal(e1.p1, e2.p2) && almost_equal(e1.p2, e2.p1));



#ifndef H_TRIANGLE
#define H_TRIANGLE

#include "vector2.h"
#include "edge.h"
#include "numeric.h"

template <class T>
class Triangle
		using EdgeType = Edge<T>;
		using VertexType = Vector2<T>;
		Triangle(const VertexType &_p1, const VertexType &_p2, const VertexType &_p3)
		:	p1(_p1), p2(_p2), p3(_p3),
			e1(_p1, _p2), e2(_p2, _p3), e3(_p3, _p1), isBad(false)
		bool containsVertex(const VertexType &v) const
			// return p1 == v || p2 == v || p3 == v;
			return almost_equal(p1, v) || almost_equal(p2, v) || almost_equal(p3, v);
		bool circumCircleContains(const VertexType &v) const
			const T ab = p1.norm2();
			const T cd = p2.norm2();
			const T ef = p3.norm2();

			const T circum_x = (ab * (p3.y - p2.y) + cd * (p1.y - p3.y) + ef * (p2.y - p1.y)) / (p1.x * (p3.y - p2.y) + p2.x * (p1.y - p3.y) + p3.x * (p2.y - p1.y));
			const T circum_y = (ab * (p3.x - p2.x) + cd * (p1.x - p3.x) + ef * (p2.x - p1.x)) / (p1.y * (p3.x - p2.x) + p2.y * (p1.x - p3.x) + p3.y * (p2.x - p1.x));

			const VertexType circum(half(circum_x), half(circum_y));
			const T circum_radius = p1.dist2(circum);
			const T dist = v.dist2(circum);
			return dist <= circum_radius;

		VertexType p1;
		VertexType p2;
		VertexType p3;
		EdgeType e1;
		EdgeType e2;
		EdgeType e3;
		bool isBad;

template <class T>
inline std::ostream &operator << (std::ostream &str, const Triangle<T> & t)
	return str << "Triangle:" << std::endl << "\t" << t.p1 << std::endl << "\t" << t.p2 << std::endl << "\t" << t.p3 << std::endl << "\t" << t.e1 << std::endl << "\t" << t.e2 << std::endl << "\t" << t.e3 << std::endl;


template <class T>
inline bool operator == (const Triangle<T> &t1, const Triangle<T> &t2)
	return	(t1.p1 == t2.p1 || t1.p1 == t2.p2 || t1.p1 == t2.p3) &&
			(t1.p2 == t2.p1 || t1.p2 == t2.p2 || t1.p2 == t2.p3) &&
			(t1.p3 == t2.p1 || t1.p3 == t2.p2 || t1.p3 == t2.p3);

//注意這裡的 almost 函式,該函式在 numeric.h 中定義
template <class T>
inline bool almost_equal(const Triangle<T> &t1, const Triangle<T> &t2)
	return	(almost_equal(t1.p1 , t2.p1) || almost_equal(t1.p1 , t2.p2) || almost_equal(t1.p1 , t2.p3)) &&
			(almost_equal(t1.p2 , t2.p1) || almost_equal(t1.p2 , t2.p2) || almost_equal(t1.p2 , t2.p3)) &&
			(almost_equal(t1.p3 , t2.p1) || almost_equal(t1.p3 , t2.p2) || almost_equal(t1.p3 , t2.p3));



#ifndef H_DELAUNAY
#define H_DELAUNAY

#include "vector2.h"
#include "edge.h"
#include "triangle.h"

#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

template <class T>
class Delaunay
        using TriangleType = Triangle<T>;
        using EdgeType = Edge<T>;
        using VertexType = Vector2<T>;
		//Deluanay 三角剖分核心演算法  ---  逐點插入法
        const std::vector<TriangleType>& triangulate(std::vector<VertexType> &vertices)
            // 將點雲拷貝一份
            _vertices = vertices;

            // 計算超級三角形的一些引數
            T minX = vertices[0].x;
            T minY = vertices[0].y;
            T maxX = minX;
            T maxY = minY;
            for(std::size_t i = 0; i < vertices.size(); ++i)
                if (vertices[i].x < minX) minX = vertices[i].x;
                if (vertices[i].y < minY) minY = vertices[i].y;
                if (vertices[i].x > maxX) maxX = vertices[i].x;
                if (vertices[i].y > maxY) maxY = vertices[i].y;

            const T dx = maxX - minX;
            const T dy = maxY - minY;
            const T deltaMax = std::max(dx, dy);
            const T midx = half(minX + maxX);
            const T midy = half(minY + maxY);
            const VertexType p1(midx - 20 * deltaMax, midy - deltaMax);
            const VertexType p2(midx, midy + 20 * deltaMax);
            const VertexType p3(midx + 20 * deltaMax, midy - deltaMax);

            //std::cout << "Super triangle " << std::endl << Triangle(p1, p2, p3) << std::endl;

            // Create a list of triangles, and add the supertriangle in it
            //將超級三角形新增至 _triangles
            _triangles.push_back(TriangleType(p1, p2, p3));

            for(auto p = begin(vertices); p != end(vertices); p++)
                //std::cout << "Traitement du point " << *p << std::endl;
                //std::cout << "_triangles contains " << _triangles.size() << " elements" << std::endl;
                std::vector<EdgeType> polygon;
				//依次遍歷 _triangles  中的每個三角形
                for(auto & t : _triangles)
                    //std::cout << "Processing " << std::endl << *t << std::endl;

                    if(t.circumCircleContains(*p))  //如果包含點 p,那麼就要產生新的3條邊
                        //std::cout << "Pushing bad triangle " << *t << std::endl;
                        t.isBad = true;  //flag 發生改變,準備接下來在 _triangles  中將其剔除
                        //std::cout << " does not contains " << *p << " in his circum center" << std::endl;
				//更新 _triangles
                _triangles.erase(std::remove_if(begin(_triangles), end(_triangles), [](TriangleType &t){
                    return t.isBad;
                }), end(_triangles));   //std::remove_if只移動不刪除,erase將其刪除,這裡還用到了C++11的 lambda 表示式

                for(auto e1 = begin(polygon); e1 != end(polygon); ++e1)  //這個用來刪除重複的邊
                    for(auto e2 = e1 + 1; e2 != end(polygon); ++e2)
                        if(almost_equal(*e1, *e2))
                            e1->isBad = true;
                            e2->isBad = true;

				//更新 polygon
                polygon.erase(std::remove_if(begin(polygon), end(polygon), [](EdgeType &e){
                    return e.isBad;
                }), end(polygon));

                for(const auto e : polygon)
                    _triangles.push_back(TriangleType(e.p1, e.p2, *p));

            _triangles.erase(std::remove_if(begin(_triangles), end(_triangles), [p1, p2, p3](TriangleType &t){
                return t.containsVertex(p1) || t.containsVertex(p2) || t.containsVertex(p3);


Delaunay 三角2D原理 + 原始碼

Delaunay 三角剖分 程式碼實現< C++版本 > 程式碼框架 定義點類 vector2.h 定義邊類 edge.h 定義三角形類 triangle.h 定義三角剖分類 delaunay.h 定義比較類(用於三角退

cv2 實現Delaunay三角和Voronoi圖Delaunay Triangulation and Voronoi Diagram

本文主要介紹使用cv2模組實現Delaunay三角剖分和Voronoi圖。 測試圖片: 示例程式碼: # 匯入模組 import cv2 import numpy as np import random # 檢查點是否在長方形區域內 def rect_contains(rec




Delaunay Triangulation in OpenCascade 摘要:本文簡要介紹了Delaunay三角剖分的基礎理論,並使用OpenCascade的三角剖分演算法將邊界BRep表示的幾何體進行三角離散化後在OpenSceneGraph中顯示。 關鍵字:Delaunay Triangulat



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return min std esp div 技術分享 include %d logs 同樣是紫書上的題。 紫書上並沒有給出每一個三角形所貢獻的的權值的計算方法,我這裏就擅作主張,定義成點權的乘積和好了。 那麽做法是DP,這裏註意設狀態的方式(我這麽設是為了使需要求解的問題

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