1. 程式人生 > >(Modern Family S01E04) Part 1 Gay&Gloria Manny參加slumber party 被捉弄

(Modern Family S01E04) Part 1 Gay&Gloria Manny參加slumber party 被捉弄

傑  我回來了                                  Jay, I'm home.

曼尼打電話回來了嗎                      Did Manny call?

沒  因為他啥事也沒有                    No, because he's fine.

他是去睡衣派對  又不是黑幫火拼   It was a slumber party, not a gang fight.

我只是想他融入集體                      I just want him to fit in.

我要去衝個澡  你要一起來嗎         I'm gonna take a shower. Do you care to join me?

寶貝  車庫的小提箱裡有一杆槍     You know, honey, there's a gun in the footlocker in the garage.


要是我哪天腦袋發昏拒絕和你共浴 If I ever say no to that question,

你直接一槍打死我吧                      I want you to use it on me.


怎麼回事                            What's that?

聽起來像是有鳥撞上玻璃了 Sounds like a bird hit the window.

天吶  這是個凶兆                Oh, God. That's a bad sign.


媽  我回來了                                 Mom, I'm home!

寶貝  睡衣派對好玩嗎                   Ay, baby! Did you have fun at the slumber party?

你肯定累壞了                               You must be exhausted.

不  我一點兒也不累                      No, I'm not tired at all.

我是第一個睡著的                        I was the first one to fall asleep.

你臉上是什麼                               What's on your face?

是與朋友歡聚後的幸福笑容          A smile from having such a good time with my friends.

不是的  過來                                No. Come here.

看                                                Look.

原來他們是笑這個啊                    That's why they were laughing.

我還以為是我對時事的評論很逗呢     I thought it was my funny take on current events.


他們為什麼要幹這種事                      Why would they do something like that?

沒什麼好擔心的                                 Don't worry about it.

小孩子們成天就搞這種惡作劇            Guys pull pranks like that all the time.





你也捉弄他們一下唄                          You just gotta prank 'em back.

要讓他們知道                                    You just gotta show 'em

你是會以牙還牙的                             you're willing to give as good as you get.


你想什麼呢                                        What do you think?

報仇                                                   Revenge.

我還挺喜歡的                                     I like it.