1. 程式人生 > >(Modern Family S01E04) Part 2 Phil&Claire Luke和Haley玩遊戲 Haley想去音樂會父母不同意

(Modern Family S01E04) Part 2 Phil&Claire Luke和Haley玩遊戲 Haley想去音樂會父母不同意

瑪麗·馬克小姐  馬克馬克                Miss Mary Mack, Mack, Mack.

-穿成黑色  黑色黑色  -噓  別出聲   - All dressed in black, black, black. - Shh, shh.

(Modern Family S01E03) Part 7

我一直想要個女兒                                    I always wanted a daughter- 給她穿漂亮的小裙子                                to dress her up

in pretty dresses,  

-怎麼了  -銀色釦子  釦子釦子         - What's wrong? - With silver buttons, buttons, buttons.

在她背上  背上背上                        All down her back, back, back.

他們怎麼不打架了                          Why aren't they trying to hurt each other?

我也不知道  我震驚得都不敢動      I don't know, but I'm afraid to move.

-你玩得真好  -謝謝                         - You're really good at this. - Thanks.

克萊爾  這是怎麼一回事啊              What is happening, Claire?


很痛啊  混蛋                 Ow! That hurt, jerk!

我要殺了你  你個白痴   Ow! I'm gonna kill you, stupid!

劇情峰迴路轉嗎            What happened?

現在我鬱悶了                Now I'm sad.


媽  所有人都會去的                           Everybody is going to be there, Mom!

我不管                                               I don't care.

你爸爸和我都不會允許你                   Your father and I are not about to let you

開兩小時的車去看一個演唱會           drive two hours to go to a concert...

然後跟一幫男孩子混一晚上               and then spend the night with a bunch of boys,

尤其是和你那個17歲的性衝動男友    especially that 17-year-old hormone you're dating.

全程都有人監護的                             It's totally supervised.

是嗎  誰監護                                     Oh, really? By whom?

斯賓塞·潘丁的叔叔                           By Spencer Patine's uncle.

斯賓塞·潘丁是誰                              Who's Spencer Patine?

你認得斯賓塞的  就是手裡帶傢伙的那個  You know Spencer- the guy with the arm.

等會兒  抄什麼"傢伙"                               Wait. What kind of arm?

你說的"傢伙"是什麼意思啊                       What is that even mean?

他叔叔就是託比叔叔                                 His uncle is Uncle Toby.

託比叔叔啊  我會把他加入"安珀警報"名單的 Oh, Uncle Toby. I'll be sure to include that in my Amber Alert.

-我的天啊  -我能插句話嗎                            - Oh, my God! - Okay. Can I step in here?

我覺得我能幫上忙                                       I think I can help.

海莉  你媽媽擔心的是                                 Haley, what your mom is worried about...

你的心會被傷透                                          is you getting your heart broken

因為迪蘭明年就要上大學去了                     when Dylan goes off to college next year.

-他不上大學  -我擔心的不是...                   - He's not going to college. - That's not what I'm-

他不上大學                                                He's not going to college?

他是混樂隊的好吧  他們要去巡演呢            He's in a band, okay? They're going on tour.

事情發展的真是越來越"好"了                      Oh, this just gets better and better.

為什麼你們每件事都要替我做主                 Why are you always on me about everything?

-因為你必須明白  -好啦  大家冷靜一下      - Because you need to understand... - Okay. Everybody, calm down!

我們從頭來說一說                                     Let's start from the beginning.

斯賓塞手裡帶什麼傢伙了                          What's wrong with Spencer's arm?