1. 程式人生 > >Milaap | 1-week design challenge

Milaap | 1-week design challenge

Explored design concepts

Our following action was to ideate, iterate, and brainstorm to come up with 30 diverse and unique ideas. Each of us took 10 seconds per idea to sketch them out.

30 ideas we generated, clustered together to create identifiable patterns

Subsequently, we down-selected to solutions that seek to be feasible, viable and desirable. We also looked into the practicability of testing the prototype, since we were targeting the rural community. A lot of revisions, discussion and critique sessions with fellow graduate students and mentors assisted us in deciding on these 4 ideas.

Consequently, we used the aforementioned criteria and decided upon the “Carpool chatbot” as the concept with the utmost potential, and henceforward began prototyping it. The following reasons adequately justify the thinking behind choosing this as our final concept.

  • Senior citizens are less inclined to learn modern technology, hence an SMS based service would be easier and more accessible.
  • Majority of Americans in rural areas still lack decent internet access.
  • This concept was a better fit for the time restriction of a week to prototype and test.