阿新 • • 發佈:2018-12-31
在製作過程, 真是遇到好多好多困難啊,
例如怎麼處理碰撞回彈, 怎麼製作二維陣列...
Object Oriented 根本沒做好
全都放在一個html裡面用了, 應該可以分開不同.js檔案的.
這麼長的程式碼根本看都不想想, 下一次我一定會改進的
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <style type="text/css"> #gameCanvas{ background-color: #000000; } </style> <body> <canvas id="gameCanvas" width="480" height="600" tabindex="0"> Your browser does not support the HTML5 canvas tag.</canvas> <script> function createMatrix(rows, columns) { this.rows = rows; this.columns = columns; this.myarray = new Array(this.rows); for (var i=0; i < this.columns; i +=1) { this.myarray[i]=new Array(this.rows) } return this.myarray; } function extend(ChildClass, ParentClass) { ChildClass.prototype = new ParentClass(); ChildClass.prototype.constructor = ChildClass; } function Circle(){ this.radius = 0; this.centerX = 0; this.centerY = 0; this.color = "#FFFFFF"; } function MainCircle(){ this.direction = 4; this.countHit = 0; } extend(MainCircle,Circle); MainCircle.prototype.handleMotion = function (vx,vy) { //direction presentation //0 1 2 ↖ ↑ ↗ //X X X : //3 4 5 ↙ ↓ ↘ if(this.direction>2){ this.centerY += vy; }else{ this.centerY -= vy; } if(this.direction==2 || this.direction==5){ this.centerX += vx; }else if(this.direction==0 || this.direction==3){ this.centerX -= vx; } } //get Random left or right use form direction 1 and 4 MainCircle.prototype.setLeftOrRight = function (){ var trueOrFalse = Math.floor((Math.random()*2)); if(this.direction==1){ if(trueOrFalse) this.direction = 3; else this.direction = 5; }else if(this.direction==4){ if(trueOrFalse) this.direction = 0; else this.direction = 2; } } function Rectangle(){ this.width = 0; this.height = 0; this.topX=0; this.topY=0; this.color = "#FFFFFF"; } function MainRect(){ this.direction = 9; this.isMove = false; } extend(MainRect,Rectangle); MainRect.prototype.handleCollision = function (circle){ if((circle.centerY)>=this.topY && (circle.centerY)<=this.topY+this.height && (circle.centerX)<=this.topX+this.width && (circle.centerX)>=this.topX ){ //direction presentation //0 1 2 ↖ ↑ ↗ //X X X : //3 4 5 ↙ ↓ ↘ if(circle.direction==4){ circle.setLeftOrRight(); } else if(circle.direction==3){ // o // ↖↙ circle.direction =0; this.alive = false; } else if(circle.direction==5){ // o // ↘↗ circle.direction =2; this.alive = false; } else if(circle.centerY<this.topY+this.height && circle.centerY>this.topY){ if(circle.direction==0){ // o // ↗ // ↖ circle.direction =2; this.alive = false; } else if(circle.direction==3){ // ↙ // ↘ // o circle.direction =5; this.alive = false; } else if(circle.direction==5){ // ↘ // ↙ // o circle.direction =3; this.alive = false; } else if(circle.direction==2){ // o // ↖ // ↗ circle.direction =0; this.alive = false; } } } } MainRect.prototype.handleMotion = function () { //direction presentation //6 9 7 : ← ● → if(this.direction==6 && this.topX>=0){ this.isMove = true; this.topX -= 15; }else if(this.direction==7 && this.topX+this.width<=c.width){ this.isMove = true; this.topX += 15; } } function Brick(){ this.alive=true; } extend(Brick,Rectangle); Brick.prototype.handleCollision = function (circle){ //direction presentation //0 1 2 ↖ ↑ ↗ //X X X : //3 4 5 ↙ ↓ ↘ if((circle.centerY)>this.topY-circle.radius && (circle.centerY)<(this.topY+this.height)+circle.radius && (circle.centerX)<this.topX+this.width+circle.radius && (circle.centerX)>this.topX-circle.radius ){ if(circle.centerY<this.topY+this.height && circle.centerY>this.topY){ if(circle.direction==0){ // o // ↗ // ↖ circle.direction =2; this.alive = false; circle.countHit++; } else if(circle.direction==3){ // ↙ // ↘ // o circle.direction =5; this.alive = false; circle.countHit++; } else if(circle.direction==5){ // ↘ // ↙ // o circle.direction =3; this.alive = false; circle.countHit++; } else if(circle.direction==2){ // o // ↖ // ↗ circle.direction =0; this.alive = false; circle.countHit++; } } else if(circle.centerY<this.topY+this.height+circle.radius){ if(circle.direction==0){ // ↙↖ // o circle.direction =3; this.alive = false; circle.countHit++; }else if(circle.direction==2){ // ↗↘ // o circle.direction =5; this.alive = false; circle.countHit++; } } else if(circle.centerY>this.topY-circle.radius){ if(circle.direction==3){ // o // ↖↙ circle.direction =0; this.alive = false; circle.countHit++; } else if(circle.direction==5){ // o // ↘↗ circle.direction =2; this.alive = false; circle.countHit++; } } } } function doKeyUp(e){ if (e.keyCode == 37) { mainRect.direction = 9; } if (e.keyCode == 39) { mainRect.direction = 9; } } function doKeyDown(e){ if (e.keyCode == 37) { mainRect.direction = 6; } if (e.keyCode == 39) { mainRect.direction = 7; } if(e.keyCode == 38){ mainRect.topX=0; mainRect.width += c.width; } if(e.keyCode == 40){ mainRect.topX = c.width/2-5 - c.width/12; mainRect.width -=c.width; } } function doClick(e){ if(startFlag){ // debug("x : "+e.clientX+"y : "+e.clientY); if(e.clientX>=startButton.centerX-startButton.radius && e.clientX<=startButton.centerX+startButton.radius && e.clientY>=startButton.centerY-startButton.radius && e.clientY<=startButton.centerY+startButton.radius ){ initGameObject(); checking = setInterval( checkInterval,10 ); drawGame = setInterval( gameInterval,40 ); } } } function checkClean (circle) { if(circle.countHit>=21){ clearInterval(drawGame); clearInterval(checking); cleanBackground(); debug("You Win! Click red button to start again!"); startFlag = true; createCircle(startButton); } } function debug(displayText1){ ctx.fillStyle = '#f00'; ctx.textBaseline = 'bottom'; ctx.font = "bold, 20px, san-serif"; ctx.fillText(displayText1, 20,c.height-30); } function printMark(displayText1){ ctx.fillStyle = '#f00'; ctx.textBaseline = 'bottom'; ctx.font = "bold, 20px, san-serif"; ctx.fillText(displayText1, 20,c.height-15); } function cleanBackground(){ ctx.clearRect(0,0,480,600); } function createCircle(circle){ ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(circle.centerX, circle.centerY, circle.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); ctx.fillStyle = Circle.color; ctx.fill(); } function createRectangle(rectangle){ ctx.fillStyle=rectangle.color; ctx.fillRect(rectangle.topX,rectangle.topY,rectangle.width,rectangle.height); } function handleCanvasCollision(circle){ //direction presentation //0 1 2 ↖ ↑ ↗ //X X X : //3 4 5 ↙ ↓ ↘ if((circle.centerY+circle.radius)>=c.height){ clearInterval(drawGame); clearInterval(checking); cleanBackground(); debug("Game Over! Click red button to start again!"); printMark("Mark : "+mainCircle.countHit*100); startFlag = true; createCircle(startButton); } else if(circle.direction!=4 && circle.direction!=1){ if((circle.centerX+circle.radius)>=c.width){ if(circle.direction==2){ circle.direction =0; } else if(circle.direction==5){ circle.direction =3; } }else if((circle.centerX-circle.radius)<=0){ if(circle.direction==0){ circle.direction =2; } else if(circle.direction==3){ circle.direction =5; } }else if((circle.centerY-circle.radius)<=0){ if(circle.direction==0){ circle.direction =3; } else if(circle.direction==2){ circle.direction =5; } } } } var c=document.getElementById("gameCanvas"); c.addEventListener('keydown', doKeyDown, true); c.addEventListener('keyup', doKeyUp, true); c.addEventListener("click", doClick, false); c.tabindex = 0; var ctx=c.getContext("2d"); var mainCircle = new MainCircle(); var startButton = new Circle(); var startFlag = false; var brickArr = createMatrix(3,7); var mainRect = new MainRect(); var vx = 0; var vy = 0; var a = 0.01; function initGameObject(){ //Circle Ball startFlag = false; mainCircle.radius = 10; mainCircle.centerX = c.width/2-5; mainCircle.centerY = 480-100; mainCircle.direction = 4; mainCircle.countHit = 0; startButton.radius = 30; startButton.centerX = c.width/2-15; startButton.centerY = 480-200; //Rect Brick for(var i=0;i<3;i++){ for(var j=0;j<7;j++){ brickArr[i][j] = new Brick(); if(j>0){ brickArr[i][j].topX = 13+(j*brickArr[0][0].width+10*j); }else{ brickArr[i][j].topX = 13; } if(i>0){ brickArr[i][j].topY = 13+(i*brickArr[0][0].height+10*i); }else{ brickArr[i][j].topY = 13; } brickArr[i][j].width = c.width/7.2-10; brickArr[i][j].height = 110/3; } } mainRect.topX = mainCircle.centerX-c.width/12; mainRect.topY = 480; mainRect.width = c.width/6; mainRect.height = 30; //speed vx = Math.floor(Math.random()*5); if(vx<3){vx+=2;} vy = Math.floor(Math.random()*6); if(vy<4){vy+=3;} } function gameInterval(){ if(vy<10&&vx<10){ vy += a; vx += a; } cleanBackground(); checkClean(mainCircle); printMark("Mark : "+mainCircle.countHit*100); mainRect.handleMotion(); for(var i=0;i<3;i++){ for(var j=0;j<7;j++){ if(brickArr[i][j].alive){ brickArr[i][j].handleCollision(mainCircle); } if(brickArr[i][j].alive){ createRectangle(brickArr[i][j]); } } } mainRect.handleCollision(mainCircle); mainCircle.handleMotion(vx,vy); createRectangle(mainRect); createCircle(mainCircle); } function checkInterval(){ handleCanvasCollision(mainCircle); for(var i=0;i<3;i++){ for(var j=0;j<7;j++){ if(brickArr[i][j].alive){ brickArr[i][j].handleCollision(mainCircle); } } } } initGameObject(); startFlag = true; debug("Press red button to start."); createCircle(startButton); </script> </body> </html>