1. 程式人生 > >2012-7-06傻可樂《新概念二筆記》L…


People are not so honest as they once were. The temptation to steal is greater than ever before -- especially in large shops.
人們不再像以前那樣誠實了。偷竊的誘惑力比以往任何時候都更強烈 -- 特別是在大的商店裡。
as…as…      和……一樣(as+ adj./adv. +as +比較物件)
This case is as light as that one.
It is as heavy as that one.     這個東西和那個東西一樣重
as…as…的否定形式是not so…as…/not as…as…
It is not as heavy as that one.    這個東西不如那個東西重
I am taller than you/you are not as tall as I.
less +原級 +than=not as…as…=not so…as…   不如……那樣……(比較狀語從句)
I am not so lucky as those fisherman.
once 表示“以前,曾經”時只能與動詞的過去式連用:
  He once worked at a large company.
the temptation to steal      偷竊的誘惑力
  The temptation to smoke is strong for him.   (to smoke為不定式)
要表現現在與過去的比較, 有兩種方式 :
① they are 與 they were 或 it is /it was等在用不同時態比
they are 與 they were 在用不同時態比
You are more beautiful than you were.     你比過去漂亮多了
You look better than you were.    (省略句 : You look better.)
Is this your car? It was my car.     以前是我的車子。
You were worse.    (表示You are better.你過去更差勁, 表示現在比以前更好了)
I think       我想……
I thought     我原以為……
② 用短than ever before
People are not so honest as before. = People are not so honest as they once were.