Faster RCNN程式碼詳解(三):資料處理的整體結構
阿新 • • 發佈:2019-01-09
在上一篇部落格中介紹了Faster RCNN網路結構的構建:Faster RCNN程式碼詳解(二):網路結構構建。網路結構是Faster RCNN演算法中最重要兩部分之一,這篇部落格將介紹非常重要的另一部分:資料處理。
class AnchorLoader(
def __init__(self, feat_sym, roidb, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, ctx=None, work_load_list=None,
feat_stride=16, anchor_scales=(8, 16, 32), anchor_ratios=(0.5, 1, 2), allowed_border=0, aspect_grouping=False):
This Iter will provide roi data to Fast R-CNN network
:param feat_sym: to infer shape of assign_output
:param roidb: must be preprocessed
:param batch_size: must divide BATCH_SIZE(128)
:param shuffle: bool
:param ctx: list of contexts
:param work_load_list: list of work load
:param aspect_grouping: group images with similar aspects
:return: AnchorLoader
super(AnchorLoader, self).__init__()
# save parameters as properties
self.feat_sym = feat_sym
self.roidb = roidb
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.shuffle = shuffle
self.ctx = ctx
if self.ctx is None:
self.ctx = [mx.cpu()]
self.work_load_list = work_load_list
self.feat_stride = feat_stride
self.anchor_scales = anchor_scales
self.anchor_ratios = anchor_ratios
self.allowed_border = allowed_border
self.aspect_grouping = aspect_grouping
# infer properties from roidb
self.size = len(roidb)
self.index = np.arange(self.size)
# decide data and label names
# 這部分定義的data_name、label_name和定義網路結構以及用module介面初始化model時定義的資料輸入是一一對應的。
# 關於網路結構的輸入可以參考~mx-rcnn/rcnn/symbol/symbol_resnet.py指令碼的get_resnet_train函式。
if config.TRAIN.END2END:
self.data_name = ['data', 'im_info', 'gt_boxes']
self.data_name = ['data']
self.label_name = ['label', 'bbox_target', 'bbox_weight']
# status variable for synchronization between get_data and get_label
self.cur = 0
self.batch = None = None
self.label = None
# get first batch to fill in provide_data and provide_label
# 初始化呼叫reset方法進行一些變數的重置,get_batch方法用來讀取第一個batch的資料,
# get_batch方法非常重要,包含了資料讀取和處理相關的細節。
def provide_data(self):
return [(k, v.shape) for k, v in zip(self.data_name,]
def provide_label(self):
return [(k, v.shape) for k, v in zip(self.label_name, self.label)]
def reset(self):
self.cur = 0
if self.shuffle:
if self.aspect_grouping:
widths = np.array([r['width'] for r in self.roidb])
heights = np.array([r['height'] for r in self.roidb])
horz = (widths >= heights)
vert = np.logical_not(horz)
horz_inds = np.where(horz)[0]
vert_inds = np.where(vert)[0]
inds = np.hstack((np.random.permutation(horz_inds), np.random.permutation(vert_inds)))
extra = inds.shape[0] % self.batch_size
inds_ = np.reshape(inds[:-extra], (-1, self.batch_size))
row_perm = np.random.permutation(np.arange(inds_.shape[0]))
inds[:-extra] = np.reshape(inds_[row_perm, :], (-1,))
self.index = inds
def iter_next(self):
return self.cur + self.batch_size <= self.size
# next方法是資料迭代器每次迭代資料時候呼叫的,在該方法中還是先通過get_batch()
# 得到一個batch資料,然後通過將資料封裝成指定格式作為模型的輸入。
def next(self):
if self.iter_next():
self.cur += self.batch_size
return, label=self.label,
pad=self.getpad(), index=self.getindex(),
provide_data=self.provide_data, provide_label=self.provide_label)
raise StopIteration
def getindex(self):
return self.cur / self.batch_size
def getpad(self):
if self.cur + self.batch_size > self.size:
return self.cur + self.batch_size - self.size
return 0
def infer_shape(self, max_data_shape=None, max_label_shape=None):
""" Return maximum data and label shape for single gpu """
if max_data_shape is None:
max_data_shape = []
if max_label_shape is None:
max_label_shape = []
max_shapes = dict(max_data_shape + max_label_shape)
input_batch_size = max_shapes['data'][0]
im_info = [[max_shapes['data'][2], max_shapes['data'][3], 1.0]]
_, feat_shape, _ = self.feat_sym.infer_shape(**max_shapes)
label = assign_anchor(feat_shape[0], np.zeros((0, 5)), im_info,
self.feat_stride, self.anchor_scales, self.anchor_ratios, self.allowed_border)
label = [label[k] for k in self.label_name]
label_shape = [(k, tuple([input_batch_size] + list(v.shape[1:]))) for k, v in zip(self.label_name, label)]
return max_data_shape, label_shape
# get_batch方法是讀取資料的主要方法,該方法包含anchor的初始化、anchor標籤的確定、
# 正負樣本的確定等。該方法在資料初始化的時候會直接呼叫一次用來讀取第一個batch的資料,
# 之後通過next方法每次迭代讀取資料時候都會呼叫。
def get_batch(self):
# slice roidb
# 這部分是根據batch size的大小選擇對應數量的輸入資料。
cur_from = self.cur
cur_to = min(cur_from + self.batch_size, self.size)
roidb = [self.roidb[self.index[i]] for i in range(cur_from, cur_to)]
# decide multi device slice
work_load_list = self.work_load_list
ctx = self.ctx
if work_load_list is None:
work_load_list = [1] * len(ctx)
assert isinstance(work_load_list, list) and len(work_load_list) == len(ctx), \
"Invalid settings for work load. "
slices = _split_input_slice(self.batch_size, work_load_list)
# get testing data for multigpu
data_list = []
label_list = []
for islice in slices:
iroidb = [roidb[i] for i in range(islice.start, islice.stop)]
# get_rpn_batch()會對輸入影象做短邊resize到指定尺寸(預設是600),另外長邊最大值
# 是1000,所以在對短邊做resize後如果長邊超過1000,則以長邊resize到1000為準
# (短邊從600按對應比例繼續縮小)。需要注意的是box的標註座標也會做對應的縮放。
# 得到的資料就放在data_list中,標註資訊就放在label_list中
data, label = get_rpn_batch(iroidb)
# pad data first and then assign anchor (read label)
data_tensor = tensor_vstack([batch['data'] for batch in data_list])
for data, data_pad in zip(data_list, data_tensor):
data['data'] = data_pad[np.newaxis, :]
new_label_list = []
for data, label in zip(data_list, label_list):
# infer label shape
data_shape = {k: v.shape for k, v in data.items()}
del data_shape['im_info']
# self.feat_sym.infer_shape(**data_shape)是計算指定size的資料(data_shape:{'data':(1,3,600,800)})
# 通過指定symbol(self.feat_sym)得到的輸出size(feat_shape)。infer_shape方法的輸入除了這種形式,
# 還可以用self.feat_sym.infer_shape(data=(1,3,600,800)),這裡關鍵字data是在網路結構中定義的輸入層名稱。
_, feat_shape, _ = self.feat_sym.infer_shape(**data_shape)
feat_shape = [int(i) for i in feat_shape[0]]
# add gt_boxes to data for e2e
data['gt_boxes'] = label['gt_boxes'][np.newaxis, :, :]
# assign anchor for label
# assign_anchor函式是給anchor分配標籤的操作。輸入中feat_shape是用於生成anchor的feature map維度,
# list格式,比如1*18*38*50,18是2*9的意思,9是anchor數量,2是背景和非背景2個類。
# label['gt_boxes']是x*5的numpy array,表示x個object的座標和類別資訊,是標註資訊,
# 也就是ground truth,標註座標是和影象大小對應的,ground truth主要用在anchor標籤定義上。
# data['im_info']是1*3的numpy array,表示影象大小和縮放尺度資訊。
# self.feat_stride是指特徵縮放比例,比如16。self.anchor_scales預設是[8,16,32]。
# self.anchor_ratios預設是[0.5,1,2]。輸出label是包含3個鍵值對的字典,分別是label["label"]、
# label["bbox_target"]、label["bbox_weights"],這3個值都在RPN網路中用到 。
# 該函式的細節在~/mx-rcnn/rcnn/io/rpn.py中。
label = assign_anchor(feat_shape, label['gt_boxes'], data['im_info'],
self.feat_stride, self.anchor_scales,
self.anchor_ratios, self.allowed_border)
all_data = dict()
for key in self.data_name:
all_data[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in data_list])
all_label = dict()
for key in self.label_name:
pad = -1 if key == 'label' else 0
all_label[key] = tensor_vstack([batch[key] for batch in new_label_list], pad=pad)
# 最後返回的data是長度為3的列表,列表中每個值都是NDArray,分別是4維的影象內容
# data:(1,3,600,800);2維的影象寬高和scale資訊im_info:(1,3);
# 3維的原始bounding box標註資訊:gt_boxes:(1,x,5),x是object的數量。
# lable也是長度為3的列表,列表中每個值都是NDArray,分別是2維的anchor標籤資訊label:(1,17100);
# 4維的anchor座標迴歸target資訊bbox_target:(1,36,38,50),
# 4維的anchor座標權重資訊bbox_weight:(1,36,38,50)。 = [mx.nd.array(all_data[key]) for key in self.data_name]
self.label = [mx.nd.array(all_label[key]) for key in self.label_name]
這篇部落格介紹了Faster RCNN演算法中關於資料處理的整體結構,比較巨集觀,重要內容都在get_batch方法中,get_batch方法描述了Faster RCNN演算法對資料讀取的整體結構,這在很多後續的演算法中都通用,因此當你瞭解了資料讀取的整體結構後,就能舉一反三了。
在get_batch方法中有個關於anchor的函式:assign_anchor。這應該也是本系列部落格第一次提到anchor。anchor在Faster RCNN中是非常重要的概念,但很多新手對anchor的理解可能模稜兩可,比如anchor是什麼?怎麼生成的?anchor的標籤是怎麼定義的?bbox(bounding box)的迴歸目標是怎麼定義的?bbox和anchor是什麼區別?如果你有這些疑問,那麼下一篇部落格我將為你解開anchor這個神祕的面紗:Faster RCNN程式碼詳解(四):關於anchor的前世今生。