1. 程式人生 > >Ubuntu16.04 install lsd-slam

Ubuntu16.04 install lsd-slam

LSD-SLAM Repo address by TUM:


When I tried to build LSD-SLAM in Ubuntu16.04, here some problems happened in my machine.

Problem 1

Reference: https://github.com/tum-vision/lsd_slam/issues/222
Hey, I was able to compile lsd_slam on ubuntu 16.04 with ros-kinetic. However, while running lsd_slam_viewer I get following error:

*** Error in `/home/chirag/vision/SLAM-ROS/package_dir/lsd_slam/lsd_slam_viewer/bin/viewer': realloc(): invalid pointer: 0x00007fda0b922820 ***
======= Backtrace: =========

solution 1

# step 1
    sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove qt5-default
# step 2
    qglviewer, decompress and cd into the folder, then qmake & make & sudo make install
# step 3
    rebuild lsd_slam

Problem 2

If you compile lsd_slam, and the command line report an error about qreal and float, you can refer as follows. change the variable type from float to qreal as follows.

Solution 2

from mattdinhnguyen

guess you’re also installing on x86_64, I changed as below then it built through:

326: float x, y, z; // change to —> qreal x, y, z;

135: float x, y, z; // change to —> qreal x, y, z;

Problem 3

opencv2/opencv.hpp report error

Solution 3

Ref: https://github.com/FirefoxMetzger/lsd_slam/commit/ee1f6765cbd431c00b057b8624a10a02a6945d1e?diff=split#diff-721aeb1730c0b3c4e1993e6cc203fcfaR32

#include <GL/gl.h>
 #include <GL/glu.h>
 #include <GL/glu.h>

// add comment on the following line
//#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"

 #include "ros/package.h"
 #include "ros/package.h"