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Understand and Troubleshoot Partial DNS Failures

DNS is a large distributed hierarchical database, meaning that each domain is required to have a set of authoritative name servers answering questions about resource records for the domain. This set of authoritative name servers is under the control of the domain owner, though most domain owners delegate to a proxy to provide DNS service.

When a client needs to resolve the IP address of a domain name, the client machine hands off this process to a resolver, which finds the IP address and return it to the client. This process works as follows:

  1. The resolver, which is preconfigured with a list of root name servers, randomly selects one of these root name servers and asks it for a list of authoritative name servers for the top-level domain (TLD).
  2. The root name server responds with a list of authoritative name servers for the TLD, as well as their IP addresses.
  3. The resolver randomly selects one of the name servers returned in step 2 and asks it for a list of authoritative name servers for the domain.
  4. The TLD server responds with a list of name servers that are authoritative for the domain.
  5. The resolver randomly selects one, and requests the IP address of the resource record from that authoritative name server.

DNS providers serve from multiple geographies, and usually rely on cached results to improve availability; this can help to avoid temporary issues with DNS resolvers, but might also prolong recovery if bad results are cached (for example, due to negative caching). We ensure external DNS issues don't affect DNS resolution of AWS domain names within an EC2 region.

A typical DNS failure is when one or more authoritative name servers stop responding. Consider a hypothetical domain with the following list of authoritative name servers (also known as a delegation set):

  • ns-576.awsdns-08.net.
  • ns-1086.awsdns-07.org.
  • ns-1630.awsdns-11.co.uk.
  • ns-47.awsdns-05.com.
  • pdns1.ultradns.net.
  • pdns6.ultradns.co.uk.

If a name server is unavailable, it can’t respond to a DNS query that is directed to it; if the client doesn’t receive an answer, it can try the request with a different authoritative name server. If authoritative name servers do not respond or respond with unexpected information, the local resolver returns a SERVFAIL message.

To troubleshoot DNS failures using Linux-type operating systems, use the dig command. dig performs a lookup against the client DNS server that is configured in the /etc/resolv.conf file of your host.


Understand and Troubleshoot Partial DNS Failures

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