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Freshsales CRM Integration · Segment

How Freshsales works

Freshsales is a relatively new CRM with many features for sales teams. Aside from more standard CRM features you’d expect, a big plus that Freshsales offers is the ability to stream outside data about your leads and customers into its platform. The system will use all that data to power workflows, take immediate action, and score leads with AI. All you need to do is get all that data flowing into Freshsales. Unfortunately, the process for getting custom data into Freshsales is pretty convoluted. You’ll need to learn the Freshsales API and write scripts to manipulate it or use tools that pull data from internal databases or 3rd party tools and load it into Freshsales.


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How Freshsales worksFreshsales is a relatively new CRM with many features for sales teams. Aside from more standard CRM features you’d expect, a big

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