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Java News & Code #3: JUnit 5, Tomcat and Open Source Sites

Visit the developerWorks Java Hub

Visit the developerWorks Java Hub for more tools and education to future-proof your Java code.

Google Open Source Project Directory

Google announced on March 28th a new home for its open source project code.

Open source has always been a technical cornerstone for Google, and it’s common knowledge that Google has released many open source projects like TensorFlow and Kubernetes. But the problem has been locating all that code.

Until now. The announcement on the Google open source blog includes a link to a new website called opensource.google.com.

Included in the directory are over 2,000 projects. Clicking on the Explore link takes you to the
directory, where you can browse through the different projects.

You can browse by category, as well as full text search.

dw open logo
The Google Open Source Project site follows the 2015 launch of IBM’s developerWorks Open site.

Tomcat 7.0.77, 8.5.13, 9.0.0.M19 Released

Good news, Tomcat lovers, versions 7, 8, and 9 of the popular server software have recently been released.

The main page contains links to download the version you need.

If you’re not sure which version you want to use, or are interested in exploring a newer version, check out the “which version?” page.

Where you can see the version of Servlet, JSP, and other specs that are implemented by that version, along with the version of Java that is supported.

There are lots of great Tomcat resources available on the site as well.

Code Talk-through: JUnit 5

JUnit 5, Milestone 4 was released on April 1st.

JUnit 5 is the next release of the popular open source testing framework, and includes a rearchitecture of the code with the goal of better tool support.

In this episode’s code talkthrough I’d like to show you a simple application I wrote to demonstrate some of the cool new features of JUnit 5.

I will point out three things in this demo:

  • First, the new @DisplayName annotation
  • Second, the assertAll() method, which uses JDK 8 Lambda expressions in the method signature.
  • And finally, support for running JUnit 3, 4 and 5 unit tests side-by-side in the same project.

Github Repo can be found here.



Slay Well by Gunnar Olsen, YouTube Audio Library (Free to use for commercial purposes, no attribution required), see YouTube Terms of Service and this YouTube support article for details.

How It Began by Silent Partner, YouTube Audio Library (Free to use for commercial purposes, no attribution required), see YouTube Terms of Service and this YouTube support article for details.

Image: https://pixabay.com/en/tv-television-device-electronic-162002/, free for commercial use, no attribution required. See Pixabay Terms of Service for more information.


Java News & Code #3: JUnit 5, Tomcat and Open Source Sites

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目錄 1.1. JVM記憶體模型總體架構圖 1 1.2. JAVA堆 2 1.3. 方法區 元空間(Metaspace) 2 1.4. 虛擬機器棧 3 1.5. 本地方法區 4 2. 垃圾回收演算法 4 2.1. 標記-清除演算法(Mark-Sweep) 4