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Java News and Code Episode 11

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Hyperledger Fabric v1.0 Released on July 11, 2017

Hyperledger Fabric is a framework for building Blockchain applications. It is licensed under the Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution license.

It is one of eight projects incubated under the Hyperledger open source collaboration, which is global collaboration

hosted by the Linux foundation.

This video gives a nice summary of the goals of the Fabric.

The Takipi Top 100 Java Libraries

Here it is: the top 100 Java Libraries in 2017 from the Takipi blog.

Here’s how Takipi put this together:

First, they used Google Big Query to pull the top 1000 Java repos in GitHub by number of stars, tossed out Android, leaving 477 pure Java projects.

Then they counted the number of unique imports and summed it all together.

Here’s a look at the top 20. Last year’s winner, JUnit, again takes top honors, this year dominating the first three spots.

What’s interesting to me is that testing libraries have 8 of the top 20 spots, with Mockito at number 4 and Hamcrest libraries at number 5 and 19.

Some other notables are Spring with 8 libraries in the top 100 and a wide representation of Apache libraries.

A more in-depth look at the methodology is at the bottom of the post, if you’re interested.

I get excited thinking about how popular open source libraries have become, and this survey reminds me how much open source is a part of my life as a developer.

IBM Open

If you love open source like I do, make sure to check out IBM’s Open, where you can find all kinds of great resources to help you be a better developer.

Java Anonymous Classes Recipe

An anonymous class has no name. So how do you use it? That’s what we’ll talk about in today’s code talkthrough.

The recipe walks you through setting up your development environment, along with the Vaadin 8 plugin, and WebSphere Liberty, which we’ll use to run the Vaadin 8 application code. This is followed by a brief overview of the Vaadin architecture.

You can download the code for the recipe from GitHub here.



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Java News and Code Episode 11

Hyperledger Fabric v1.0 Released on July 11, 2017 Hyperledger Fabric is a framework for building Blockchain applications. It is licensed under the Cre

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