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Java News and Code #4: When Burger King Attacks

Visit the developerWorks Java Hub

Visit the developerWorks Java Hub for more tools and education to future-proof your Java code.

The King Attacks!

Burger King on April 2nd released a 15 second ad that ends with “OK, Google, what is the Whopper burger?”

The idea was to trigger Google Home devices to process the request and rattle off the first sentence of the

Whopper’s Wikipedia article.

Just hours after the ad first ran, it stopped working, and Burger King confirmed the ad no longer triggered Google Home devices.

But the larger issue remains. No matter how you look at it, this is an injection attack. While this particular attack is harmless, it raises questions about the unintended consequences of voice activated technology.

DockerCon announcement: LinuxKit

The folks at Docker, in this post on the Docker blog, announced a new toolkit for creating a better Docker native experience to non-Linux platforms like Windows and Linux.

Partering with IBM, Intel, Microsoft, and more – including The Linux Foundation – Docker has built a secure, lean, and portable Linux subsystem that itself is a Docker-native component.

Kernel security is a big deal, and Docker worked with groups like the Kernel Self Protection Project, and LinuxKit provides an incubation space for security projects with an eye toward making the Linux kernel more secure, in turn making LinuxKit secure.

LinuxKit includes tools to create Linux subsystems that are comprised of only the components the runtime requires, ensuring the custom Linux subsystem is lean.

LinuxKit is portable, and brings Linux container support to the platforms that Docker runs on now, with plans to support many more down the road, ensuring that Linux subsystems
built with LinuxKit are portable.

Code Talk-through: Build your own JDK 9 Docker preview image

In this episode’s code talk-through, I’ll show you how to use the IBM JDK 9 Early Access Docker image at Docker Hub to create your very own JDK 9 Docker image that you can use to play around with JDK 9.

I’ll show you how to:

  1. Build on the IBM JDK 9 EA Dockerfile to create a Docker image,
  2. Create a second image on top of that to add a few customizations,
  3. Exercise a feature of JDK 9 (from JEP 269)



Slay Well by Gunnar Olsen, YouTube Audio Library (Free to use for commercial purposes, no attribution required), see YouTube Terms of Service and this YouTube support article for details.

How It Began by Silent Partner, YouTube Audio Library (Free to use for commercial purposes, no attribution required), see YouTube Terms of Service and this YouTube support article for details.

Image: https://pixabay.com/en/tv-television-device-electronic-162002/, free for commercial use, no attribution required. See Pixabay Terms of Service for more information.


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