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Java News and Code Episode 12

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Adobe Announces EOL for Flash Player

On July 25th, Adobe announced it would stop updating and distributing Flash Player at the end of 2020. The announcement on the Adobe Blog comes as no surprise to many, myself included.

The main reason for the decision, according to the post, is maturity among open standards like HTML5, which reduces the need for browser plugins like Flash Player.

Reasons for continuing support through 2020 include supporting partners who have built games, and other software around the player, with Adobe saying they

“…remain committed to supporting Flash through 2020, as customers and partners put their migration plans into place.”

But check this out:

“In addition, we plan to move more aggressively to EOL Flash in certain geographies where unlicensed and outdated versions of Flash Player are being distributed.”

Adobe didn’t elaborate on what “certain geographies” they were referring to. So this may be some kind of loophole to speed up the end of life transition pretty much anywhere they see fit.

But not everyone thinks Flash should just slink off into that good night. There’s even a petition to open source the code

for Flash Player.

Among the reasons for wanting to do this terrible thing are: it’s a part of history and, well, you “never know what will come up after you go open source!”


New Spring Releases

All kinds of new releases have poured forth from our friends at Spring in the past couple of weeks.

Even though Spring Framework 5 is feature complete, the Spring team have decided to extend the Release Candidate phase in order to align with other open source projects like JUnit, and Jackson, both expected to be released in September.

Spring 5 is expected to be in General Availability in September, around the time Java 9 is released.

Included in Spring Framework 5 are lots of bug fixes. Improvements, new features, and some tasks, which include compatibility with Groovy 2.5, JDK 9. And an upgrade to JUnit 5 milestone 6.

Lots of developers, myself included, use Spring projects.

The trove of open source Spring projects include Spring Framework, Spring Boot, which we’ll look at in today’s code talkthrough, Spring Cloud, Spring Batch, and lots more. And Spring is open source, so you can always look at the source code if you want to.

September is shaping up to be an exciting month for Open Source fans.

IBM Open

If you love open source like I do, make sure to check out IBM’s Open, where you can find all kinds of great resources to help you be a better developer.

Build a Spring Boot WAR file

Spring Boot is awesome for creating applications that just run.

In the code talk through for Episode 6 we looked at Spring Boot code from my developerWorks Tutorial “Spring Boot Basics”.

In that code talkthrough I showed you how to build and run a Spring Boot application from the command line, and access it through a browser.

And that’s great, but what if you want all the great benefits of using Spring Boot, but with the ability to deploy a traditional WAR file?

In today’s code talk through, I’ll show you how to use the opinionated nature of Spring Boot to get all the benefits of a Spring Boot application,

But to package it a WAR file, and deploy it on WebSphere Liberty.

The code you’ll see in this episode is available in GitHub, and a link to the repository is in the show notes.



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Java News and Code Episode 12

Adobe Announces EOL for Flash Player On July 25th, Adobe announced it would stop updating and distributing Flash Player at the end of 2020. The announc

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