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Analytics using IBM Data Science Experience

IBM Data Science Experience is an interactive, collaborative, cloud-based environment that allows data scientists to use multiple tools to unlock insights in their data. At present, the experience includes Jupyter Notebooks – they help you create and collaborate using Python, R, and Scala notebooks that contain code and visualizations – and RStudio – a free, open-source tool to jumpstart your R experience.

Coming soon, the experience will integrate Watson Machine Learning to help you to create and train predictive analytics models.

In this video, you’ll see the power of IBM Data Science Experience using a simple New York State Restaurant Inspections data scenario. You will not believe how many ways the same data can be visualized.

IBM Data Science Experience will show you how to get started or improve your skills with built-in learning. You’ll use the best of open source tools and learn how to work smarter and faster with the support of your community and your team.

The experience is expandable too, so you can go from small, introductory work up to enterprise-scale projects.

And you can sign up for a free trial.

More information on Watson and analytics


Analytics using IBM Data Science Experience

IBM Data Science Experience is an interactive, collaborative, cloud-based environment that allows data scientists to use multiple tools to unlock insights

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