1. 程式人生 > >codeforces 117B B. Very Interesting Game(同餘模定理+取模導致的迴圈節)

codeforces 117B B. Very Interesting Game(同餘模定理+取模導致的迴圈節)







#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm> using namespace std; typedef long long LL; const LL MAX = 1e7+7; const LL xx = 1e9; LL a,b,m; int dp[MAX]; char s[12]; int main ( ) { while ( ~scanf ( "%lld%lld%lld" , &a , &b , &m ) ) { memset ( dp , 0 , sizeof ( dp ) ); LL lim = min ( b , m ); for
( int i = 0 ; i <= lim ; i++ ) dp[i%m] = 1; lim = min ( a , m); LL ans = -1; for ( LL i = 0 ; i <= lim ; i++ ) { LL x = i*xx%m; x = (m-x)%m; if ( !dp[x] ) { ans = i; break
; } } if ( ans == -1 ) puts ( "2" ); else { printf ( "1 " ); s[9] = 0; int n = 8; for ( int i = 0 ; i < 9 ; i++ ) s[i] = '0'; while ( ans ) { s[n--] = ans%10+48; ans /= 10; } puts ( s ); } } }


codeforces 117B B. Very Interesting Game(定理+導致迴圈)

題目連結: 題目大意: 給出三個數a,b,m,將不大於a,b的兩個數連線後得到一個新的數,如果這個新的數能夠整除m,那麼2贏,否則2贏。 題目分析: 因為取模會導致出現迴圈節,所以如果給出的資料範圍大於mod,那麼我們可以只考慮一個迴圈節,那

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