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Build a blockchain network


Blockchain is a secure, distributed, and open technology that is lowering costs, speeding up processes, and building a new level of trust in transactional applications. This developer code pattern will get you started with blockchain by showing you how to build a blockchain network using Hyperledger Composer.


Updated to support Hyperledger Fabric V1.1 and Hyperledger Composer V0.19

Blockchain is changing the way businesses conduct transactions. This secure, distributed, and open technology is lowering costs, speeding up processes, and building a new level of trust in secure interactions.

When something as big as blockchain emerges, developers who understand and can implement the technology are in the driver’s seat. But first you have to learn it.

In this developer pattern, the first in a series of “hello world” blockchain patterns, you’ll learn how to build a blockchain network using Hyperledger Composer. You’ll create a Business Network Archive (BNA) file that enables you to define a model; for example, the participants, tradeable assets, and allowable transactions. You’ll then deploy the network on Hyperledger Fabric, the blockchain framework implementation hosted by The Linux Foundation. For this pattern, you’ll run Hyperledger Fabric locally.

You’ll discover how useful a tool Hyperledger Composer can be. It gives you the ability to quickly model your current business network, including your existing assets and the transactions related to them. As part of your business network model, you’ll define the transactions that can interact with assets. Business networks also include the participants who interact with them, each of which can be associated with a unique identity, across multiple business networks.

This is your chance to climb on the blockchain train and build the skills that every business will need. Complete this developer pattern, watch for future blockchain patterns, and make yourself indispensable.



  1. Install Hyperledger Composer development tools.
  2. Start Hyperledger Fabric.
  3. Generate the Business Network Archive file.
  4. Deploy the Business Network Archive using Composer Playground.
  5. (Alternative method) Deploy the Business Network Archive on Hyperledger Composer running locally.


Find the detailed steps for this pattern in the README. Those steps will show you how to:

  1. Install Hyperledger Composer Development Tools.
  2. Start Hyperledger Fabric.
  3. Generate the Business Network Archive (BNA).
  4. Deploy the Business Network Archive using Composer Playground.
  5. Deploy the Business Network Archive on Hyperledger Composer running locally.


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