1. 程式人生 > >find the nth digit(數論)

find the nth digit(數論)

S1 = 1
S2 = 12
S3 = 123
S4 = 1234
S9 = 123456789
S10 = 1234567891
S11 = 12345678912
S18 = 123456789123456789
S = 1121231234.......123456789123456789112345678912.........


接下來的K行每行有一個整數N(1 <= N < 2^31)。


find the nth digit(數論)

假設: S1 = 1 S2 = 12 S3 = 123 S4 = 1234 ......... S9 = 123456789 S10 = 1234567891 S11 = 12345678912

find the nth digit(數論)

假設: S1 = 1 S2 = 12 S3 = 123 S4 = 1234 ......... S9 = 123456789 S10 = 1234567891 S11 = 12345678912 ............ S18 = 123456789123456789 .......

hdu 1957 find the nth digit

假設: S1 = 1 S2 = 12 S3 = 123 S4 = 1234 ......... S9 = 123456789 S10 = 1234567891 S11 = 12345678912 ............ S18 = 123456789123456789 ..............

HDU1597 find the nth digit【模擬】

find the nth digit Time Limit: 1000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 1597

find the nth digit HDU - 1597 二分 思維

題解 打表計算1+2+3+…+N的所有和 二分查詢到第一個小於N的那個和 N減去他 接下來就是9個一迴圈 N = (N - 1) % 9 + 1得到是哪個數字 AC程式碼 #include <stdio.h> #include <bits/stdc++.h>

(hdu step 4.1.5)find the nth digit(求S串中的第n個位置上是什麼數字)

假設:S1 = 1S2 = 12S3 = 123S4 = 1234.........S9 = 123456789S10 = 1234567891S11 = 12345678912............S18 = 123456789123456789..................現在我們把所有的串連線起

find the nth digit HDU

假設:  S1 = 1  S2 = 12  S3 = 123  S4 = 1234  .........  S9 = 123456789  S10 = 1234567891  S11 = 12345678912  ............  S18 = 123456789123456789  ........

find the nth digit

假設: S1 = 1 S2 = 12 S3 = 123 S4 = 1234 ......... S9 = 123456789 S10 = 1234567891 S11 = 12345678912 ............ S18 = 123456789123456789 ..................

hd 1597 find the nth digit(解決超時的牛氣哄哄的新辦法)

<h1 style="COLOR: #1a5cc8"><div class="panel_title" align="left"><h1 style="COLOR: #1a5cc8">find the nth digit</h1&g

Step5. 專題 1.ACM模擬 HDU1597 find the nth digit【模擬】

先查詢是第幾行,然後對9取餘即可。 注意,i從1開始尋找時,程式碼雖然簡介,但是不好,有風險。查詢的過程耗時太大。 程式碼1(模擬的方式,不推薦) 這兩次提交的是程式碼1,第二次提交還加了cin 優化,結果時間卻更長了。 #include<iostrea

hdu 1597 find the nth digit

Problem Description 假設: S1 = 1 S2 = 12 S3 = 123 S4 = 1234 ......... S9 = 123456789 S10 = 1234567891

HDU 1597 find the nth digit

題目: Description 假設:  S1 = 1  S2 = 12  S3 = 123  S4 = 1234  .........  S9 = 123456789  S10 = 1234

杭電acm1597 find the nth digit

假設: S1 = 1 S2 = 12 S3 = 123 S4 = 1234 ......... S9 = 123456789 S10 = 1234567891 S11 = 12345678912 ............ S18 = 123456789123456789 ..................

POJ 1426 Find The Multiple(數論——中國同余定理)

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