Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation論文閱讀
FCN: Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation
作者:Jonathan Long, Evan Shelhamer ,Trevor Darrell
UC Berkeley
[pdf]—CVPR2015Best Paper
0. 簡介
本文將經典網路結構(AlexNet,VGG等)改為全卷積神經網路,通過有監督預訓練的方法端到端的完成image semantic segmentation這種畫素級任務,取得了 state- of-the-art segmentation of PASCAL VOC (20% relative improvement to 62.2% mean IU on 2012)。文中利用skip connection結合深淺層資訊,使得分割結果更加精細,即解決semantics and location之間的矛盾。
a skip architecture that combines semantic information from a deep, coarse layer with appearance information from a shallow, fine layer to produce accurate and detailed segmentations.
1.Fully convolutional networks定義
k是kernel size,s是stride,f決定層的型別。若上式中的函式形式經複合後保持相同的形式,且其kernel size和stride滿足下式如下變換規則:
3. Adapting classifiers for dense prediction
帶有全聯接層的網路結構要求input size是固定的,可以利用kernel size 定義為 feature map size大小的卷積來代替全連線網路,如上圖,第一個全連線改為4096個(6*6)的卷積,之後兩層定義為若干個1*1的卷積。這樣對於任意尺寸的輸入影象,都可以通過改變的網路計算得到相應的heatmap。
4.Upsampling is backwards strided convolution
為了完成從高層語義特徵到畫素類別的對映,作者應用了 deconvolution,文中作者提到了Decreasing subsampling 和shift-and-stitch trick方法,但是應用到網路中都是不同組成件的trade-off。其實插值法是deconvolution中的一個特例,文中指出反捲積中的引數不需要固定,引數也隨著訓練更新。
5. Segmentation Architecture
We decapitate each net by discarding the final classifier layer, and convert all fully connected layers to convolutions. We append a 1 × 1 convolution with channel dimension 21 to predict scores for each of the PASCAL classes (including background) at each of the coarse output locations, followed by a deconvolution layer to bilinearly upsample the coarse outputs to pixel-dense outputs.