1. 程式人生 > >AC自動機(簡單版)(留坑了)


hid src code bfs array begin spider 簡單 http



  題目: 洛谷 P3808 (數據範圍把我困了好久 TAT)




  由於本人比較無能,忘了以前怎麽理解的(包括 KMP 和 Trie),完全忘了,只找到模板,只會套用,等我理解了再來補坑吧!!~

  實在要看思路的這裏有傳送門:洛谷日報 44 期


  1 type
  2         node=record
  3                 sum,failed:longint;
4 son:array [a..z] of longint; 5 end; 6 var 7 t:array [0..1000001] of node; 8 d,v:array[0..1000001] of longint; 9 s:array[0..1000001] of char; 10 n,len,tot,ans,i:longint; 11 procedure insert; 12 var 13 root,i:longint; 14 begin 15 root:=0
; 16 for i:=1 to len do 17 begin 18 if t[root].son[s[i]]=0 then 19 begin 20 inc(tot); 21 t[tot].failed:=-1; 22 t[root].son[s[i]]:=tot; 23 end; 24 root:=t[root].son[s[i]];
25 end; 26 inc(t[root].sum); 27 end; 28 procedure bfs; 29 var 30 h,r,now,s,f:longint; 31 ch:char; 32 begin 33 h:=1; 34 r:=2; 35 while h<r do 36 begin 37 now:=d[h]; 38 for ch:=a to z do 39 begin 40 s:=t[now].son[ch]; 41 if s<>0 then 42 begin 43 f:=t[now].failed; 44 while (f<>-1) and (t[f].son[ch]=0) do 45 f:=t[f].failed; 46 if f=-1 then t[s].failed:=0 47 else t[s].failed:=t[f].son[ch]; 48 d[r]:=s; 49 inc(r); 50 end; 51 end; 52 inc(h); 53 end; 54 end; 55 procedure AC_Automaton; 56 var 57 i,now,k,x:longint; 58 begin 59 i:=1; 60 now:=0; 61 while i<=len do 62 begin 63 k:=t[now].son[s[i]]; 64 if k<>0 then 65 begin 66 x:=k; 67 while (v[x]=0) and (x<>0) do 68 begin 69 v[x]:=1; 70 inc(ans,t[x].sum); 71 x:=t[x].failed; 72 end; 73 now:=k; 74 inc(i); 75 end else 76 begin 77 x:=now; 78 while (x<>-1) and (t[x].son[s[i]]=0) do 79 x:=t[x].failed; 80 now:=x; 81 if now=-1 then 82 begin 83 now:=0; 84 inc(i); 85 end; 86 end; 87 end; 88 end; 89 begin 90 readln(n); 91 t[0].failed:=-1; 92 for i:=1 to n do 93 begin 94 len:=0; 95 while not eoln do 96 begin 97 inc(len); 98 read(s[len]); 99 if not (s[len] in [a..z]) then 100 begin 101 dec(len); 102 break; 103 end; 104 end; 105 readln; 106 insert; 107 end; 108 bfs; 109 len:=0; 110 while not eoln do 111 begin 112 inc(len); 113 read(s[len]); 114 if not (s[len] in [a..z]) then 115 begin 116 dec(len); 117 break; 118 end; 119 end; 120 readln; 121 AC_Automaton; 122 writeln(ans); 123 end.
