1. 程式人生 > >C++矩陣乘法計算 || GPU && CPU 實現

C++矩陣乘法計算 || GPU && CPU 實現






void cblas_sgemm(
        OPENBLAS_CONST enum CBLAS_ORDER Order,         // 矩陣儲存形式,行優先或者列優先
        OPENBLAS_CONST enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA,    // 進行矩陣乘運算前,A是否轉置
        OPENBLAS_CONST enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransB,    // 進行矩陣運算前,B是否轉置
        OPENBLAS_CONST blasint M,                      // A的行數
        OPENBLAS_CONST blasint N,
// B的列數 OPENBLAS_CONST blasint K, // A的列數 <==> B的行數 OPENBLAS_CONST double alpha, // 比例因子 OPENBLAS_CONST double *A, // A的首地址 OPENBLAS_CONST blasint lda, // A的列數,與是否轉置無關 OPENBLAS_CONST double
*B, // B的首地址 OPENBLAS_CONST blasint ldb, // B的列數,與轉置無關 OPENBLAS_CONST double beta, // 比例因子 double *C, // C的首地址 OPENBLAS_CONST blasint ldc); // C的列數
  • 計算結果: C = alpha * TransA(A) x TransB(B) + beta * C
    其中, A為M x K矩陣, B為 K x N矩陣,C 為 M x N 矩陣


void cblas_sgemv(
        OPENBLAS_CONST enum CBLAS_ORDER order,       // A的資料儲存型式  
        OPENBLAS_CONST enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE trans,   // A進行矩陣運算前,是否轉置
        OPENBLAS_CONST blasint M,                    // 轉置後, A的行維度
        OPENBLAS_CONST blasint N,                    // 轉置後, A的列維度
		OPENBLAS_CONST float alpha,                  // 比例因子
		OPENBLAS_CONST float  *A,                    // A的首地址
		OPENBLAS_CONST blasint lda,                  // A的列數,與轉置無關
		OPENBLAS_CONST float  *X,                    // X的首地址
		OPENBLAS_CONST blasint incx,                 // X的首地址大小
		OPENBLAS_CONST float beta,                   // 比例因子
		float  *Y,                                   // Y的首地址 
		OPENBLAS_CONST blasint incy);                // Y的列數,與轉置無關

運算式子:Y = alpha*trans(A) x X + beta * C
其中,A為M x N的矩陣,而X為N x 1向量,C為M x 1 的向量

  • 可以看出,函式需要傳入的引數比較多,第一個引數是矩陣的儲存型式(可選行優先或者列優先),



cublasStatus_t cublasSgemv(cublasHandle_t handle,            //傳入的cublas控制代碼 
                           cublasOperation_t trans,          
                           int m, int n,
                           const float           *alpha,
                           const float           *A, int lda,
                           const float           *x, int incx,
                           const float           *beta,
                           float           *y, int incy)

y = alpha*op(A) x + beta *y
A是一個mxn維的矩陣,以列優先的形式儲存在記憶體中,x,y分別是向量,alpha,beta分別規模因子,也就是倍數關係,而對於矩陣A來說 op(A) = A 如果第二個引數 transa == CUBLAS_OP_N,如果第二個引數為transa == CUBLAS_OP_T,那麼op(A)結果是A的轉置,而如果transa==cublas_op_H,那麼op(A)的結果是A的共軛轉置.

cublasStatus_t cublasSgemm(cublasHandle_t handle,       //cublas控制代碼
                           cublasOperation_t transa, 
                           cublasOperation_t transb,
                           int m, int n, int k,
                           const float           *alpha,
                           const float           *A, int lda,
                           const float           *B, int ldb,
                           const float           *beta,
                           float           *C, int ldc)

C = alpha * op(A)op(B) + beta*C,其中A,B,C都為矩陣,而A維度為mxk,B維度為kxn,而C的維度為mxk,lda,ldb,ldc分別是矩陣A,B,C主軸上的維度。


#include "./common/common.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cuda.h>
#include "cublas_v2.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

 * A simple example of performing matrix-vector multiplication using the cuBLAS
 * library and some randomly generated inputs.

 * M = # of rows
 * N = # of columns
int M = 5;
int N = 2;

 * Generate a vector of length N with random single-precision floating-point
 * values between 0 and 100.
void generate_random_vector(int N, float **outX)
    int i;
    double rMax = (double)RAND_MAX;
    float *X = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * N);

    for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
        int r = rand();
        double dr = (double)r;
        X[i] = (dr / rMax) * 100.0;

    *outX = X;

 * Generate a matrix with M rows and N columns in column-major order. The matrix
 * will be filled with random single-precision floating-point values between 0
 * and 100.
void generate_random_dense_matrix(int M, int N, float **outA)
    int i, j;
    double rMax = (double)RAND_MAX;
    float *A = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * M * N);

    // For each column
    for (j = 0; j < N; j++)
        // For each row
        for (i = 0; i < M; i++)
            double dr = (double)rand();
            A[j * M + i] = (dr / rMax) * 100.0;

    *outA = A;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int i;
    float *A, *dA;
    float *X, *dX;
    float *Y, *dY;
    float beta;
    float alpha;
    cublasHandle_t handle = 0;

    alpha = 3.0f;
    beta = 4.0f;

    // Generate inputs
    generate_random_dense_matrix(M, N, &A);
    cout<<"A: "<<endl;
    for(int i = 0; i < M; i ++){
        for(int j = 0; j < N; j ++){
            cout << A[M * j + i] <<" ";
        cout<< endl;

    generate_random_vector(N, &X);

    cout<<"X: "<<endl;
    for(int i = 0; i < N; i ++){
        cout<<X[i]<<" ";
    cout<< endl;

    generate_random_vector(M, &Y);

    cout<<"Y: "<<endl;
    for(int i = 0; i < M; i++){
        cout<<Y[i]<<" ";

    // Create the cuBLAS handle

    // Allocate device memory
    CHECK(cudaMalloc((void **)&dA, sizeof(float) * M * N));
    CHECK(cudaMalloc((void **)&dX, sizeof(float) * N));
    CHECK(cudaMalloc((void **)&dY, sizeof(float) * M));

    // Transfer inputs to the device
    CHECK_CUBLAS(cublasSetVector(N, sizeof(float), X, 1, dX, 1));
    CHECK_CUBLAS(cublasSetVector(M, sizeof(float), Y, 1, dY, 1));
    CHECK_CUBLAS(cublasSetMatrix(M, N, sizeof(float), A, M, dA, M));

    // Execute the matrix-vector multiplication
    CHECK_CUBLAS(cublasSgemv(handle, CUBLAS_OP_N, M, N, &alpha, dA, M, dX, 1,
                             &beta, dY, 1));
    cout<< "aplha: "<<alpha<< " beta: "<<beta<<endl;
    // Retrieve the output vector from the device
    CHECK_CUBLAS(cublasGetVector(M, sizeof(float), dY, 1, Y, 1));

    cout<<"result: "<<endl;
    for (i = 0; i < M; i++)
        printf("%2.2f\n", Y[i]);




    return 0;


51.3409 68.9939 
27.9576 78.9213 
52.4111 97.6222 
36.8833 74.3454 
39.9056 4.77248 
82.3203 91.5174 84.3425 
30.7926 37.0584 81.2048 
34.009 36.5475 79.0337 
7.12583 76.2508 76.6652 
71.0715 39.7865 79.2842 
3.62919 88.8859 93.6551 
78.67 60.1165 20.3579 
30.6251 21.6128 
72.769 67.5084 61.5184 41.7629 46.4297 
9481.49 7955.78 11391 8376.15 4161.5 
19188.7 21912.4 30114.7 
14223.5 16754.9 26607.1 
22245.9 25401.9 37360.8 
15991.1 18747.3 27818.7 
10610.7 11727.2 11341.3