1. 程式人生 > >LCA的Tarjan離線演算法


LCA的Tarjan離線(offline)演算法中,通過後序DFS遍歷多叉樹(結點數為n),利用並查集演算法(disjoint sets‘ union-find operations),可以線上性時間O(n+|P|)內找到事先給定(即offline的含義)的|P|個成對結點的LCA。




在以下的實現中,假設樹中結點的label值是陣列A的下標索引值,利用陣列B記錄等價類集合關係,這樣可以簡化並查集演算法的操作:在union-by-rank和find的路經壓縮(path compression)操作中,只需要修改陣列B的元素,而陣列B的下標就代表結點的label。


 * Tarjan's off-line LCA algorithm
 * Copyright (c) 2011 ljs (http://blog.csdn.net/ljsspace/)
 * Licensed under GPL (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php) 
 * @author ljs
 * 2011-08-16
public class TarjanOfflineLCA {
	// disjoint set's  array
	private int[] B;
	//the ancestor of the representative (i.e. root) of a disjoint set
	private int[] ancestor;
	//P is provided in advance (i.e. off-line)
	private Query[] P;

	public TarjanOfflineLCA(int n, Query[] queries) {
		this.B = new int[n];
		for(int i=0;i<B.length;i++)
		ancestor = new int[n];
		this.P = queries;

	static class Node {
		// index
		int index;
		Node[] children;

		// for TarjanLCA DFS
		boolean visited;

		public Node(int index) {
			this.index = index;

		public String toString() {
			return String.valueOf(index);

	static class Query {
		Node u;
		Node v;
		int lca;

		public Query(Node u, Node v) {
			this.u = u;
			this.v = v;

	public void offlineLCA(Node root) {		

	private void lca(Node u) {
		if (u.children != null) {
			for (Node v : u.children) {
				//u is merged with its processed subtrees
				union(u.index, v.index);	
				//the representative of equivalence class S
				int rep = find(u.index);
				//set the ancestor of S
				ancestor[rep] = u.index;
			ancestor[u.index] = u.index;
		//visit u
		u.visited = true;
		//queried that include u should execute immediately after u is visited
		for (Query q : P) {
			Node v = null; 
			if (q.u == u && q.v.visited) {
				v = q.v;
			}else if(q.v ==u && q.u.visited){
				v = q.u;
			if(v != null) {
				int rep = find(v.index);
				q.lca = ancestor[rep];				

	public void makeSet(int x) {	
		B[x] = -1; // rank is 0

	// union by rank
	public void unionSets(int root1, int root2) {
		if (B[root2] < B[root1]) {
			// root2 is deeper
			B[root1] = root2;
		} else {
			if (B[root1] == B[root2]) {
				// the same depth, set root1 as the root
				// increase depth
				//Note: only when merging two trees with the same ranks can the merged rank be altered.
			B[root2] = root1;

	public void union(int x, int y) {
		unionSets(find(x), find(y));

	public int find(int x) {
		if (B[x] < 0)
			return x; // root
			return B[x] = find(B[x]); // path compression

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		int[] A = new int[] { 3, 5, 4, 2, 1, 0, 7, 15, 9, 10, 12, 8, 20, 22,
				25, 17,30,6,40,41 };

		Node n0 = new Node(0);
		Node n1 = new Node(1);
		Node n2 = new Node(2);
		Node n3 = new Node(3);
		Node n4 = new Node(4);
		Node n5 = new Node(5);
		Node n6 = new Node(6);
		Node n7 = new Node(7);
		Node n8 = new Node(8);
		Node n9 = new Node(9);
		Node n10 = new Node(10);
		Node n11 = new Node(11);
		Node n12 = new Node(12);
		Node n13 = new Node(13);
		Node n14 = new Node(14);
		Node n15 = new Node(15);
		Node n16 = new Node(16);
		Node n17 = new Node(17);
		Node n18 = new Node(18);		
		Node n19 = new Node(19);
		n0.children = new Node[] { n1, n2 };
		n1.children = new Node[] { n3, n4, n5 };
		n2.children = new Node[] { n6, n7 };
		n4.children = new Node[] { n8, n9 };
		n5.children = new Node[] { n10, n11 };
		n8.children = new Node[] { n12, n13 };
		n9.children = new Node[] { n14, n15 };
		n10.children = new Node[] { n16, n17 };
		n11.children = new Node[] { n18, n19 };

		Query[] P = { new Query(n8, n5), new Query(n12, n14),
				new Query(n14, n6), new Query(n6, n7),
				new Query(n10, n9), new Query(n3, n10),
				new Query(n14, n15), new Query(n15, n8),
				new Query(n11, n10), new Query(n13, n12),
				new Query(n5, n4),new Query(n18, n13),
				new Query(n4, n17),new Query(n16, n19),
				new Query(n9, n19),new Query(n10, n19),
				new Query(n7, n17),new Query(n17, n16),
				new Query(n18, n19)};		

		TarjanOfflineLCA tarjan = new TarjanOfflineLCA(A.length, P);

		for(Query q:P){
			System.out.format("LCA of %d and %d is: %d%n", q.u.index,
				q.v.index, q.lca);



LCA of 8 and 5 is: 1
LCA of 12 and 14 is: 4
LCA of 14 and 6 is: 0
LCA of 6 and 7 is: 2
LCA of 10 and 9 is: 1
LCA of 3 and 10 is: 1
LCA of 14 and 15 is: 9
LCA of 15 and 8 is: 4
LCA of 11 and 10 is: 5
LCA of 13 and 12 is: 8
LCA of 5 and 4 is: 1
LCA of 18 and 13 is: 1
LCA of 4 and 17 is: 1
LCA of 16 and 19 is: 5
LCA of 9 and 19 is: 1
LCA of 10 and 19 is: 5
LCA of 7 and 17 is: 0
LCA of 17 and 16 is: 10
LCA of 18 and 19 is: 11