1. 程式人生 > >Matlab 的動態曲線繪圖

Matlab 的動態曲線繪圖

Line Animations


This example shows how to create an animation of two growing lines. The animatedline function helps you to optimize line animations. It allows you to add new points to a line without redefining existing points.


1、使用了animateline 函式幫助我們生成動態曲線。




Create Lines and Add Points

Create two animated lines of different colors. Then, add points to the lines in a loop. Set the axis limits before the loop so that to avoid recalculating the limits each time through the loop. Use a docid:matlab_ref.f56-719157 or drawnow limitrate command to display the updates on the screen after adding the new points.


新增新的點後可以使用drawnow limitrate 命令展示資料的更新。

a1 = animatedline('Color',[0 .7 .7]);
a2 = animatedline('Color',[0 .5 .5]);%區分顏色
axis([0 20 -1 1])%設定影象區間,由圖可見0-20位橫座標,-1-1為縱座標
x = linspace(0,20,10000);%x的區間設定
%y = linspace(x1,x2,n) generates n points. The spacing between the points is 
for k = 1:length(x); % first line xk = x(k);%更新x座標 ysin = sin(xk); addpoints(a1,xk,ysin);%點的新增% second line ycos = cos(xk); addpoints(a2,xk,ycos); % update screen drawnow limitrate %命令end

The animation shows two lines that grow as they accumulate data.

Query Points of Line

Query the points of the first animated line.

[x,y] = getpoints(a1);

x and y are vectors that contain the values defining the points of the sine wave.