1. 程式人生 > >cocos2dx之CCImage




    @brief  Load the image from the specified path. 
    @param strPath   the absolute file path
    @param imageType the type of image, now only support tow types.
    @return  true if load correctly
    bool initWithImageFile(const char * strPath, EImageFormat imageType = kFmtPng);

     @brief The same meaning as initWithImageFile, but it is thread safe. It is casued by
            loadImage() in CCTextureCache.cpp.
     @param fullpath  full path of the file   
     @param imageType the type of image, now only support tow types.
     @return  true if load correctly
    bool initWithImageFileThreadSafe(const char *fullpath, EImageFormat imageType = kFmtPng);
    @brief    Save the CCImage data to specified file with specified format.
    @param    pszFilePath        the file's absolute path, including file subfix
    @param    bIsToRGB        if the image is saved as RGB format
    bool saveToFile(const char *pszFilePath, bool bIsToRGB = true);

    unsigned char *   getData()               { return m_pData; }
    int         getDataLen()            { return m_nWidth * m_nHeight; }

    @brief  Load image from stream buffer.

    @warning kFmtRawData only support RGBA8888
    @param pBuffer  stream buffer that hold the image data
    @param nLength  the length of data(managed in byte)
    @param nWidth, nHeight, nBitsPerComponent are used for kFmtRawData
    @return true if load correctly
    bool initWithImageData(void * pData, 
                           int nDataLen, 
                           EImageFormat eFmt = kFmtUnKnown,
                           int nWidth = 0,
                           int nHeight = 0,
                           int nBitsPerComponent = 8);