1. 程式人生 > >小程序入門之註冊頁面


lencod over 提示信息 效果 view spa bmi relative for



1. 頂部提示錯誤信息

2. 輸入內容長度限制

3. 點擊註冊進行表單驗證

4. 存在問題:輸入框focus 無效果

 1 <!--
 2 變量說明:
 3 showTopTips : 是否顯示提示信息
 4 errorMsg : 錯誤信息
 5 windowHeight :設備的窗口的高度
 6 windowWidth : 設備的窗口的寬度
 7 account : 賬號
 8 password :密碼
 9 subPassword :確認密碼
10 -->
11 <view class="page__bd">
<view class="weui-toptips weui-toptips_warn" wx:if="{{showTopTips}}">{{errorMsg}}</view> 13 <view style="height: {{windowHeight}}px; width: {{windowWidth}}px;" class="back_img"> 14 </view> 15 <view style="position:absolute;top:{{windowHeight * 0.06}}px;"> 16 <image src="../../images/meBack.jpg" style="width: {{windowWidth * 0.4}}px;height:{{windowWidth * 0.4}}px; margin-left:{{windowWidth * 0.5 - 80}}px;border-radius:{{windowWidth * 0.2}}px;"></image> 17
</view> 18 <form bindsubmit="formSubmit" bindreset="formReset"> 19 <view class="login_info" style="top:{{windowHeight * 0.35}}px;width: {{windowWidth * 0.92}}px;"> 20 <view class="weui-cells weui-cells_after-title login_form"> 21 <view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"> 22
<view class="weui-cell__hd"> 23 <view class="weui-label">賬號</view> 24 </view> 25 <view class="weui-cell__bd"> 26 <input class="weui-input" placeholder="請輸入賬號" type="text" maxlength="20" value="{{account}}" focus="true" name="account"/> 27 </view> 28 </view> 29 <view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"> 30 <view class="weui-cell__hd"> 31 <view class="weui-label">密碼</view> 32 </view> 33 <view class="weui-cell__bd"> 34 <input class="weui-input" placeholder="請輸入密碼" type="password" maxlength="10" value="{{password}}" name="password"/> 35 </view> 36 </view> 37 <view class="weui-cell weui-cell_input"> 38 <view class="weui-cell__hd"> 39 <view class="weui-label">確認密碼</view> 40 </view> 41 <view class="weui-cell__bd"> 42 <input class="weui-input" placeholder="請輸入確認密碼" type="password" maxlength="10" value="{{subPassword}}" name="subPassword"/> 43 </view> 44 </view> 45 <view class="weui-btn-area"> 46 <button class="weui-btn" type="primary" formType="submit">註冊</button> 47 </view> 48 </view> 49 </view> 50 </form> 51 </view>

1. 背景圖片以毛玻璃的形式展示

2. form表單背景透明

 1 .back_img{
 2 background: url(../../images/meBack.jpg) no-repeat;
 3 background-size:cover;
 4 -webkit-filter: blur(10px); /* Chrome, Opera */
 5 -moz-filter: blur(10px);
 6 -ms-filter: blur(10px); 
 7 filter: blur(10px); 
 8 z-index:0;
 9 position:relative;
10 }
11 .login_info{
12 z-index: 999;
13 position:absolute;
14 }
15 .login_form{
16 border-radius:5px;
17 margin-left:8%;
18 background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.2);
19 }

1. form表單獲取值

2. request請求

3. 交互反饋彈出框

4. 導航頁面跳轉傳值

 1 var util = require(‘../../utils/util.js‘);
 2 var app = getApp();
 4 Page({
 5 data: {
 6 showTopTips: false,
 7 errorMsg: ""
 8 },
 9 onLoad: function () {
10 var that = this;
11 wx.getSystemInfo({
12 success: function (res) {
13 that.setData({
14 windowHeight: res.windowHeight,
15 windowWidth: res.windowWidth
16 })
17 }
18 });
19 },
21 formSubmit: function (e) {
22 // form 表單取值,格式 e.detail.value.name(name為input中自定義name值) ;使用條件:需通過<form bindsubmit="formSubmit">與<button formType="submit">一起使用
23 var account = e.detail.value.account;
24 var password = e.detail.value.password;
25 var subPassword = e.detail.value.subPassword;
26 var that = this;
27 // 判斷賬號是否為空和判斷該賬號名是否被註冊
28 if ("" == util.trim(account)) {
29 util.isError("賬號不能為空", that);
30 return;
31 } else {
32 util.clearError(that);
33 app.ajax.req(‘/register/checkLoginName‘, {
34 "loginName": account
35 }, function (res) {
36 if (!res) {
37 util.isError("賬號已經被註冊過", that);
38 return;
39 }
40 });
41 }
42 // 判斷密碼是否為空
43 if ("" == util.trim(password)) {
44 util.isError("密碼不能為空", that);
45 return;
46 } else {
47 util.clearError(that);
48 }
49 // 兩個密碼必須一致
50 if (subPassword != password) {
51 util.isError("輸入密碼不一致", that);
52 return;
53 } else {
54 util.clearError(that);
55 }
56 // 驗證都通過了執行註冊方法
57 app.ajax.req(‘/itdragon/register‘, {
58 "account": account,
59 "password": password
60 }, function (res) {
61 if (true == res) {
62 // 顯示模態彈窗
63 wx.showModal({
64 title: ‘註冊狀態‘,
65 content: ‘註冊成功,請點擊確定登錄吧‘,
66 success: function (res) {
67 if (res.confirm) {
68 // 點擊確定後跳轉登錄頁面並關閉當前頁面
69 wx.redirectTo({
70 url: ‘../login/login?account=‘ + account + ‘&password?=‘ + password + ‘‘
71 })
72 }
73 }
74 })
75 } else {
76 // 顯示消息提示框
77 wx.showToast({
78 title: ‘註冊失敗‘,
79 icon: ‘error‘,
80 duration: 2000
81 })
82 }
83 });
84 }
85 })

util.js 源碼(封裝了一些常用的方法)

 1 function formatTime(date) {
 2 var year = date.getFullYear()
 3 var month = date.getMonth() + 1
 4 var day = date.getDate()
 6 var hour = date.getHours()
 7 var minute = date.getMinutes()
 8 var second = date.getSeconds()
10 return [year, month, day].map(formatNumber).join(‘/‘) + ‘ ‘ + [hour, minute, second].map(formatNumber).join(‘:‘)
11 }
13 function formatNumber(n) {
14 n = n.toString()
15 return n[1] ? n : ‘0‘ + n
16 }
18 var rootDocment = ‘https://www.itit123.cn‘;
19 function req(url,data,cb){
20 wx.request({
21 url: rootDocment + url,
22 data: data,
23 method: ‘post‘,
24 header: {‘Content-Type‘:‘application/x-www-form-urlencoded‘},
25 success: function(res){
26 return typeof cb == "function" && cb(res.data)
27 },
28 fail: function(){
29 return typeof cb == "function" && cb(false)
30 }
31 })
32 }
34 function getReq(url,data,cb){
35 wx.request({
36 url: rootDocment + url,
37 data: data,
38 method: ‘get‘,
39 header: {‘Content-Type‘:‘application/x-www-form-urlencoded‘},
40 success: function(res){
41 return typeof cb == "function" && cb(res.data)
42 },
43 fail: function(){
44 return typeof cb == "function" && cb(false)
45 }
46 })
47 }
49 // 去前後空格
50 function trim(str) {
51 return str.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, "");
52 }
54 // 提示錯誤信息
55 function isError(msg, that) {
56 that.setData({
57 showTopTips: true,
58 errorMsg: msg
59 })
60 }
62 // 清空錯誤信息
63 function clearError(that) {
64 that.setData({
65 showTopTips: false,
66 errorMsg: ""
67 })
68 }
70 module.exports = {
71 formatTime: formatTime,
72 req: req,
73 trim: trim,
74 isError: isError, 
75 clearError: clearError,
76 getReq: getReq
77 }
